MxF Guilty Pleasures and Erotic Ventures

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MxF Guilty Pleasures and Erotic Ventures

Speak Evil

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Today 9:38 PM
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Just your average site lurker crawling out of the shadows to enjoy some rp.

(Please read this thread thoroughly. Any questions, propositions, or potential partnerships can be brought to PM. Please do not post in this thread, thank you.)
I'm looking for twisted tales told through graphic raw tones, with scenes darkly written and characters portrayed realistically. I love to explore those grey areas that society forces us to ignore, not everything I write about I believe in or practice or want anyone to practice ever for that matter, but it's like a car crash on the side of the freeway, just can't look away out of morbid curiosity, it's just human nature. But exploring these things through fictional writing allows me to delve into that very part of the brain that makes you keep looking without sacrificing a bit of my moral compass or having to be angry at how cruel the world can be. I thought this would be a good site to execute that, given the history behind its name.

I seek only 1 or 2 more partners as I currently have some free time after a bout of busyness and will be very particular with whom I partner up with. I want someone I can genuinely resonate with and actually enjoys erotic, dark, and mature content. I provide a few guidelines that should better assist in my find for a suited partner. I don't mind what gender you are in real life and what you play on screen. Lastly I want to be certain and confident in the partners I choose so I apologize in advance if I may deny you even after some discussion, that doesn't mean I dislike you or your style, and that in the future we won't be able to role play, it just means I'm looking for something in particular at the moment.

This time around I have a few plots and ideas I want to do, or at least something on the line of them. If you do take an interest in me, please come with a taste of what you have in mind, especially if none of my ideas or plots interest you.

My Information
Reply and Post Frequency

    • I aim for once a week replies, but it can very much vary. I'm a busy person, working two jobs and juggling social life, school prep, and other humanly duties with it. Roleplay is my leisure activity which will never come before anything in my real life. I take my time with my responses because I want to enjoy my time writing and provide solid quality content for my partner. Of course I will keep my partner as informed of my situation and response times as frequently as possible, but be prepared for long waits during those busier weeks.
Style, Habits and Length

    • I do third person past tense couple with a moderately story moving narrative, I mostly focus my efforts in character depth, story cohesiveness, and chemistry. I've always loved to write and have dabbled in novella in the past, I've definitely calmed down abit having taken a great break from it, I now prefer to do a more lax 3 - 8 paragraphs in my posts. However I still practice much more than that, usually in the beginning or juicier parts of the role play.
Grammar and Punctuation

    • I would like to believe I have pretty good grammar, but I will probably make mistakes here and there, as well as miss a punctuation or two.

    • I wish to play main female character in a fxm pairing, I'll play any gender/non-gendered side character, multiple characters, and side pairings of fxm, fxf, and mxm. I may be open to a fxf main but need the right characters to do it with.
Canon Characters

    • I may show interests in playing in establish worlds of fiction, however I do not wish to play the canon characters in that world, I like playing and playing with new and unique characters.
Eroticism and Smut
It's no mystery at this point that I like my rps dark, but also I love romances equally as wicked. Power imbalances, rough around the edges characters, dubious consent and non-con, coercion, forcefulness, dom/sub relationships, subtle discipline and reinforcement. But I like the bittersweet moments to, ones of affection and passion, tenderness and intimacy between the most damaged of characters and relationships. I have more things I like to see in rps, but that can be further explored through pm and are not required but desired.

    • I adore smut but I am not looking to write pornography and have never been a fan of it. I need substance, reasoning, realism and story line, I'm not going to do the "percentage" thing, I think the erotic moments should be natural, unforced, called for and stay within the characters established personality and development.
    • And again, I do not like porn, I don't want ridiculous story designs that focus around characters doing it.
    • My distastes in generally are vore, scat, very unrealistic scenes, and main character death. I don't do extreme abuse between main character relationships either, roughness is great but beatings, bad injuries, and other similar things between our main pairing I'm not interested in. I've never been attracted by incest, sexist themes, furries, or watersports either.
    • My characters, position? In a pairing, at the moment having one rp with a where I play the more "pushed around"/bottom character, and the other rp a more dominant switch type would be ideal. But we can throw out the made up dynamics and be more realistic, seeing where the kinships goes with our characters and world setting. But i'd like these relationships to grow and transform, whether in a good or bad way people don't stay the same and neither does their relationship.
Partner Guidelines

