MxF His Shadow (Open)

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MxF His Shadow (Open)


Rose Thorne alt Account


















Her Master's Manor

Physical Description-

Rose has long black hair that hangs down across her forehead, it covers her left eye hiding most of the left side of her face. Under that is a short scar that runs from her eyebrow and just barely below her ear. Her eyes are normally black though depending on her power/ mood she is in it will change. Her master never allowed her to wear anything nice so she was always wearing torn clothing that revealed too much and was almost always dressed in black for what her species is. She has torn shorts and is always barefooted. The shirt drapes over both her shoulders and shows half of her thin stomach with ribs showing from the lack of food. She also has a spiked collar around her neck that is magic bound and keeps her powers locked so she can't use them.


Rose has a shy and timid personality that comes through all the time and its hard to get her to warm up to you. She loves to fight and use her powers for good but with the collar, she is denied any type of magic. The longer her powers are locked the weaker they become. She feels it fading farther and farther away. She at times will faint from the lack of food or from her powers having a sudden drop in power.


Rose, being a demon, has the ability to use fire to her will. She knows many spells but just like her powers, she is unable to use spells. Any type of magic would hurt her if she tried and used it. Waves of fire, with a surrounding ocean of flames, is her favorite power.

Eye Color Meaning-

Red- Normal

Dark Red- Mad

Orange- Alert

Yellow- Excited

Blue- Sad

Dark Blue- Depressed

Silver- Happy

Pink- Love.

Green- Sick


Rose has had a fear of Vampires ever since she watched them kill her parents and sister. She also has a fear of people but will come more to being calmer and trusting around women than men, because of how she was used as a slave. She is terrified of loud noises such as thunder, yelling and screaming, etc.


Rose has no memory of anything she likes. Bad memories take their spots so her likes are unknown.


Rose's parents and baby sister were all killed in an attack for the species to gain a stone that will grant them an unknown power.

Her family-

(Lily) Little sister- 4 years of age.

(Caren) Mom- 34 years of age.

(Daren) Dad- 36 years of age.

Recent Acquaintances-

(Trixton) Demon- 16 years of age. (When she first meet him)

(Exon) Master- 39 years of age. (When she was first put into his "care") (Now 51 years of age)


When she was five her Mother and Father were murdered by an unknown species in front of her eyes. She had later grabbed her sister and ran out of the house and into the woods until a vampire drops down in front of her, he rips her sister out of her hands and the vampire begins feasting on her. Rose runs away doing nothing to help them. She later found a training camp where she spent the remainder of her childhood studying fire, spells, and fighting techniques. When she left the camp she had stumbled onto a demon who disguised himself as a human he managed to get her to trust him and sold her to the king of the Underworld. She escaped after years of torture and was caught in a slave trade. The demons are still after her to this day.


The Harvest Festival was just starting and Rose and her Master had gotten separated. She knew she needed to find him before he realized she was gone or she would be punished. She was scared of the beatings since she had supposedly been disobedient before. She never once snitched on the others who had always tried to get her into trouble. Instead, she just took the beating and went on with her head down hoping they would stop the childish games of getting her into trouble.

Though this time she knew it was her fault. She had glanced over at a small trinket that an elderly lady was selling. It was the only one that she had ever felt drawn to in some way like she had seen it before and it was a connection somehow to her past. She didn't think her master would have gone anywhere since he was talking with some other Nobles. She walked a few steps towards it to look at it and after minutes had passed she looked back through the crowds of people and he was out of sight.

Her heart raced wildly in her chest and she quickly ran forward pushing through Nobles, Children, and other slaves to make her way further to see if she could see him up ahead but to no avail did she find him and her heart dropped with discomfort. She wanted to be free but since she was of the demon species she couldn't be free. He was to keep her till he was dead, or vice versa. At this point, she knew she could make a run for it and be as free as a demon could be but that would put her life at risk since the potion he gave her only made her eyes normal for a while. A bright red was transformed in minutes to a sparkling sky blue that seemed to be a more rare color but meant she was of high value.

Deciding to stay where she was walked back over to the small bright red trinket with black flames spread throughout the oddly colored rock. The rope was a thicker rope that was oddly enough black. A flashback of the necklace played through her mind until she was suddenly jerked out of the flashback by a strangely gentle hand on her shoulder. Just by the touch, she knew it was her master and trembled at the touch. She looks up slowly with innocent eyes then back down sadly as his eyes seemed to be full of disappointment and a small amount of anger. He was only three years older than her making him twenty-two while she was only 19. Years of being a slave to many different people and she was now stuck with a handsome noble that she learned to obey without thinking twice. His rougher sounding voice soon spoke to her as her eyes sparkled down towards the stone she had so mindlessly been staring at.

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