Character(s) GremlinSage's Character Book

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Character(s) GremlinSage's Character Book


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Welcome; feel free to browse. These are just characters that I've created that either have a story or don't. If you see one you want to interact with, feel free to send me a PM and we can do some worldbuilding and plotting!

[xtable=600pxx@|border:0|bcolor:|bcenter]{tr}{td=border:0}[CENTER][h1][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]「[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)]✦[/COLOR] [FONT=Book Antiqua]Character Name Here[/FONT] [COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)]✦[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]」[/COLOR][/h1][/CENTER]

[B]Verse:[/B] ---
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[B]Occupation:[/B] ---
[B]Role:[/B] ---

[B]Personality:[/B] ---

[B]Background:[/B] ---
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Sage Cedeno

Verse: Cyberpunk
Story: Offsite
[ x - x ]​

Name: Sage Cedeno
Age: 23
Race: Human
Birthplace: Vaporwell
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Voice Claim:

Hair: Red
Eyes: Heterochromia; green/purple
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Slender
Tattoos: Burning pixie cage on his left thigh and biohazard sign over his right hip
Piercings: Three on his lobe, two on his upper cartilage (both ears)

Occupation: CEO of Cedeno Technologies, Inc.
Role: Netrunner, Bioengineer

Personality: Publicly, Sage is reserved, refined and extremely observant. Having been in the public eye from the day he was born, he was raised to have patience and take every word in stride when speaking with others. Much of the time he keeps a stance that is open and inviting, a content smile and politely nods and greets those he speaks to. He only ever speaks exactly as much as he needs to get his point across or to gain the trust of whoever he is meeting with. Everything he does is for the endgame goal he has in mind.

Out of the public's view, however, Sage is much more casual and laid back with a hidden temper when he is in a low mood. His attire changes between these two different versions of him; publicly he will always dress in clean cut, casual business wear while at home and in private, he can be seen in something as simple as shirt and shorts, half shirts and techwear pants or women's clothing when he's well and truly alone.

Background: The youngest of four children to Rain and Hendi Cedeno, Sage was born with hypoglycemia, type 1 diabetes. Despite this health issue, he had little or no issues elsewhere. By the time he was five, Sage could have a full on conversation with adults with a full understanding of how cybernetics worked and the biology behind it. He could read far ahead of children at his age and had learned how to spell, do math and start upgrading technology his grandfather brought to him.

The Cedeno's were already known to have tutors come and teach their children rather than sending them to school. However, Sage had proven to be a difficult student as he grew bored too easily and often could be heard schooling the tutor instead. With the way he was learning and how fast he could learn, both of his parents agreed to try a different approach presented to them by his grandfather; just let him teach Sage.

This satisfied Sage and learned all he needed to know through his grandfather and father when it came to the family's business. His interests had always been in hacking and bioengineering and several times they had invited their own bioengineers and netrunners, as well as outside ones with ties to the Cedeno's to teach Sage until he felt comfortable on his own. At eighteen, Sage had became known publicly as one of the best netrunners of the generation, having beat out the previous who held the title in a run that would test his abilities.

Since then, Sage had gone rogue with his work, so-to-speak. Building his own firewall and coding to protect the company he would inherit as well as advancing technology they were already selling. Once he was satisfied with building his own specialized string of codes, he began working on a new set of cybernetics with another colleague that would further enhance a person's abilities with a speed not yet seen.

Presently, Sage is now the CEO of Cedeno Technologies at the age of 23 and his learning has taking a different path. While he remains true to his work and continues to improve on his skills, he is starting to learn about the problems in the dregs and what truly happens in the city he grew up in. He is close with his brother Sato, who is currently aiding people in Steelfall, but his two older brothers do not speak to him.
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Verse: Fantasy
Story: ----

Name: Janara
Age: Unknown
Race: Ice Spirit (or Demon)
Birthplace: Unknown
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair: White
Eyes: Pale blue
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Slender
Features: Blue crystals adorn much of his body; crawling up the sides of his legs and upper body, tracing along his arms and the back of his hands as well as along part of his jaw and hairline. They illuminate when he uses his ice magic.
Piercings: Silver cuffs along his lobes with a chain connecting another cuff to the pointed ears

Role: Ice Spirit

Personality: Being mute has made his life difficult, especially since he doesn't remember how he lost it, or when, but he remembers having one. He is a playful spirit who enjoys having a lot of fun and pulling small pranks on his friends or even his enemies. Many times he has to be reminded a situation is serious but he does his best to come through to help when it's needed.