    • Post length: At this point it's clear I like to write, but I also love to read, weird huh? I appreciate the phrase "quality over quantity" but find I need some eye candy to read through which sometimes has more to do with length. I don't expect my partner to match my length, since I do often write in abundance, but I need a partner who likes to actually write to and doesn't mind a challenge sometimes. My, let's say, minimum requirement per post a solid 2 to 3 solid paragraphs with more expected.
    • Grammar: I'm not nit picky when it comes to a few spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar mistakes, however an excess of curable typos, lack of paragraph separation, and other related things will spoil my engrossment in a rp.
    • Discussion: I often find myself pulling the discussion forward in a very one sided way, and playing a guessing game with my partner of what their intentions are. I am not going to extort the information out you, you must be able to project yourself and share your ideas and thoughts. Be vocal, expressive, don't walk on eggshells and tell me what you want.
    • I have no set timer on my partners response times, as I can be very spastic in my responses, but I do wish to know if it will take longer than a week or if muse has been lost.
Nothing is set in stone, all role plays - unless stated otherwise - are up for conversation.

Camaraderie in Coercion
Story Driven - Character Development Driven - Eroticism
Hard and Dark Fantasy/Dark Romance/Sword and Sorcery/Horror/Thriller/Mystery
Half Nymph x Bandit
Possible Erotic themes:
Sexual exploration - Virginity - Polygamy - Dom/sub themes - Non Con - Oral - Subtle Discipline/Reinforcement - Force - Consensual - Vanilla - Affection - Overt Flirtation - Inexperienced Sexual Partners - Experience Sexual Partners - Possible age difference no larger than 12 years.

In a land without a king, chaos is inevitable. A kingdom once considered a paradise enters a new age of distress, after the pregnant queen succumbs to unholy magic referred to as corruption, one night vanishing into the wood where the witchcraft originated. The king falls into madness at the loss of his beloved, allowing the country to be turned upside down with lack of guidance and frequent odd demands. With no heir a drastic measure would be to crown a new king of no blood relation, but as the council had no power to rule the kingdom they also had no authority to force someone to command something as prestigious as the throne. The times of peace the kingdom was once known for seemed an eternity away. Slowly the troops and guards that sworn an oath only to the king and queen and their future heir began to disappear, integrating into peasants in fear of the retaliation for the ones the country had crossed in the past. The ones who did stay were forced to play peacemakers of sorts, practicing martial law regular over the commoners within the kingdom, and guarding the remaining council members that protected the last threads that managed to hang.
And with the king away, the mice shall play and begin a reign of chaos. The laws faded with no one left to enforce them, rape, murder, and worse became commonplace all throughout the country. Bandits and highwaymen gangs grew viciously and strong, easily becoming well equipped and fearsome. It was a true hell on earth those first few years. Many bandit groups had arisen during those times, some very much prevailed over the rest with sheer brutality and strength, but one name rung out over the rest when mentioned "The Horsemen". A group led by four cruel individuals with an army behind them, they took what they wanted, killed who they wanted, and did what they wanted. If the ever set there eyes on a town, the people were told to either leave everything behind or take their own life.

One village furthest from the kingdom had held strong for the last 2 years only small groups of bandits would occasionally venture to the region, but the villagers were given protection by bribing a decent size group of bandits with food and medicine, this village were among the lucky few to have enough food to rot rather than none at all, and was mostly occupied by doctors and farmers due to the regions fertile soil and medicinal herbs and fungus's. But had also been almost completely run by Mythics, a generalization for users of magic and humanoid species. This village was mostly occupied by nymphs and faes, a few elves, the sensual nature most often associated with these types charmed the bandits and kept them happy enough to not terrorize the village often. But in the time of terror, this villages harmony cold only last so long.

