Hello! Here Is What I'm Looking For!

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Hello! Here Is What I'm Looking For!

Rose Thorne

⸸ She was drowning but nobody saw her struggle. ⸸
Local time
Today 1:26 AM
She / Her
Hello, I'm Rose Thorne. Its been a few years or so since I was last on the site due to some issues in my personal life, but I'm finally back and looking for some people who would be interested in one X one stories. I of course still have the plenty of already written out beginnings to some amazing story lines that I would like to do but I'm always open for other ideas. I'm a bit rusty so giving me some time to build of the courage and ability to write properly will be needed! I am a para to semi-para writer I normally don't do one lines unless in a conversation form and even then I try to make it at least one paragraph! Below are some ideas I have/want to do. (No fandoms please)

Some rules that I have when writing with me.

1. No text talk. I enjoy reading your post when its more like reading a book than a text. Adding text talk just makes it feel less interesting to me.

2. Try to keep one lining to a minimum. I understand not everyone is able to always write a full paragraph for every single post, (Even I one line on occasion.) But it becomes less interesting if all i'm getting are a bunch of one line or one word responses.

3. Do try to post as much as you can. I have really bad anxiety so this is a way of me escaping my reality and being able to reset for my day. I do at least want one or two post a day at a minimum but more is defiantly okay with me. (I understand if you miss a day or two just don't be mad when i boop you to see if you alive XD. I will probably miss a few days here and there due to my medical problems so I'm sorry if I suddenly vanish for a day or two Two at the most)

4. Don't be a punctuation Nazi. I come from a small town where education was throw to the side for some stupid football program so despite taking all the English classes I could take back in high school I still wasn't taught anything.

5. If you offended by mature language, then don't bother RPing with me cause my characters cuss. Its part of life whether you like it or not. *Shrugs*

6. Keep in communication. No I don't want you ever post asking if it was an okay post but if you have an idea on where you would like to take the story line and are unsure of how I would feel about it just ask. I wont bite. Please help me build the world and characters instead of having me come up with all the plot!

If you made it through all those rules I applaud you I really do! Now here is the fun part! The different type of story lines I would like to do! The ones marked with a star are the ones I am the most interested in. And the one marked with two stars is the one that I would die to do. (Star **)

Female (Me) Male (You)

** Demon X Demon Hunter

This one involves Rose (My first ever character who I love dearly) and her master who happens to be a demon hunter. He uses her to attract other demons to him so he may capture and kill them. For now her powers are subdued by a magical collar around her neck so she can not hurt him. Rose at one point was a girl and was forcefully made to be a demon by Lucifer himself. Why she was not killed by the demon hunter is still a mystery to her but she serves him and does as he tells her. The necklace that will be mentioned in the starter I send if you choose this has powers to make her human again... The way she was meant to be before all of this taken place and her soul was stolen from her. Whether her master allows her to have it is another thing. It was a necklace that her mother had made for her years ago and said that it held power to fix the unfixable. To this day Rose has not figured out what that meant but she knows that the necklace being sold as an expensive artifact was much more priceless than anyone could imagine.

The Harvest Festival was just starting and Rose and her Master had gotten separated. She knew she needed to find him before he realized she was gone or she would be punished. She was scared of the beatings since she had supposedly been disobedient before. She never once snitched on the others who had always tried to get her into trouble. Instead, she just took the beating and went on with her head down hoping they would stop the childish games of getting her into trouble.

Though this time she knew it was her fault. She had glanced over at a small trinket that an elderly lady was selling. It was the only one that she had ever felt drawn to in some way like she had seen it before and it was a connection somehow to her past. She didn't think her master would have gone anywhere since he was talking with some other Nobles. She walked a few steps towards it to look at it and after minutes had passed she looked back through the crowds of people and he was out of sight.

Her heart raced wildly in her chest and she quickly ran forward pushing through Nobles, Children, and other slaves to make her way further to see if she could see him up ahead but to no avail did she find him and her heart dropped with discomfort. She wanted to be free but since she was of the demon species she couldn't be free. He was to keep her till he was dead, or vice versa. At this point, she knew she could make a run for it and be as free as a demon could be but that would put her life at risk since the potion he gave her only made her eyes normal for a while. A bright red was transformed in minutes to a sparkling sky blue that seemed to be a more rare color but meant she was of high value.

