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MxM GremlinSage's 1x1

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[ About ]
Hello! I am Sage or GremlinSage works too, or just Gremlin. I'm in my late 30s and I've been roleplaying for a long time pretty consistently. For the last 10+ years it was on video games (WoW/FFXIV) and I have recently returned to forum RP in the last few months for both more RP and to better my writing skills.

I primarily play MxM pairings. This includes non-binary and transgendered. This doesn't mean I won't play female, just that I prefer male.​
[ Posting ]
I won't write in fandoms. Original content only.
See my signature for active threads I'm RPing in. I also have examples of writing in a thread here and I'll post two below for easy viewing. I don't need someone to match me for post, I can write a lot or a few paragraphs depending on what I have to work with in the previous post. I don't mind either, especially if someone is new to RP or English is a second language. I post in third person (past and present) and I absolute love making fun of my characters and their god awful decisions.

I can tell you I'm a terrible planner but it's been pointed out to me recently that I'm actually not and it's my anxiety talking. However, I am way better at worldbuilding and character creation/development on the go instead of pre-plotting.

No character of mine is ever below the age of 18, ever.

I can post often, especially right now and this may change come January since I just had a major life change happen. I'm aware people can't always post too much but more than once a week would be ideal. If you can't, we can probably figure something out, I'm really not picky and I don't lose interest very easily.

The sound of gunshots woke Jade with a startle. He swore they were right beside him and yet as he rolled off the couch in a hurry, it was still just himself and Tam Tam. Once he could finally gather himself, he smirked, shaking his head as he covered his face with his hands. Fingers ran down over his eyes and cheeks, glancing down at the dog that was wagging her tail as she sat before him, waiting. "It's fine, it's fine." He answered her, bending down to give her a quick pet. "We need to get you more food."

There was no telling how long he slept for, or if he did at all. For all he could feel, he lay there for a short while more than anything. With a slight slap to his own face, he got back to his feet and moved to the kitchen. One by one he'd open the drawers, grabbing out anything sharp and placing it on the counter. Moving by the sink he briefly remembered he needed to do dishes, but the thought was quickly gone as he moved on to more drawers. Within minutes every sharp knife and heavy skillet was out on the counter, but his thoughts were a mess. Just use them on yourself. The words repeating in his mind before he shook his head. "No, no. They aren't for me."

Tam Tam brushed up against his leg and he unconsciously leaned down to pet her, "Good girl." He spoke quietly, still half listening to the sounds of growls and gunshots and screams he could hear, unsure if they were real or just him, or both. Whatever riot or sickness was happening, he knew this could go terribly wrong for him, or be an amazing way to live. Jade reached for several of the larger knives; a bread knife that he slipped into his belt buckle, a steak knife he slipped up the sleeve of his shirt and then he grabbed a skillet. It was cheap, it'd likely not do much for him, but it wasn't like he had a lot to help keep himself safe.

Satisfied enough, he turned to Tam Tam with a smirk, "Good enough?" He watched her paw at his leg before nodding in agreement. "It'll do for now. I hope. Ready to go back out? Probably be nice to not go to the bathroom on the rooftop again, yeah?" Smiling down at Tam, he finally started for the door. Jade paused, looking around quickly before he found his backpack and then returned for the door once again. One by one he undid the locks as quietly as he could, listening with his ear almost fully pressed to the door for any sounds that might be in the hallway. This time he wasn't running through, or maybe he should? Just bolt, go on. Jade shook his head, bolting didn't feel like the right response and as he unlocked the final lock, he slowly peeked out into the hallway. Not that he had many direct neighbors, but he was never sure if something would jump out at him even when the world wasn't falling apart. Maybe I should've put the news on first.

Waving off the idea, Jade and Tam Tam stepped out into the hall and made their way down the stairs. Slowly he listened for anything that might be directly outside the door as he turned the knob. The nearest store with dog food was several streets away and Jade held the bread knife in his hands as he kept Tam Tam behind him despite her best efforts to get in front of him.
Sage agreed, even with what he was planning, someone was going to have a fit. He smirked at the comment, if he remembered correctly, even his grandmother was from the dregs. It seemed to run in the family, but only with the ones who were taking over the company. There was a pause as he thought about it, it had to be coincidence that the three of them took the position as CEO and met someone from the dregs that became part of their lives.

He looked at Bravid, pausing at the thought with a fruit in hand. It was definitely just coincidence, it had to be. That was such a weird thing. Sage caught that bite as soon as he broke from his thought and immediately wanted to go home now. He was too easy, it was ridiculous. Well, at least for this one. No one else really got him aroused in the same way.

"Yes, we'll be leaving earlier." He confirmed, eating the fruit in his hand. "Before I was officially given CEO, there was an open conference of which the other corpos and rich families could all come. Many of them did." He started. "People pay close attention to my family, for good reason, so they wanted to know what I would do when I took over. They also questioned if I was even ready to."