The Horsemen caught wind of the small beacon of hope and made strange haste to crush it. The small group of bandits abandoned the village in an instant, leaving the villagers little time to prepare. Men and women armed themselves with what small weaponry they had, some prepared to use what little magic prowess that was left untrained in the times of peace, and the ones unwilling or unable to fight stayed hidden inside the towns church, knives against their throats in case they were - when they were - found. And despite the cruel future the children would face if they were found, instead of mercy killing them the loving parents opted to hide them in a small holes under the ground of their floorboards.

The killings were merciless and torture filled, the villagers had barely lasted the hour. A young girl, a half breed of human and nymph, was no more than 11 when she heard the screams of her mother at the sight of her father's slit throat, cries of pain following soon after, than only the dull silence of a now family less home. The girl would not been found if it not for the blood dribbling and pooling over the exact spot in on the floor boards she was under, she couldn't help but scream when the man began to pry open her last bit of sanctuary. She was greeted to a bloody man, scowling down like he had just found treasure, his face forever ingrained in her memory.

She was yanked out aggressively, thrown out to the feet of her temporary "guardian" told to sit down and shut up until further notice. The rest of the houses were soon raided for the other hidden children, until all were lined up. They kept the children alive for a reason, news for reward for mythics spread, the king demanded children with magic prowess be brought to castle immediately for reasons unknown. Not every mythic had magic, and children only occasionally had abilities before puberty, but ones who did were said to be special. The bandits were looking for those ones. They quickly began sorting the children, ones with a hint of magic capability were dragged off to carts, ones without were either deemed strong enough to join or weak enough to kill. Before the girl knew it her time had come. She could not use magic yet, she was not strong either, and so her sentence had been determined. Her shaking body broke down into hard sobs so straining she couldn't make a sound, the sorter dragged her by her hair to her fate, a stump and a dull bloodied axe in the cruel grasp of a bloodier man stricken with mad laughter. She begged through sloppy tears to live, the thought of joining her parents was not a comfort. They slammed her and pinned her to that wretched stump. The voice came just in time.
A gruff mumble of a voice, the sorter automatically standing at attention to face the speaker. Through her tears, she saw the same face peering down at her from when she was found, still covered in her parent's blood. He had been standing nearby overlooking the ordeal. "This one one is mine" He had the very hand of a god when he dragged her to her feet from away from a cruel fate, only to be sent into another. The man must of been a leader or someone of high standing, as the sorter only responded with a yes sir. She thought her new time with the man would be one of pain and bad new experiences, even as young as she was she knew the uses a monster as himself could use her for. But she was wrong. He left her alone locked away like a pet in neglectful captivity, with the simple instruction to practice her magic, and learn it before they sold off the other mythic children. And so she did. It took 2 weeks of solitude before she produced a simple messy spell, but it was enough. Her time with the man during those weeks was brief, he had brought her a small meal twice a day, scaring her and roughing her up when he saw fit. Until her time came. The encounter had been odd and at time didn't make sense, with how merciless they had been with the other children that showed the same lack thereof magic, why her. Why was she saved by the man that killed her parents? It still haunted her years later, that why.

Over the next 8 years of this the king has begun to come out of his depression with new ambition, however is only able to offer minimal control to the damaged kingdom in his recovery. The corruption is now plaguing the kingdom, causing crops to spoil, sickness to be acquired, and the worst the madness that it inflicts upon its victims. The madness can be contagious, turn it's host, humanoid or animal, into monstrous horrors and embodiments of evil and sin. The young girl now an adult woman is a strong user of earthly and healing magic. She is now being presented her true purpose of serving under the kingdom after all these years. The king is convinced the queen is still alive and wants her cured of this corruption, and if she's not he wants her remains. This is the girls purpose, to find the queen and cure the corruption.

She is to set out on her journey soon, but not with a group of arm guards and escorts to aid her. But with the kingdom running low on forces, the council must hire outside forces for this task. At this point in her life, she thought nothing could scare let alone surprise her anymore, until she comes face to face with her parents murder and direct savior. Soon she must face the reality that this man is her escort and his murderous group her guards

    • I see this plot as a tale of retribution, forgiveness, and a bad/twisted romance. In a horror like fantasy setting with a few mysteries mixed in.
    • A dark complicated character portrayal of the male bandit character, who still has a mean streak after all those years. He can also be one of the "Mythics" or know the magical arts.
    • The female character is slightly brainwashed from her time in the castle and has an air of nativity to her because of it, with her new but frightening state of freedom she begins to find and explore herself through this bleak world.
    • I was thinking multiple character relationships and polygamy could be a theme.
    • I like the idea of magic being tolerated but actively frowned upon in this world, as well as speciesism coming into account.