Deciding to stay where she was walked back over to the small bright red trinket with black flames spread throughout the oddly colored rock. The rope was a thicker rope that was oddly enough black. A flashback of the necklace played through her mind until she was suddenly jerked out of the flashback by a strangely gentle hand on her shoulder. Just by the touch, she knew it was her master and trembled at the touch. She looks up slowly with innocent eyes then back down sadly as his eyes seemed to be full of disappointment and a small amount of anger. He was only three years older than her making him twenty-two while she was only 19. Years of being a slave to many different people and she was now stuck with a handsome noble that she learned to obey without thinking twice. His rougher sounding voice soon spoke to her as her eyes sparkled down towards the stone she had so mindlessly been staring at.

*Assassin X King

Vanessa is a blood elf who's family was killed by the king. She was raised by a knight where she was forced to constantly train until old enough to know why he was training her. Her race is known for strong emotions over there own kinds death. Despite the fact that she was to young to remember her father and mother she was outraged and trained even harder through out her life. Her whole child hood and her adult hood she trained with little to no breaks for fun or friends. Revenge is what she was built for. Clearly more skilled in fighting then the rest of her small tribe they decided to make her leader of a group to attack the kingdom.

"Your highness!" The guard said running in the throne room and bowing before his feet. "There has been an attack. The village is being attacked by the Blood Elves! They are being lead by a highly trained assassin named Vanessa."

The knight said as he looks up at the king who sits on his throne. His golden armor giving small glints in the light that it reflects off it showing just how well polished it has been. He sits up straighter and nods softly. His ocean blue eyes look down at the knight with authority.

"I suppose that this assassin is coming to try to kill me?" He asked and upon seeing the knights head nod softly he continued. "Protect my people. I can handle this supposed highly trained assassin." The king orders a dark grin spreading across his rigid yet handsome features.

With a nod the guard runs off towards the village to protect the people as ordered. The king waits upon his throne for the assassin. He starts to sharpen his sword though knowing he won't need it didn't bother worrying about it to much as he dropped it to the ground.

Mean while Vanessa had just finished killing her fifth guard single handed. She was now walking up the steps towards the kings throne. She was hardly dressed in any armor. In fact she hardly had any clothes on!

Covering the front part of her taking place of a skirt was red feathers that had been attached to some fabric by a button of silver with black spikes coming out the side. The fabric covered the back of her. Her legs had boots that went up to her thighs. Covering her breast was delicately wrapped cloth that made a nice pattern. She had on what seemed to be armor only on her shoulders and arms. With a hood on her head she looked stunning with her white hair braided in a few places and bright green eyes.

She made her way to the man sitting with a smirk on the throne. "So I see you have come to kill me." The girl just simply nodded and kept walking forward "You must be highly trained to get past so many guards with no help or weapon." The king states as stands up slowly and walks forward.

"I have had much practice. I was trained specifically for the reason to someday be able to kill you. To bring honor to myself and my tribe." She states standing still and staring straight ahead as he walks around her in circles looking her over. "If I bring back your head my tribe will be pleased. The spirits of our ancestors will be at rest."

The king smirks softly when he was behind her and nods. "Very well then." He said and walked around the front of her. "Shall we begin." With out another word from her besides the occasional grunts of the effort or force of a hit she was silent. She had put up a good fight. Perhaps the best fight the king had seen but in the end she wasn't near strong enough to over power him. He had her to the ground as she lays there trembling but accepts her death. Closing her eyes she took in what she thought would be her final breath and flinched as he raised his sword.

Kidnapped Victim X Kidnapper

So this is a odd one that I wrote some time back. This one is about a girl named Dabria who lives a normal life accept when she was a little girl her older sister had been kidnapped. A man slipped through the window and took her sister and told Dabria that if she said a word till he was gone he would kill her sister. That day haunts her and lives with her. Her biggest fear is being kidnapped like her sister and never found. No body, no kidnapper put in jail, no evidence, no nothing. Just gone. Her family had forgotten about her sister or at least tried. After the kidnapping her father became a drunk and her mother left them for a life of drugs and prostitution. Her father was abusive mentally and physically so she ended up moving into her own flat on the bad side of London. Until one day she is grabbed from an alley and taken away like her sister. (I have a few ideas for this one. Something to do with her sisters kidnapping along time ago or I dont know i'm open to options. Here is the starter I written if it helps.)

