Hola. Let's rp... Maybe?

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Hola. Let's rp... Maybe?


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Today 3:02 PM
Elysian Fields

Not much to say except I'm 24, I like deep roleplays where characters develop and there's meaning behind things. I don't mind smut, gore, swearing, etc, but I don't like only smut, gore, swearing, etc. There must be a great story behind it all.

I like partners with whom I can become friends with and connect, meaning, we can discuss ideas for our roleplays and characters. Fawning over characters, hating on them, overthinking etc. I don't like to believe in writer's block because that's what communication is for! I'm always open to discuss ideas for rolelplays, I encourage it.

I'm a big sucker for romance, not gonna lie. If we can include drama (not too cliché preferably) then I'll love you. Mature themes are cool, but we can always tone it down or have breaks from seriousness.

I have no desire for foot fetishes, lolis, or weird/strange things. Surely though, I do have guilty pleasures. You can ask and I will answer.

Other than that, always feel free to ask me to role-play. The worst thing that can happen is that I say no and apologize for not being available.

Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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