Hey hey. I'm microhexa, and I have an insatiable hunger for romance. Here are a few quick things about me:
Pairings (italic is me):
- I can do smut, but I can also do just fine without it. As for content level, anything pain- or bathroom-related is a hard no.
- I don't have a particular post length, but you'll never see me post a one-liner. I aim to match your post length, and I expect a reasonable level of detail. Just enough so I can imagine the scenario in my head is good enough. If you expect me to write a whole or even half of a book chapter, I'll disappoint you.
- Give me your thoughts and get me excited to write with you. Never just tell me you want to write.
- I don't care what your gender is, but I do care that you can write a convincing woman.
Pairings (italic is me):
- Fairy x human
- Childhood friends
- Knight/noble/royalty x slave/servant/commoner
- Rich x poor
- An old flame
- Hunter x hunted
- Arranged marriage
- Bride switched for a commoner or a (humanoid) monster
- Enemies to lovers