Dabria was taking her evening job through Main Street and down through Victor Lane. It was a 3 mile jog in one direction so six miles all together from the park to her small flat in which she lived in. She had stayed devoted to her daily jogs so she can stay in shape. With music blasting in her ears, she was paying no attention to her surroundings.

She came to the corner of Victor Lane and Deer Park Lane. Victor Lane was completely empty which seemed odd. In all the years that she had been making her daily jogs through here she had never seen it so empty. She got almost to her flat when arms suddenly wrapped around her neck and covered her mouth with a damp cloth. The smell was an ether-like odor and by the time she realized what was happening it was to late she was pushed into the darkness of sleep and was at the mercy of her attacker.

Three hours later the chloroform had worn off and her eyes fluttered open. Her hands were bound behind her back and her feet arched near her wrist to keep her from moving or running. There was a gag in her mouth also so she couldn't scream. She struggled trying to get away, but the ropes keep her wrist and feet bound tight.

The room was a fancy like room with a bed that looked like a princess would sleep on it with the thin curtain like material draped over the the top and hanging down to hide if someone was inside though it was tied back and the bed was empty.There was a black wooden nightstand on both side of the bed and a couch in the middle of the room. The floor was a blood red carpet and everything was clean and tidy. It seemed to fancy to be in a normal house.

Thirty minutes passed but it felt like hours and the door opened suddenly with a man that was in a black suit. He was about her age. She was terrified and started to tremble like a cold, scared puppy. He gives her an apologetic smile and walks over to her kneeling down beside her.

"My apologies Miss. I told him to be gentle with whomever he got. He doesn't always listen to me." He starts to untie her ropes and moved the gag out of her mouth.

"Now, even if you scream no one will hear you besides my servants. You will follow my rules and do as I tell you or you will get punished. Is this all understood?" He said with a stern look and voice.

She nods quickly and looks up at him nervously with fearful eyes. She wanted nothing more than to go back to her flat and stay in there with the doors locked and hide under the covers of her warm comforter. She looks up at him as though waiting for him to make his next move and what more he would say.

*Kidnapped Victim X Psycho Kidnapper

Okay so this one is different then the above one and much more interesting in my opinion. Amber is a girl who clearly hangs with the wrong crowd. She doesn't fit in with them and they are clearly just having her around as play thing for there amusement! Amber is extremely shy and has many different medical problems. Sever Anxiety, Speech problems, and even a fainting problem along with a hidden underlying heart condition that is yet to be discovered. Her parents are extremely abusive but she hides it from everyone. Scared of her own shadow and craving for someone to accept and love her she hang out with the 'popular crowd' and is asked to go with them to a Haunted Attraction Maze. When the group gets to the last house Amber is told to go in by herself and she does. Getting snagged by one of the 'actors'.

A group of friends walked their way through the corn maze full of scary chainsaw men and not so scary Zombies. A long blonde headed girl named amber was following along as the caboose of the group of five girls. Amber had been scared to go at first and almost backed out till they talked her back into it. Towards the end of the maze came the last haunted house they had to go through. Amber wasn't as scared of the place as the first few houses they went through, now she was feeling a bit brave.

The lead girl in the group stuck her head out of the line of girls at they approached the last house with a sign that read. "Your Last Dance." In dried fake blood above the wooden door that was slightly creaked open.

"Amer why don't you go first this time. You seem to be feeling a bit braver. No fun being in the back all this time."

Amber shook her head nervously and took a small step back from the group of girls. "I'm not sure Katy."

"Come on we dare you. You still want to be apart of our popular group? Then get going. When you get to the other side scream my name and I'll go." She grins.

