Hello Sweet Devils!

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Hello Sweet Devils!


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Today 4:04 PM
hi my name is Lee. I am a fantasy roleplayer. I can do paragraph but i prefer to do short RP style because I work and have stuff that keeps me exhausted so i dont get to enjoy rp as much unless its simpler then a essay lol

I was just informed that the site i go to regularly will be deleted in six months so im just cruising around the web looking for a new home. ^^
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Well, welcome to your new home! We hope you come to love it here, and if you run into any questions, don't hesitate to ask any of us on staff or throw a question into chat. :)
Hey hun :D I'm so happy you joined ^.^
you know where to find me if you needs help or anything <3
*hugs!* hope you loves it here as much as me :D still can't believe they shutting down the site :O
thank you so much! i will be sure to.

-hugs- yeah but guess its time for new explorations!:)
Trust me ^.^

It's a very worthwhile exploration haha, this place is so much better, friendlier and just so much more fun <3
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