
Currently reading:


Eternal Nightmare
Local time
Today 9:16 PM
Hi. I'm Aenera, named after my favourite OC, though you can call me Amber if it's a little confusing. Anyway, I'm kinda looking for a long-term partner. I'm currently in only one roleplay and it's a little slow so you can expect plenty of responses from me as I have a lot of free time.
I like medieval, fantasy, violence, but I'm good with other stuff. Oh, and I prefer 1x1 rather than groups and I like to rp with female characters.
Depending on how I feel, I can right 1-2 paras or 7-8. Of course, it also depends on the situation in the roleplay. So, uh, if you want to rp, hit me up I guess?
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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