Amber with a determined look on her face to be one of them she walks by each one of them a sick twisted smile on her face as she does. Her eyes skim the door as she slowly presses her smooth palm against the rough wood of the door and open it. It let off a loud creaking sound, probably to let the workers know she was coming in. The moment she was in the door she made a sharp left down a short five step hallways and then took a right.

The hall led to a large room filled with mannequin the looked just like the real people. Music was playing to loudly to hear herself scream little own the sounds of the people around her. I seemed odd and out of place for the music to be that loud. As she walked she looked at each mannequin and seen some real people. By the time she got to the middle of the room. Each on had come in a circle around her and she whimpers softly looking around at each of the elegantly masked men. Once they were in a complete circle and she had no option of escape she started to shake and tremble. Then men grabbed her up and forced her out of the side of the house. Her screams drowned out by the music. Something was forced over her mouth that made her black out.

When she woke up she didn't know what had happened or where she was. Her body tensed and trembled horridly as she slowly started to sit up but stopped not noticing if she was tied up or not. She seen him. A dark figure was sitting in the room with her! She let out a whimper and shakes her head at him. "Please don't hurt me." She whimpers already going through enough at home and with her friends she didn't need any more pain. Tears blurred her vision as she waited to see what he would do next.

Okay so last but not least we have one that I have been absolutely DYING to do but because of how I have it written not a lot of people have ever wanted to do it. In this RP you would be playing a character I created specifically for this realm. Yes there is room for you to create him but the name stays the same XD. Instead of summing this all up i'm just going to put the whole thing characters and starter in the spoiler! ITS WORTH IT I PROMISE!

Name- Almita

Age- 21

Gender- Female

Race- Lightling (Light Bending Race.)

Date Of Birth- December 25

Occupation- Soon to be Queen to the Angelic Castle Of light.

Personality- Almita is kind and gentle. When it comes to evil or dark things she is not one to be drawn to it. Because of her life living in the white castle which has its name by many as, Angelic Castle Of Light, she has learned to fear evil and dark things and never make contact with any of them. She shy's away from most dark things but even though she had been raised to hate and run from the dark something from the black castle, or the name its people have given it, Demonic Castle Of Darkness, seems to draw her in. She spends her days staring out the window and looking towards the pitch black castle in hopes of one day learning why she was so scared, yet drawn to it.

Appearance- The normal color of the Lightlings race is bright colors like white, yellow, pink, bright blue, etc. They are more of a shorter race while the Darklings are a normally tall and towering over normal sized people. Almita has pale white skin that has been blessed by the light to make it sparkle in the darkness much like a vampires but with more light. Her build is thin and has an elegant posture. Her weight is around 110, being short and thin making her body feel less than that and almost like a feather. Her bones are very frail and might break easily if handled to roughly. The smallest fall or bump is dangerous to her but her will for adventure causes her to ignore the risks. Her eyes are a bright blue and hair is long waves of curly blonde hair.


Name- Emidus

Age- 23

Gender- Male

Race- Darklings (Benders of Darkness)

Date Of Birth- October 31

Occupation- King of the Demonic Castle Of Darkness

Personality- Unlike Almita, he is rough and brutal, with no need for love or friends he fights his way to the top and takes out anyone who stands against him or in his way. Emidus never shy's away from things or backs down. With an unknown reason for rage running through his veins he is rough and brutal even to the ones he loves. Emidus also loves to play games, when meeting a girl from the opposite kingdom he would tell them many different things that would get the to come join his side.

Appearance- Emidus is always dressed in black. His kind, the Darklings, never where anything but black. He has an armored royal attire, a black cape, black steal armor from head to two outlined with a dark goldish color and horn like structure on his helmet, is what the royal attire is made up of. His hair is black under his helmet and his eyes are a dark red almost black color. His skin is also pale but unlike hers doesn't sparkle. The light can burn him and anyone that is made up of light also will burn him.



Almita sat in her room wondering about the pitch black castle in the distance. Lighting striking down around its black brick structure. Dead trees popping up into view around the castle. The only separation between her kingdom of Light and there kingdom of Darkness was a peaceful land that was for neither side and happened to be the only mutual thing. A treaty was signed long before she was born by her father and the king of the dark castle. The Dwarfs had owned that land a long time ago but they were gone now, but the treaty was still intact and in use to this day.

