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Any seeking partners

ryan online

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hi! my name is ryan (it's actually ryanne but that's neither here nor there) and i've been roleplaying for ~7 years now. i'm 21 and a college student currently on summer break. i'm taking a class right now and have a job until school starts up again, so i'm, uh, pretty occupied... but the need to write lives on within me!​

my roleplaying style + some important roleplaying information
i can write anywhere from 100 to 1,000 words each reply. i love detail and love when my partners use detail (i prefer we at least match each other's lines)!​
i write in lowercase! i understand that is a problem for some so i figured i should mention it.​
i rp mlw pairings and wlw pairings. in the case of mlw i actually prefer doubling up (i like playing both the male and female characters) but i am fine with just playing the female character.​
i only roleplay original plots, with original characters. i like the creative freedom it gives. with that being said, i will roleplay plots based off of a fandom.​
i. love. world. building! i love it and i love world building with partners as well! <3 it is not uncommon for me to make google docs detailing the way of life in my universes, all the way down to wedding rituals and architecture styles lmfao.​
i do roleplay smut. i enjoy writing smut when the situation calls for it and would prefer to rp with someone who also enjoys it! ​
i rp violence and gore to an extent.​

writing sample
unfortunately, i lost most of my writing samples ;( the only one i have on hand is that of a prince from a medieval story i did eons ago​
finnian shuddered some upon feeling the cool winter draft envelope his warm body. the unexpected change in temperature was enough to wake the man up from his otherwise peaceful slumber, and he slowly sat up from his supine position, no doubt to search for the source of the unwelcome wind. he scanned the dark room cautiously, and his brown eyes, usually expressionless in nature, flickered with confusion upon seeing the chamber window wide open. that must be the reason the fireplace went out.
slowly did the disgruntled prince rise from his bed, his heavy covers falling off his naked form as he walked over to the windows. before he closed the now frosted windows shut, he took care to look down at the land he cared so much about—the kingdom his father had gone mad over. he could see the smoke that wafted above the village houses, likely because of their own fireplaces and fire pits. he could see the snow that blanketed over the farmers' fields, the sheet of ice that rested atop the village stream. when he closed his eyes, he could hear the distant bleats of the farmer's sheep, the bells of their cows, the clucks of their chickens.
finnian was especially fond of the later hours of the night. he liked the silence and the stillness of his castle, of his kingdom. it's funny, really. in his boyhood, finnian never understood why his father insisted on working into the late hours of the night.. but now, he understood. before he could ponder over this thought further, the distant sound of a man yelling filled his ears, and the young man's head shot back towards the village. in the distance, he could see the court messenger and his horse racing towards the castle. he watched as the man used one hand to pull on the horse's reigns, urging it to go faster, while the other clutched a scroll against his chest. finnian visibly paused, and he sucked in a breath. the peace treaty.
the prince closed the windows quietly, then hurried back over to bed. although information about treaties and pacts was usually reserved for the king's ears, finnian's father was in no condition to receive reports about either of those things, nor was he in a lucid enough condition to give satisfactory advice on how to handle the situation. the sweating sickness that had so consumed his father's humors yielded a low recovery rate and his advisors, slightly pessimistic in nature, had already begun arrangements for prince finnian to assume the crown—starting with keeping him up to date with the kingdom's relations with others.
just as finnian had draped his heavy robe over his shoulders, one of his advisors poked his head into his bedroom, his eyes scanning over the dimly lit room in search for the prince. "your grace," the advisor bowed his head in respect, his expression set firm as he pushed the door all the way open. "it's chilly in here. why have you opened the windows? the astrologists say these winter nights are the coldest our land has seen in hundreds of years," he murmured, his eyebrows knitted together as the young brunette tied his robe around his waist. "advisor leofric." finnian greeted with a slight nod of the head. "i wasn't the one who did. anthea must've opened it earlier." he deduced as he made his way over to the older man.
leofric clasped his hands behind his back, standing up straighter as the prince neared him. "of course. it's to my understanding that pregnant women prefer the temperatures to be lower—for the comfort of the foetus, the doctor says." finnian chuckled at this, and he turned his head to look back at the bed, where his wife was meant to be sleeping. he furrowed his brows together, though, upon seeing no woman. his eyes flickered with worry, and he cleared his throat before looking back at his advisor. "speaking of anthea, where is she?"
leofric too looked back at finnian's bed, then lifted a hand to scratch at the back of his neck. he glanced back at the soon-to-be king, and his mood lightened upon seeing the concern that clouded his eyes. "i'm sure her grace is fine. she's certainly within the walls of this castle, as our guards would've alerted you otherwise." he assured finnian with a smile. finnian, though, did not share the same mood. "anthea is supposed to be on bedrest, in preparation for the birth of our son," he huffed, then shifted on his own two feet. "what if something is to happen to her, and i'm not there to aid her? this castle can be cold and unforgiving, especially during these colder months." he began to fret, stopping only when leofric reached a hand out and placed it on his shoulder.
"i was sent here to bring you to the planning room so that we could discuss the peace treaty with hibernia, but i see now this is more important." he murmured. the man took a step back, clasped his hands behind him, then cleared his throat. "go and find your wife. i'm sure the others will understand." finnian looked back at leofric and offered the man a thankful look before heading off down the hall, and in the direction where he thought his wife would've run off to. ​


knifeplay (if it's being used to draw blood then it's a no from me)​
large age gaps (10+)​
dirty talking​
gentle femdom​
domination/light forcing​

plot drabbles (can be gender bent)
i'm open to any ideas you may have! but if you have none, fear not: i have some drabbles i've been playing around with. i'm really in to fantasy, political intrigue, and historical (like.. wayy back in history) plots. i'm currently really into plots based in ruggid, rustic environments. here's what i've got on hand so far:​
(note: i really want to work on how i portray morally grey female characters right now and some of these plots kinda reflect that)​

