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MxM GremlinSage's 1x1

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[ About ]
Hello! I am Sage or GremlinSage works too, or just Gremlin. I'm in my late 30s and I've been roleplaying for a long time pretty consistently. For the last 10+ years it was on video games (WoW/FFXIV) and I have recently returned to forum RP in the last few months for both more RP and to better my writing skills.

I primarily and prefer to play MxM pairings. This includes non-binary and transgendered. I am willing to play female characters at times, so feel free to message me if I don't have a separate thread going looking with a female character available.​
[ Posting ]
:Batty: multi-para posts
My intention is to work on my writing better. I can easily write 4-6 paragraphs up to 1K+ more words based off what I am given to work with. The longer it is, I find the more depth you can go with your character, but I also understand some scenes aren't always so large and responses are needed to continue. I absolutely love worldbuilding and while I generally do so on a whim, like much of my writing is, I can happily chat about things and come up with shit OOC. My characters are created for the plot and world being played out. A few that come to me will be listed in my character page with the type of settings they are fit for. Feel free to take the wheel. Plot twists, ideas, whatever it is, throw it in there. Certainly don't need my permission but I'm also open to discussing it too if you'd prefer.​
:Batty: communication
I like to talk to my partners. OOC communication is a big deal and I also chat in the Sanctum's active chat. The best way to collaborate is to be comfortable with the person you're writing with outside of the writing.​
:Batty: SoL and Fluff
I don't care for slice of life and/or fluffy stories. A bit of it can be in there at times, but I otherwise do not like it. Once in a blue moon I may make an exception. As of right now, I already have a SoL-like RP going.​
:Batty: gore, violence and smut
F-list (MxF F-List)
For gore and violence, you can get as descriptive and violent as you want, I have no triggers and a very vivid imagination. Just work with the general 'make it make sense' is all. As far as smut goes, I play bottom, submissive, or power bottom characters. They are usually some form of brat who do not bend well when told to, so if you're looking for someone to be immediately submissive, you won't find them here. Some may bend or break more than others, or not at all, but your character would have to earn their respect otherwise (or not if it's non-con).
:bat: Hard no's are: scat, golden showers, vore, vomit, minors, sounding.​
:Batty: my characters
I generally play twink or femboy type of characters when it comes to my males, but I'm not against a more masc character either. Remember I'm not my character. I very much know how to separate myself from them and I don't play self inserts. Whatever my characters say or do is on them, they do not reflect me or my personality.​
[ Communication ]
I am not a fan of being ghosted. I absolutely understand that life gets in the way and I do not expect word every single day. However, communication is key and I like OOC chatter. Talk to me if you want to change something or go in a different direction or just let me know you aren't feeling it entirely and we can stop. I won't inquire further, I just want someone who is communicative. With that said, if it happens, it happens. I'm not going to chase you and it's not like I can't wait for a reply nonetheless. Just take care of yourself either way.​
[ Plots ]
[ purple color are general tags ]
< yellow are emotions for the story to be experienced >

Trapped in a Game
[ horror | murderous | dark | enemies to lovers | forced proximity ]
< confusion | suspicious | second-guessing self | reluctance >

the plot
The MC is thrown into a horror game (the kind of horror can be discussed) and the other is an NPC (either friendly or the killer/eldritch themselves) but the MC doesn't know. MC needs to find clues to find his way out of the game and back to the real world again. In the mean time, the NPC starts to 'wake up' (either can be an actual NPC who is keeping his memory or another transmigrated person trapped in the game) and the two start working together to find these clues.

Once all the clues are found and they find a way for the MC (and N/PC) to leave the game, the two of them come across each other again in their daily lives and it only gets worse from there. Or maybe it's better for one of them.​
This should play out as a mystery game of sorts. Clues and whatnot can be discussed when plotting. While they're in the game, much of the time the MC shouldn't catch on that the NPC he's working with maybe either the killer or another person thrown in the game. They can be suspicious of each other if it's the latter, or MC is just suspicious until the NPC proves they're 'not' to keep him off his trail. This RP can end once the clues are found and the MC escapes the game, or it can continue with the MC making his way out but the N/PC somehow is out of the game too and goes to find him.​
[ comedy | bi/gay awakening | dubcon | enemies to lovers ]
< humor | confusion | reluctance | self discovery | friendship | acceptance >

