All HALO: Tribulation

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All HALO: Tribulation


The Last Outlaw
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 12:07 AM
He, His, Him
I want to write a Halo story, where a team of Spartan-IIi's go rogue after one of their members, let's call her 'Emily' who was the love interest of William and he psychologically breaks down. He feels that the UNSC sees Spartans as 'expendable' assets and he had argued against the mission Emily dies on , so no he and other Spartans that are joining his ranks are seen as terrorists, when all they want is to be seen as living people that love and feel pain.

When starting, I want Emily's death to seem as traumatic for the reader as it is William, who argued against the mission parameters but for the sake of 'following orders' went ahead with the mission even if everything was against him and his team, which ends up with Emily saving William who she loved and her team leader. How can I do that? I was thinking about as he's breaking down holding her lifeless body, starting to cry as the memories of them watching the Covenant glassing their homeworld and they joined the Spartan-III Program to fight the Covenant, but its this idea that she was always there watching his back that sets him off. What do you think?

Spoiler: Sample Opening
In a somber chamber aboard the UNSC vessel Maestrom, William stood in silence, his gaze fixed upon the lifeless form of Emily, his comrade and love. Her armor, once a symbol of strength and resilience, lay still, stripped of its vitality and the spirit that once inhabited it. The room echoed with haunting emptiness as William knelt beside her, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch her cold, rigid visor.

Memories flooded his mind like a torrential downpour, each scene vivid and piercing. He recalled the fiery skies of their homeworld, ablaze with the wrath of the Covenant as they watched helplessly from afar. The sense of loss and helplessness that engulfed them on that fateful day fueled their resolve to join the Spartan-III Program, to fight back against the forces that had razed their home to ashes.

But it was not the memory of destruction that tore at William's heart now; it was the memory of Emily always standing by his side, unwavering and resolute. The countless battles they fought together, the laughter shared amidst the chaos, and the unspoken bond that had blossomed between them. She was more than a comrade, more than a fellow Spartan; she was his pillar of strength, his confidante, his love.

As William's quivering hand gently brushed against Emily's helmet, a choked sob escaped his lips, shattering the tense silence of the chamber. Tears welled in his eyes, blurring his vision as the weight of his loss crashed down upon him like a relentless wave. He whispered her name, a fragile sound in the vast expanse of the room, filled with longing and despair.

In that moment, as the reality of Emily's sacrifice and the crushing weight of his own guilt bore down upon him, William's resolve crumbled. The facade of stoicism he had worn for so long shattered into a thousand fractured pieces, revealing the raw vulnerability that lay beneath the armor of a Spartan. He wept for the life stolen from her, for the future they would never share, for the words left unspoken and the promises left unfulfilled.

And as the echoes of his grief reverberated through the chamber, a single truth emerged from the depths of his pain: Emily was not just a casualty of war, not just another number in a long list of fallen soldiers. She was a person, a soul, a heartbeat silenced too soon. And in her death, William found a newfound clarity, a burning determination to honor her memory and fight for the humanity that lay buried beneath the armor of Spartans deemed expendable.

With a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, William rose from his knees, the weight of his grief mingling with a newfound resolve. As he gazed into Emily's motionless visor, a spark of determination flickered in his eyes, a silent promise made amidst the pain and loss. For in that moment, amidst the wreckage of his shattered world, William vowed to be more than a weapon of war. He vowed to be human, to be alive, to be the voice that echoed Emily's silent plea: "We are more than expendable. We are living, breathing souls who feel and love and bleed."

And with that whispered vow hanging in the air, William, once a Spartan, now a man driven by a purpose far greater than any order or alliance, took his first step towards a path unknown, a path that would lead him and his comrades into the depths of rebellion, sacrifice, and redemption.

As William stood before Emily's lifeless form, his resolve solidified into a steely determination. The weight of her loss fueled a fire within him, igniting a spark of rebellion against the system that he once served unquestioningly. The memory of Emily's sacrifice, her unwavering loyalty, and her ultimate tragedy seared into his soul, propelling him forward on a path of defiance and redemption.

Gathering his fellow rogue Spartans who stood by his side, each bearing their own scars of loss and disillusionment, William vowed to challenge the status quo, to defy the UNSC's dehumanizing view of Spartans as mere assets to be expended at will. Their mission was not one of terror, but of liberation—a fight for recognition, for autonomy, for the right to be seen as individuals with hearts that beat and souls that yearned for connection.

As they slipped into the shadows of obscurity, branded as traitors and renegades by the very organization they once called home, William and his team forged a new identity—one born of pain, of sacrifice, and of unbreakable bonds forged in the crucible of loss. The echoes of Emily's memory resonated in their every step, a guiding light amidst the darkness of their uncertain path.

With each covert operation, each act of defiance against the oppressive forces that sought to crush their rebellion, William and his fellow Spartans would carve a legacy of defiance and hope. Becoming symbols of resistance, of resilience, and of the unyielding spirit that refused to bow to the chains of fate and circumstance.

And as they navigated the treacherous waters of war and rebellion, grappling with their own inner demons and the ever-looming specter of Emily's absence, a new sense of purpose emerged—a purpose driven by love, loss, and by the unwavering belief that they were more than instruments of war. They were warriors with hearts aflame, souls afire, and a unity born from the ashes of their shared tragedies.

Through their journey of defiance and redemption, William and his comrades forged a bond that transcended duty, surpassed loyalty, and soared to the heights of resilience. They were not just rogue Spartans—they were a beacon of hope in a galaxy shrouded in darkness, a testament to the power of love, loss, and the unbreakable spirit of humanity.

And as their story unfolded, intertwining the threads of grief, rebellion, and redemption, one truth remained steadfast: Emily's sacrifice was not in vain, for it birthed a revolution—a revolution that proclaimed in thunderous defiance: "We are more than expendable. We are warriors with hearts of fire, souls of steel, and a spirit that soars beyond the constraints of fate and destiny."
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