Murderous Minds
Character Driven - Eroticism - Character Deaths
Modern/Splatter punk/Thriller/Psychological/Dark Romance /Angst
Step Sibling x Step Sibling
Erotic Themes
Blood Play - Sexual Exploration - and many more
This plot is based on the netflix series "End of the Fucking World" the premise is as follows:
(The wiki premise)James is a 18-year-old who believes he is a Psycho. He kills animals as a hobby, but grows bored of the practice. He decides he wants to try killing a human. He settles on Alyssa, a mouthy, rebellious 18-year-old classmate with issues of her own. She proposes they run away together, hoping for an adventure away from her turbulent home-life, and James agrees with the intention of finding an opportunity to kill her. They embark on a road trip across England, and begin to develop a relationship after a series of mishaps.

The genders/roles can be reversed, I just kept the originals dynamic for simplicity's sake.
My take on it is two teens (18/19) that are new step siblings set out on the journey to find one of their biological parents after running away from their parents. The boy's father is a rich entitled man whom can be emotionally and physically abusive to the ones around him. The girl's mother is a trophy wife, purposeful passive aggressive bimbo who's gotten by in life on the tail coats of rich men. Both parents are on their third divorce and equally as vain.

One night tensions flare after the stepfather enrolls the boy and girl in a correctional boarding school for teens with behavioral issues against the twos will after both have to repeat the 12th grade. The step sister, a an aggressive unruly tantrum queen, purposes her and her stepbrother, whom she at this point has trust in and feelings for, run away together to find her absent biological father. The step brother, a disturbed boy with psychopathic tendencies, agrees. With the double intention to make her his first murder victim, something he'd dreamed of doing all his life. Staying true to the original, things are going to get more complicated than that.

I'd like for the brother to act on his urges, and continue to act on the urges all throughout the story, dragging along and possible forcing his all too knowing step sister into the perverse situations.
This would mostly likely be a shorter than usual role play with definite conclusions.

    • My thought for this worlds setting is a place where it's slightly easier to get away with crime, but we can go full realism.
    • The character will also be pretty conveniently lucky in some senses, like in the original series.
    • The characters will not be under the age of 18 and high school locations will be avoided.
    • Also this story isn't very thought out, so some discussion about is probably necessary.

Haematophilia: Blood Fascination
Character Driven - Eroticism - ?
Supernatural/Dark Romance
Vampire x Human
This is more of a world setting and concept rather than plot.
A world where vampires not only exist but claim reign over the rest of this earth's inhabitants. Ruling over the world after the victory of war world three 150 years ago, as immortals they assert that they are the only ones with superior forethought and judgement to be able to run the government.
Some themes to play around with:

    • Slavery is now commonplace in the vampires country, from coal mining to sought after specially bred blood slaves.
    • Werewolves, witches, and other similar beings can exist in this world
    • Will add more later
I'm pretty much only interested in these plots, but good ideas involving gang life would be great right now!

Settings, Themes and Genres
Absurdist - Action - Adventure - Angst - Apocalypse - Black comedy - Biopunk - Crime - Cyber punk - Cynical - Dark Fantasy - Drama - Disaster - Dying Earth - Dystopian - Epic Fantasy - Fables - Fantasy - Gang - Gangster - Girls with Guns - Gothic - Hard Fantasy - Historical Fiction - Historical Fantasy - Horror - Occult - Magical Realism - Medieval - Monster - Mythic Fiction - Paranoid Fiction - Post Apocalypse - Psychological - Romance - Sci-fi - Slasher - Splatterpunk - Soft Sci-fi - Survival - Survival Horror - Sword and Planet - Sword and Sorcery - Thriller - Tragedy - Urban Fantasy - Vampire Fiction - Werewolf Fiction - Witch Fiction - Wuxia - Zombie
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