Hello.... Adventurer....

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Hello.... Adventurer....


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Today 5:21 AM
Hi friends!

The name is FreeFall but you can call me Free for short! I am coming back to play by post roleplaying after a long hiatus. Constant drama and increasing demand from my career left me burned out so instead I hung up my cloak and hid away in a room with a pile of books to recharge my mind. I guess I consider my self an advanced roleplayer, I see this as a venue to create cinematic stories in which I partner with other experienced writers to play not only protagonists but background characters to shape a breathing world. Not to mention I've found having a wide variety of characters to dive into during a storyline stops from typical burn out when dealing with a 1 on 1 protagonist centric long term story.

I have an extensive background in pen and paper gaming as well, I run Apocalypse world IRL every other week with my friends and this September we will be diving into a game called Blades in the Dark (Think Dishonored meets Oceans 11). The stories I enjoy the most are high fantasy, Science Fiction (Cyberpunk is my favorite,) and strange postmodern supernatural. I've read your rules and I am relieved that this site has pathed away to protect users from PM harassment and I wanted to note that was a significant addition to my prior burn out.

I look forward to writing with all of you!

Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Well met and welcome! This is an amazing place, and I'm sure you're going to love it here ^.^
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