the plot
Both characters are starting college (any year, one might have just moved/transferred) and happen to be sharing a dorm room together. One of them is an open gay and the other firmly believes he's straight, possibly homophobic, up to the players at the time). Something happens one night that involves the two of them sleeping with one another, starting the spiral of the 'straight' one trying to figure himself out.​
This is meant to be exploration into self discovery with some comedic relief and a bit of slice of life once in a while. It does not have to be in a college setting, that can absolutely be discussed. The 'straight' character also does not have to be homophobic.​
Capture & Torment
[ torture | dark | psychological | non-con | captive ]
< hatred | pain (phys & mental) | desperation | misery | fighter spirit | broken >

the plot
Muse A lays there in their cell, bleeding slowly, dehydrated and malnourished after months of endless physical and psychological torture. The torturer and their henchmen left the facility three days ago, leaving Muse A in the dark, dingy cell, slowly suffocating and succumbing to blood loss and illness. Muse A's high fever playing painful hallucinations before them. Does the Torturer return and play with his hallucinations or does someone come and finally rescue them from captivity.​
Why Muse A is a captive in this cell can be discussed in private, as well as whether or the other character happens to be the one that tortured him or saved him, or possibly both! This is meant to be dark, violent with manipulation and psychological torture. This can be in any setting which we can discuss further while plotting. I have never played a character that required me to actually torture another, but I don't mind giving it a try. Just remember that the closest to 'topping' I do is power bottoming.​
Stalker off the Highway
[ dark | stalker | psychological | stockholm syndrome | victim | bdsm | non-con ]
< hatred | pain | loss of control | confusion >

the plot
Taking the very next exit did not turn out the way he wanted. When the busy highway turned into an eerily quiet woods and that black car was still behind him, he cursed. One one hand, he knew now that black car was indeed following him. On the other, he was alone on the empty backroad and no idea where he was. Cell service was gone and he was at half a tank of gas. The growing dread that had formed in the pit of his stomach made him want to hurl. Who was following him and why?​
Why the stalker is stalking the MC can be discussed in PMs. This plot is meant to be dark and eventually lead into a form of stockholm syndrome. The victim likely to eventually find their way home someway but ends up back with his stalker.​
Unraveling the Chaos
[ dark | psychological | dissociative identity disorder ]
< confusion | pain | loss of control | pity | shame | insanity | violent >

the plot
Cassius had been called in to speak against a notorious gang leader who he had witnessed murder two very wealthy and well known men. He spent two years in witness protection, living in a fake freedom as he looked over his shoulder every day that he had to step outside of his 'home'. Until the day he made a simple mistake that nearly cost him his life a month later. Now Sentaro reigns, living his best life after Cassius' near death. Refusing to die, he runs the streets in a new city, far from the man who almost had his life. The story can go several ways; is YC his therapist? A stranger he's forced to deal with? Or the son of the man who once nearly killed him a year ago? Sentaro is violent, quick to anger and will enjoy every moment of pain he inflicts on others. Can the real person come back out or one of the other personalities get a chance to rise?​
This character has several personalities, however, only one is in control right now. It will get dark and violent or soft and wholesome depending on which personality arises. For this story, I'm expecting my partner to be able to write 600+ words and be able to handle experiencing the highs and lows of someone with a personality disorder.​

[ No Plots Yet ]
  • Enemies to Lovers
    Dom/Sub | BDSM
    Predator/Prey | Bounty Hunter/Bounty
    Kidnapper/Victim | Stockholm syndrome
    Mafia/Drug Cartel
    Wuxia | Xianxia
    Mermen | Human
    Past connections
    Enemies to Lovers
    Forced Proximity
    Any Power Imbalance
  • 1920s-1940s
    Fantasy (High or Low)
    Feudal or Edo Japan
    Ancient China
    Dream world
    Alternate History
  • Ice Demon/Spirit | High Fantasy
    Kitsune | High Fantasy
    Xiania | Cultivation | Transmigration | Ancient China
    Outer Sanctum

[ Roleplays ]

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