Hey Everyone

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Hey Everyone


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Today 10:12 AM
Hey everyone, I'm Lloyd.

I'm a 28 year old male that has role played since around the age of 17/18, over the years my role-playing skills have improved from meeting new partners that have helped me to improve my writing and in general enjoying a role play together.

My lengths tend to be 2 paragraphs and if I start a role play then it may be slightly longer for the intro, my grammar isn't the best but i do try so it is understandable for my partner to reply.

I enjoy fantasy roleplays and some slice of life, action is one of my main things and also romance, romance and smut doesn't have to be the focus in all roleplays but some it maybe.

I'll post some ideas shortly for people to look at and I hope to come up with something soon.

Thanks everyone.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to sanctum. -hands a goodie basket of snacks music and writing martial- Hope you find what you are looking for here in our slice of the pie
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