the demon hunter and the succubus [new] [time period : medieval fantasy ] [ smut level : high ]
the human realm has descended into chaos. muse a, a beautiful succubus from the underworld, uses her otherworldly powers to bed kings, queens, and council members alike, then manipulate them into a madness that brings the kingdom down with them. for years, the cause of the human realm's misfortunes was unknown, but when a powerful sage spreads word of a demon haunting the castle, the few sane council members left decide to bring in outside forces with the hopes of dispelling it. the hardened demon hunter muse b seems to be the perfect solution: as a half demon/half human hybrid, they are perfectly immune to the succubus' powers. ​for muse b, eliminating a demon is easy—but muse a proves to be a formidable challenge. despite their expertise, muse b cannot deny their feelings for muse a, who has managed to wrap them around her finger without using any magic. as muse a further entices muse b, her own feelings begin to stir—a fact that spells doom for them both. if muse b cannot kill muse a, she will continue to wreak destruction upon the realm. however, if muse a succumbs to her growing feelings for muse b, she faces a dire fate in the underworld, paying for her sins with her life. ​
hero and leander [new] [time period : ancient greece] ​[ smut level : medium ]​

because of her intense beauty, muse a was chosen by the gods to be a virginal priestess of aphrodite, the revered goddess of love and fertility. as such, she is forbidden to have affairs with others, and to ensure she isn't swayed by any temptuous men, she is kept locked away from civilization in a closed temple located on the outskirts of town. muse b is a hardened war general with a tragic backstory who is infamous for his brutal battlefield tactics. while parading through the town during one of his many victory festivals, he crosses paths with muse a, and it does not take long for their relationship to blossom. however, muse a's affair with muse b is considered sacrilege, which is punishable by death. cue the angst of sneaking around and keeping their relationship hidden from the nuns, the townspeople, the soldiers, and the gods themselves.​

the soldier and the princess [time period: 2124 (dystopian future)] [ smut level : medium ]
in a post-apocalyptic north america divided into warring factions due to climate change, resources are scarce, and survival is no longer a guarantee. maps and compasses are relics of the past, lost in the wars that reshaped the continent. muse a, the daughter of the king of the cold and unforgiving north, ventures beyond the safety of her fortress one day, driven by a curiosity about the world outside and a desire to understand the challenges her people face firsthand. as she explores the northern borders under the guise of a scouting mission, she unexpectedly comes across muse b, a northern soldier disillusioned with the faction's near unlivable environment and a longing to escape to the fabled oasis in the temperate east—a place whispered about but never confirmed.​ in a impulsive decision, muse a offers muse b a choice: bring her with him to the hidden oasis, or face certain punishment for attempting to desert. muse b reluctantly agrees, and together, the two embark on their journey eastward. together, they dodge missionaries hell bent on bringing muse a home, violent drifter societies, and dangerous wildlife, and forge a bond deeper than any they've ever had before.​

the viking and the druid [time period : ~800 AD (viking age)] [ smut level : medium ]
muse a is the daughter of a druid who was executed long ago for heresy and visions that foretold of dark times ahead. despite her mother's fate, muse a inherited her gift of foresight and now sees a similar doom looming over their people if the current chieftain—a man beloved by all—does not fall. in a desperate bid to save their lives, muse a turns to muse b, a fiercely loyal viking hersir (commander) and the closest friend of the chieftain, with the hopes of getting him to take action against the ominous threat. but when that fails, muse a takes it upon herself to get him to see the truth and kill the chieftain, even if it means she'll have to manipulate him to do so.

the pharaoh and the hunter [time period : ancient egypt] [ smut level : medium ]

as the firstborn daughter, muse a was always meant to be the next pharaoh of egypt. unfortunately, her destiny was cruelly taken from her by her power hungry younger sibling in the form of a coup that killed all her other siblings. for years after the massacre, muse a lived as a drifter, floating helplessly between towns and deserts she evaded assassins. in her journey, she meets muse b, a legendary hunter who was shunned by the faux pharaoh and now bears his own resentment for the current monarchy. he agrees to help her build an army and reclaim her throne, but warns her that it will take time to do so. their journey through villages and towns, and dunes and mountains, is fraught with uncertainty and danger—a potent mix that is, surprisingly, quite good at bringing people together.​

the princess and the warlord [time period : doesn't matter ] [ smut level : medium ]
in which muse a is the captured princess of a destroyed kingdom and muse b is the brutish warlord who is responsible for it's demise. fueled by a deep seated hatred of muse b and a need for revenge, muse a learns to adapt to their unfamiliar culture while covertly influencing muse b's decisions in his conquests, subtly making decisions that can lead them to salvation, or to their ruins.

the gladiator and the prostitute [ time period : ancient rome ] [ smut level : high ]

in which muse a is a gladiator and muse b is a cunning prostitute from the territory he is occupying, who seeks to bring glory back to her people by getting into muse a's head and convincing him to form a rebellion against his countrymen.​

the war chief and the woman scorned [ time period : viking age ] [ smut level : medium ]

muse a is the newly appointed chief of a dying clan, tasked with salvaging what remains of their dwindling legacy. muse b, a refugee from a rival clan, wants vengeance after being deeply wronged by her own people. together, they create an alliance fueled by mutual resentment and a shared goal: to destroy the clan responsible for their losses, even if it means reducing it to ashes. cue muse a teaching muse b how to fight and muse b teaching muse a how to be gentle

if none of these interest you, that's cool—i get it! still feel free to reach out with any ideas or plots you have on hand. i'm always down!

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