When he could speak, he never thought of other ways to communicate with people. Now that he's mute, Janara struggles to get his point across as he tries to find some way to communicate to people. This often leads him to frustration and throwing a temper tantrum which results in the immediate area turning to ice as he pouts.

Background: Before becoming an Ice Spirit, Janara was actually an Earth Spirit. He thrived in warm climates and constantly paid attention to his ward which was always in full bloom. His rival was the ice spirit of that time of who he constantly was in some form of fight with. The last thing he remembers before reawakening as an Ice Spirit, is being pulled into a lake and the previous Ice Spirit encasing him in a thick block of ice.
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Verse: Adventure
Story: Legend of Zafiria (active)

Name: Jaden
Age: 25
Race: Human
Birthplace: Unknown
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual

Hair: Black
Eyes: Gold
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Athletic
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Lobes

Occupation: Treasure Hunter
Role: Rogue

Personality: Jade likes chatter, even if it's not him actually chatting. He's active, outgoing and enjoys a good adventure that results in him getting some good money out of it. He can be playful and finds it easy to make friends but he's quick to change his attitude the moment he feels crossed.

Background: In the Works
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AI Art found via Pinterest - only a general reference
Verse: High Fantasy
Story: searching

Name: Amethyst
Age: Unknown
Race: Kitsune
Birthplace: -----
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair: Purple (Amethyst)
Eyes: Purple
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Slim
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None

Personality: Introverted, studious, ambitious (WIP)

Background: TBD
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Xiao Ling | Sorin

Verse: Xianxia, Cultivation, Transmigration
Story: --

Original Name: Liu Bai
Alias: Sorin
Transmigration Name: Xiao Ling
Title: TBD
Age: Before Death: 26, Transmigration: 20
Race: Human
Birthplace: China
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Athletic
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None

Occupation: Pre Death: Family owned convenience store
Cultivation Level: Golden Core

Personality: Sorin is outgoing, studious and a hard worker. He enjoys playing games and music, as well as singing and spending time with his family and friends. Known to play small, harmless pranks, Sorin enjoys lighting up the room and helping his friends out of a slump whenever he can.

Background: Xiao Ling was known as a prodigy, having managed to get his golden core at an early age. Much of his life was spent meditating, learning and helping those in need. He kept a stoic expression and was not easily swayed by others. This didn't mean he was without problems. Due to a rival's obsession with taking Xiao Ling down, a fight ensued one evening that led to Xiao Ling's death.

Sorin was a well behaved son who helped his family run the convenience store they owned. He still had many of the same friends he had growing up and when he wasn't working the store, he was usually out with his friends or his fiancé. He believed in staying in his lane and very rarely stepped out of it, keeping to his friends and family and never allowing himself to get into drama that had nothing to do with him or his family. Every weekend, Sorin enjoyed hanging out at the local bar and singing karaoke. One evening, Sorin was out on his bike when a truck came speeding through a red light and smashed into him, killing Sorin instantly.

Upon waking up, Sorin finds himself alone in a forest, with no voice and only his memories of his own life.
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Kaelan Grey

Verse: Slice of Life
Story: Snowed In (active)

Name: Kaelan Grey
Age: 26
Race: Human
Birthplace: --
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Slim
Tattoos: Right arm
Piercings: Multiple along both ears

Occupation: WIP

Personality: WIP

Background: WIP
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Prince Hailong

Verse: Fantasy
Story: Azurethra (active)

Name: Hailong
Age: --
Race: Dragon shifter
Birthplace: Azurethra
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair: White
Eyes: Pale blue
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Slender
Features: Blue scales developing along the sides of his torso

Role: Prince of Azurethra, next in line for the throne

Personality: WIP

Background: WIP
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Eve Clement

Verse: Dark Fantasy, Horror
Story: Tilly Town RP
World: Tilly Town

Name: Eve Clement
Age: 26
Race: Human
Birthplace: Howling Forest
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual

Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 5'2"
Build: Slender
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Lobes

Role: Witch
Familiar: Raven

Personality: Quiet, curious and persistent, when Eve wants something, she will go for it. Very few things stop her and she doesn't care how she gets to the prize she is aiming for. When interacting with others outside of the Coven, Eve is somewhat patient, observing how those around her talk, move and behave very closely. This was the best way for her to learn how to blend with the humans of Tilly Town and a habit she never grew out of. To the human's, she is a weird, shy girl who has offered at times to help them in a time of need.