Almita soon got up from her window seat and darted across the room carefully. She slowly shut the door behind her and silently walked downstairs. Her bare feet quiet against the glass like floor that was shined to perfection for the royals. She paused by her parents room hearing them talking about the Castle Of Darkness. She presses her ear against the door and listens silently as her mother speaks.

"One day. Just one day, Jame!" Her mother says in a worried tone.

"She knows she isn't allowed outside of the castle love. Her bones being to weak and fragile. Almita would never put herself in any kind of danger that would cause her bones to break Jasmine." Her father, James, says in a soothing voice to her mother.

"You don't know that! She has always been the adventurous one. She goes into the peaceful lands of the Dwarfs old territory and come face to face with that, Emidus! He has a way with words I have heard. He can talk her into it, for he knows how important she is to this kingdoms survival. When we are gone no one will be able to take her place if he drags her out of the peaceful lands and kills her!" Jasmine cries, her foots step heard as she paces the floor.

"I have walked in on her sitting in the window seat and staring over towards the castle!" She continues but was soon stopped by James calm soothing words that had made anyone with rage calm down.

"Maybe she was looking outside at the kingdoms country houses. She's a young woman Jasmine. She has the right to daydream. She's getting to the age where she needs to find the love of her life so she won't want to find out what's over there."

With a moment of silence she thought that she had been caught and stumbled away from the door. Her breathing was heavy at the thought of her getting caught listening in to a private conversation between her parents.

"Your right James. Maybe that will sooth her." Her mother states in a more soothed tone but still had anxiety layered in her voice. "I'm going to go get a glass of wine." She states as walks to the door and opens it.

With a gasp Almita stumbled back tripping over a bright blue carpet and falling down. The bone in her wrist snapped and she let out a yelp and scream of pain. Tears brimmed her eyes as her mother stood in the door bewildered and stunned by what just happened. But only for a second was she frozen in horror before James runs to her and sweeps her aside to run to Almita's side. He tries to reach out and comfort his now crying daughter but she shakes her head and he realizes it wasn't just the pain in her wrist she was crying over.

"Don't touch me!" Almita demands. "You think you can just force me into a random relationship with a guy and be happy so I will never want to go outside? Your wrong! It will never work! Your right Father, I am a young woman and that means I'm old enough to make my own choices!" She yells as stands to her feet and runs down stairs and out the back door before her Father, Mother, or the nearby guards could stop her.

She runs straight through the middle of the sleeping town and right into the peace-lands. With a deep breath she stopped at the edge and walked in. Her eyes wondered the neither light or dark forest. It was brown like the mixture of the two main colors of the two kingdoms was splattered on the ground making a medium colored brown lighting. She shakes her head and keeps walking her white nightgown trailing behind her but surprisingly not getting dirt on it. The front part of it swaying around her lower legs and the tails of bright golden hair trailing down her shoulders and blowing lightly in the wind.

A twig snapping from behind her made her jump and turn around quickly flinching at the pain in her wrist from moving suddenly. Fearfully she stares into the shadows, and to her dismay it was Emidus. It was like two different sides of her was tearing at her. The one she wanted to be and the one she was raised to be. She backs up a little in fear the side that she was raised to be taking over but the curiosity side taking over. She was no longer drawn to the castle but was drawn to him oddly. With a dark grin he walked out of the shadows towards her.

[img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/n...NlJlYzYYvapNW-FNxfv_4_LVmsjw26DU-aN0Um7mBToV9" class="bbImage fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable" alt="Emidus and Almita.jpg" title="Emidus and Almita.jpg" >
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to sanctum. -hands a goodie basket of snacks music and writing martial- Hope you find what you are looking for here in our slice of the pie . Many wonderful ideas that spark my interest
Yooo. Welcome to our humble abode. I'm definitely interested I'm rping with ya. Just hit me up.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy it here! :)

If you haven't started a Request Thread, you really should! :) You could copy and paste what you've written out in your intro and place it there so more people can see it. The RT's are where most look when they're Story hunting. :)
https://writerssanctum.com/forums/roleplay-request-threads.23/ <-- This is the link to the Request Threads for ya. :)
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