Sage rolled his eyes, remembering the meeting. "'He's still a boy.' 'Only twenty-three.' 'Being a genius does not make him a good leader automatically.'" He mocked each statement. "No, it doesn't, but being raised to take over a family heirloom as big as ours does. Somehow, they seemed to think I was just some child brat who was inheriting something beyond his comprehension."

He rested his cheek in the palm of his hand, eyes still locked on Bravid. "There's too much to do and too much to prove and it hasn't even been two months yet. Since you are here and I'm not firing you, I suppose I should be keeping you in the loop." Sage paused, realizing he hadn't a drink with him. "The financial department is on my case about the spending and rehiring. I offered bonuses every month to my engineers working with me because they'll be working overtime to do this."

"However, they have all been here since my grandfather was CEO and need to be replaced. I haven't done so yet because I have too much on my plate. I will be making a meeting on Friday with marketing to discuss whether or not it would be wise to move up the release of the new line from November to June. Which will give me a shorter deadline but the company needs them out sooner than I predicted."
[ Communication ]
I am not a fan of being ghosted. I absolutely understand that life gets in the way and I do not expect word every single day. However, communication is key and I like OOC chatter. Talk to me if you want to change something or go in a different direction or just let me know you aren't feeling it entirely and we can stop. I won't inquire further, I just want someone who is communicative.​

With that said, if it happens, it happens. I'm not going to chase you and it's not like I can't wait for a reply nonetheless. Just take care of yourself either way.​

Remember I'm not my character. I very much know how to separate myself from them and I don't play self inserts. Whatever my characters say or do is on them, they do not reflect me or my personality.​
[ Smut ]
Erotic Content is fine with me. I am sub or bottom depending on context as are my characters. At times power bottom as well. I have no triggers so anything can go. However there's several specific things I will not do under any circumstances: scat, golden showers, vore, vomit, minors, sounding. See F-List if you'd prefer.
[ Plots ]
Frozen Wasteland
[ dystopian | natural disaster apocalypse | dark & gritty | dark romance ]
The earth has finally been covered in snow and ice, at least most of it has been. However, getting to a better climate that doesn't have you on the brink of death is difficult. Creatures and monsters of the night are constantly about now that the sun is barely seen over the frozen lands. Because very few ever make it south where it's said to be warmer and the sun is always out, clans have been formed, each battling over the land and its resources. There is no government outside the clans but there is still some territory being contested that is occupied by those who don't want to be part of the clans.
Trapped in a Game​
[ video games | criminal | murderous | dark | torture ]
The MC is thrown into a horror game (the kind of horror can be discussed) and the other is an NPC (either friendly or the killer/eldritch themselves) but the MC doesn't know. MC needs to find clues to find his way out of the game and back to the real world again. In the mean time, the NPC starts to 'wake up' (either can be an actual NPC who is keeping his memory or another transmigrated person trapped in the game) and the two start working together to find these clues.

Once all the clues are found and they find a way for the MC (and N/PC) to leave the game, the two of them come across each other again in their daily lives and it only gets worse from there. Or maybe it's better for one of them.
[ comedy | bi/gay awakening | college | dubcon ]
Both characters are starting college (any year, one might have just moved/transferred) and happen to be sharing a dorm room together. One of them is an open gay and the other firmly believes he's straight, possibly homophobic, up to the players at the time). Something happens one night that involves the two of them sleeping with one another, starting the spiral of the 'straight' one trying to figure himself out. This is meant to be exploration into self discovery with some comedic relief and a bit of slice of life once in a while.
[ torture | dark | psychological | non-con | captive ]
A lays there in their cell, bleeding slowly, dehydrated and malnourished after months of endless physical and psychological torture. The torturer and their henchmen left the facility three days ago, leaving A in the dark, dingy cell, slowly suffocating and succumbing to blood loss and illness. A high fever playing painful hallucinations before them.

Does the Torturer return and play with his hallucinations or does someone come and finally rescue them from captivity.
Off the Highway
[ dark | stalker | psychological ]
Taking the very next exit did not turn out the way he wanted. When the busy highway turned into an eerily quiet woods and that black car was still behind him, he cursed. One one hand, he knew now that black car was indeed following him. On the other, he was alone on the empty backroad and no idea where he was. Cell service was gone and he was at half a tank of gas. The growing dread that had formed in the pit of his stomach made him want to hurl. Who was following him and why?

[ Characters w/o Story ]
Ice Demon/Spirit | High Fantasy
Kitsune | High Fantasy
Xiania | Cultivation | Transmigration | Ancient China
Mafia | Crime | Detective | Modern/Realistic | NYC​
[ Settings & Pairings ]
Enemies to Lovers
Dom/Sub | BDSM
Predator/Prey | Bounty Hunter/Bounty
Kidnapper/Victim | Stockholm syndrome
Mafia/Drug Cartel
Wuxia | Xianxia
Mermen | Human
Past connections
Enemies to Lovers
Forced Proximity
Any Power Imbalance
Fantasy (High or Low)
Feudal or Edo Japan
Ancient China
Dream world
Alternate History

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