Any Heiwa's Hopes and Dreams

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Any Heiwa's Hopes and Dreams


The Cookie Judge
Local time
Today 6:22 AM
Hi, I'm looking for rp partners that doesn't mind slow or short replies on occasion. I don't mind smut and it can actually add a lot to a story, but I enjoy furthering plot, so it doesn't feel like one note constantly. Mostly write as female but I don't mind writing as nonbinary or male if it comes down to it. Settings I enjoy writing in are akin to dungeons and dragons or some fantasy aspect to modern day. Communication is very important to me with writing partners, so I know what to look out for or try prepping ideas if it's a shift in a direction I wasn't expecting. I do my best to communicate but I got some social anxiety to work through hehe. I don't mind a bit of gore and violence but I'm not as confident in writing a good combat situation. My hard no list is simple: incest, blood, feces.

I do not write fandom pieces because I don't think I could do a character justice.

Anyway, here are some small ideas that can be talked over, or you can come to me with propositions.

Idea 1 -The Hellp Desk: A newly dead soul is assigned to become Hell's new receptionist, meant to greet and sort new dead souls. The prince/princess/inheritor of Hell, who usually runs orientation and equips the employees with weaponry, stops by to do their usual thing and they is enamored upon first sight. They believe this soul is who they are meant to be with for the rest of eternity. The only problem is, the feeling is not immediately mutual. In this story, a huge demon is reduced to a lovesick puppy trying to gain the affection of a human soul through any means necessary. Maybe they start off not understanding that they don't get whatever they want just because they are royalty, so they are demanding and spoiled until the soul finally snaps and stands up for themselves, making the royal see some perspective and change their ways or maybe they're just an oddball romantic from the beginning, that'll be up to the vibe we want to go with. I would prefer to be the human soul but that can be up for discussion.

Idea 2 - The Curse of Being Worshipped: An archeologist is at an ancient temple (either Egyptian or Greek) to uncover lost secrets, wanting to make their mark and try to prove themselves as more than an assistant. During their look through, they find an artifact that seems to call to them. Upon touching it, they are transported to the past, where they are confused for a blessing by the gods and taken to the ruler of the land as an offering. The ruler is intrigued by their appearance and happily accepts them, lavishing them with gifts and affections. Can the archeologist keep the charade up to try to find a way back home? Or would they even want to? Up to discussion. Would prefer archeologist.

Idea 3 - A forbidden romance between a Queen and a son of the King from a different concubine. The Queen was recently married to the King who lost the former queen. She's a young woman so the king doesn't interest her at all. It doesn't have to be a son either, could be daughter lol.

Idea 4 - A Fae and their Bride (doesn't have to be a woman) - Tale as old as time, Fae wants a bride, kidnaps them, and ends up with a feisty bride who decides to make it their problem for kidnapping them.

Pairings with no real idea:

- A god(dess) and their worshiper

-(leaning towards MxM on this one but again I'm flexible) Dragon Prince and Servant

Of course, open to discussion but just wanting to get back into writing.
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