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Demon the Writer

Welcome to the Sanctum Corrupting Influence
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Today 5:12 AM
This is a very warm introduction from the Fiery Pits. I am Demon. It's so nice to meet you! I am a 21 year-old they/them with a deep drive for writing, telling stories, making art, and roleplaying. This has been one of my top hobbies for ~six years now. I have a hectic schedule but try to write a little something every day. To be honest, I'm not going to give much more details about myself. I like music. Send me some?

Now, onto the important stuff: firstly, I have some rules.
1 ] Have fun! Literally the most important thing for me, is that myself and my writing partner are having a good time.
2 ] OOC communication is a must. I love discussing the plot of our roleplay continuously.
3 ] I will respect your boundaries, always. This is another reason why OOC communication is so important to me.
4 ] This is a serious rule-- I am not my character! My character acts in many ways that I would not act, or condone. He is a villain for a reason.
5 ] I only roleplay in 3rd-person, past tense.

Secondly, my character is not for the faint of heart. On a good day he is mercilessly annoying, all for the sake of watching someone lose their minds. On a bad day, he will absolutely steamroll anyone who allows it. He is violent, vulgar, and vile. He is a demon, and he acts like it; not in the "Tall dark ostracized stranger who is actually misunderstood and needs kindness" kind of way, but in the "should be locked up, forgotten, and never released" kind of way. He is insane and, worst of all, smart. He will actually eat you, hence the name... Sharpteeth. Anyone wishing to roleplay with my character should be prepared for mentions and/or graphic descriptions of
violence, death, dis/organized crime, unholy rebirth, toxic/abusive relationships, sexual assault, prostitution, substance abuse, mental illness including psychotic episodes
, and generally supernaturally creepy occurrences that are bound to happen when one is dealing with the devil. Also be prepared for frequent humor, because Sharpteeth is one funny Hellspawn.

Is my character one-sided? No. For every terrible act he commits, he has also been the victim. Furthermore, he needs not waste time doing every monstrous thing when everyone already knows he is a monster.

Sharpteeth was among the very first characters I created for writing and, eventually, roleplaying. All those years ago he started out as every edgy pre-teen's dream demon OC. My connection to him is that we are both survivors. That is why he means so much to me, though we go about our lives in very different ways. Now that I have a much more clear, developed idea of who he is and how he affects the world, I would like to give him room to spread his wings... take off... and rain some absolute Hell!

The whole wings thing is metaphorical. His wings are actually too small to accomplish true flight.

I have a full bio for my character and soon I will have another thread open to finding a roleplay partner. In the meantime, if you have any questions about myself, my character, or my writing, feel free to ask away. <3

( if this post needs to be revised in any way, please let me know. I read and re-read the rules so I would not make mistakes, but if I did, I will fix it immediately. )
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Hello there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum~
Your character sounds intriguing that's for sure, if you have any questions feel free to ask~
Your character sounds just wonderfully demented and devilish. I like it. All of it. I would be interested to chat sometime and see if we could work together on something. Just message me if interested.
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Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Hello there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum~
Your character sounds intriguing that's for sure, if you have any questions feel free to ask~
Thank you so much. I actually decided to go ahead and make a bio for my character here. If you happen to see it, will you let me know if it's okay?
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