Happy to Introduce Myself.

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Happy to Introduce Myself.


Very Un-Ciri-ous
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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August Challenge Participant Challenge Champion 2500 Likes! Corrupting Influence Chat Monster Welcome to the Sanctum 1000 Posts! 100 Likes!
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Today 9:31 PM
alongside a bundle of sage
Hello everyone. I run multiple characters, but you can all call me Bram, I'll use him the most.

I've been role-playing for many years, and I prefer semi-para to paragraph format. It's easier to build a world and character that way. Generally I avoid the main protagonist focus, I prefer to take the stance of a side character who's there to lend their experience to the hero. If you want all the glory, I'm your man.

I don't have any genres that I won't write for, but I prefer fantasy and adventure the most. Horror and thriller writing are close seconds. I'm not picky on time periods, I can do anything from future to past.

I'm looking forward to writing with you all, feel free to reach out at any time.
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