As the daughter of the Coven leader, she tends to oft look down on her fellow witches, save the few who follow her and her direct family. She's been known to loser her temper when she is proven wrong and rarely accepts her own misgivings. Both of her parents spoil her and have been criticized by the other Coven members before being quickly silenced. She has very few friends amongst her fellow witches and rarely has had good interactions with other supernatural beings that live in the forest.

Born as the only surviving twin in the Flame Circle, Eve was raised both spoiled and constantly being watched closely. For every mistake she made there had been consequences and for every consequence saw her retaliation. Though much of this had been done in private and while she was taken to the Coven, Eve played the well behaved girl she was expected to be. Her early years were spent studying and learning, influenced by the other witches within the Coven with little time to do much else.

Once she reached her teens, her curiosity and want to explore led her to sneaking out often from home, finding herself in Tilly Town where she started learning more about humans. For the first time in her life, Eve felt a bit more normal and started visiting as often as she could. She'd make friends that she kept at arms length, each of who had an inkling that she wasn't one of them but didn't seem to care much. Somehow, much to her surprise, no one ever went after her for being friends with their children.

As an adult, Eve still visits Tilly Town, observing quietly in the shadows while she watches them go about their days and sometimes interacting with them. Those she spent time with growing up now had families and she was no longer someone they interacted with. Funny how things change once you're an adult.
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Kirin of the Sapphire Owls

Verse: Apocalypse, dystopian, adventure
Story: Frostbite

Name: Kirin
Clan: The Sapphire Owls
Age: 29
Race: Human
Birthplace: Within the clan's birthing room
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual

Hair: Long, black, straight
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Athletic
Tattoos: Owl on right arm
Piercings: None

Role: Healer

Personality: When it comes to his duties as a healer, Kirin is rather serious about it. He rarely finds humor in people's misfortune and, according to his two brothers and sister, tends to lack humor in general. Many times jokes tend to go over his head, even when he's the one making them unintentionally. When he's not stuck helping the healers of his clan, Kirin can be found sating a need to explore and go on adventures, albeit usually by himself since he is rarely allowed outside the clan's walls. Adaptable to most situations, he's fast on his feet and has a good understanding of the wind magic abilities he has developed.

Background: Born the fourth child of the clan leaders, Kirin had an innate ability for healing that had immediately decided his station. Since he was not the one taking the 'throne' once his father stepped down or passed on, Kirin was raised mainly by his mother and the other healers within the clan to further develop his abilities. Much of his childhood had been spent studying and tutoring others while his older brothers were allowed to travel and his youngest sister eventually was married off to one of their best warriors of the current generation.

The older he became, the more his want to explore grew until he finally took the first step to sneak out. This did, however, cause some issues as he nearly drowned in a nearby lake when the ice above the water broke while he stood on it. By the time he dragged himself out and found his way close to home, he was nearly dead and spent months recovering. Extra eyes were focused on him afterward, forced to stay within the walls and keep to his duties as healer. However, this just let him be more careful the next time he snuck out.
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Noel Moore

Verse: American Modern/Realistic, Mafia, Crime, Detective
Story: ---

Name: Noel Moore
Age: 26
Race: Human
Birthplace: NYC
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair: Brown, shoulder length, curly
Eyes: Blue-green
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Athletic
Tattoos: Covering most of his body
Piercings: Cartilage and lobes

Occupation: Ethical hacker, cybersecurity
Role: Son of the current Detective

Personality: Noel is quiet and reserved upon first impressions. He spends much of his time reading, listening to music, gaming and further learning and staying up-to-date on the current news when it comes to the internet world. Once he let's someone in close enough and becomes more comfortable, his real personality shines. Loud, talkative and easily excitable with a short temper and lack of patience. A smartass at nearly all times and serious when he needs to be.

Background: Noel was born on Christmas, hence his name as his mother wished before she passed, growing up with just his father. He had a good childhood, spending a lot of time with his father when he wasn't working, going to the park and on 'adventures' as he liked to call them and Noel loved every minute of it. He had a want for nothing and a drive to work and do good like his father.

While they had a good relationship even in his teen and adult years, Noel's outlook on people soured and he spent more time with the few friends he had and learning the things he was interested in. He leads a rather boring life and is perfectly fine with it as it is; work and home and repeat, sometimes visiting his father in between.
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