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MxM Home again [ actively seeking ]


Your worst nightmare.
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Today 7:18 AM
she / they
└➤ Welcome !! I am Vixen or Vix, whichever you'd prefer. My pronouns are they / them and I am twenty-six years old. I've been writing . . . a very long time; forums, Tumblr, Discord yadda yadda. I consider myself a literate to novella length writer, depending on the plot, and I love everything angst inducing. I'm a pretty dark writer, what can I say? I have an interest in taking popular tropes and twisting them around, ruining my characters and making their lives far worse than they already were; the sorts. With that being said, I'll save the specifics for my plots. If you could please take a peek at my guidelines before proceeding to decide if you want to write with me it'd be much appreciated!


001. My biggest guideline is that I am entirely ghost friendly !! I understand life happens, and sometimes we just don't have the time or are in the mindset to let everyone know what's going on. If you don't hold me to that standard than I won't hold you to it. Though I do expect communication during the process of writing, if you need to take a break from the site be sure to take care of yourself first! If you come back and wanna continue writing, I'm down.

002. I consider myself a literate to novella writer, which means my replies range from 700 to over two thousand words per response. This will be entirely dependent on the plot, the scene, and my partners reply length but I definitely want to be transparent about how much I might end up writing! Don't ever feel the need to match, as long as you don't give me a couple of sentences quality over quantity is my motto.

003. I prefer genre's that have darker themes; we're talking crime, urban fantasy, psychological, potentially horror if written right. I like to explore other genre's too like Sci fi and high fantasy, dystopian is a favorite; I will disclose that I do not write slice of life, drama-esque or fandom roleplays so if that's your cup of tea we probably won't work out as writing partners! Before approaching me be aware of potential triggering topics that will be mentioned / discussed / written.

004. Basic roleplay etiquette is expected. No god modding, no begging or pestering for replies, no meta gaming or trying to force certain plot points. I'll show you the same respect and if these guidelines in particular are broken I'll be sure to communicate as much with you. If it happens more than once, I reserve the right to block and drop all contact.

005. I'm not afraid of writing smut, I'm quite comfortable with it in fact! All details involved I prefer to be discussed privately and at length, however. My characters and plots are very important to me and I don't enjoy having them devolved to fodder for others to use in their own plans. I'm seeking collaborative writing, a partner !! Someone to build a story with, please keep this in mind before approaching me.

006. I strictly write MxM, though some of my male characters will be transgender. As it is, please do not trivialize this fact and if you're not comfortable with trans men than we won't be a good fit for writing partners.

007. I have a few pre determined plots, but none are bound by law! If you see one and have a good idea to switch it up / around feel free to let me know! If you think we'll make good writing partners, and have plots of your own you want to suggest amazing. Send me a DM because I'd love to talk!


𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬

└➤ Reuben's parents had been brutally murdered when he was just seven years old, their bodies discovered by his young eyes in the modest home where he had once known safety. His father, a defected member of a notorious South Korean gang Saebyeog, had tried to leave the life of crime behind after fleeing to America and meeting his wife, Reuben's mother, who was also an immigrant from Mexico. But Saebyeog never forgets, and their retribution was swift and merciless. Even if it had been deemed a mercy killing. Thrust into the cold, impersonal arms of the foster system, Reuben drifted from one home to another, the weight of his parents' deaths heavy on his young shoulders. His father's betrayal to the gang cast a long shadow over his life, and whispers of his family's past followed him wherever he went. As he grew older, the pain and anger inside him festered, transforming into a cold, hard resolve. By the time he turned fifteen, Reuben had found his way back to the gang that had once sought to destroy his family, in the form of a local American subsect. Seeking a twisted sense of belonging and power in the same underworld that had taken everything from him, he handed his entire life over. His initiation was brutal, but Reuben survived, driven by a desire for vengeance and a need to prove himself. The subsect, known as Sae Geos, became his new family; their illicit activities a dark mirror to the life his father had once lived. But the life of crime came with its own price. Reuben fell into a cycle of addiction, using pills to numb the pain and quiet the voices in his head. Each day became a battle between his need for the next fix and the ever-present specter of his past. He was lost, trapped in a world of violence and betrayal, his father's ghost haunting his every step. Then he meets your character, a new detective hitting the streets of New York in search of a way to prove himself to his superiors.

- and a down on his luck street dog might be his ticket to that claim to fame.


└➤ In high school, your character was the target of relentless bullying by a one Salem Moriat, the star of the volleyball team and the town's heartthrob. Salem's constant harassment left your character feeling powerless and isolated, enduring daily taunts and physical intimidation. The situation became so unbearable that he decided to leave town in his last year of school; forgotten by Salem who went on to graduate with a full ride to his University of choice. Along with a volleyball scholarship and a hot girlfriend who would follow him anywhere, life is going exactly how he has always wanted it to. In his second year of Uni, however, your character re-enters Salem's life after enrolling in the same school. Transformed both physically and mentally, now standing tall and exuding a quiet confidence, he is nearly unrecognizable from his high school days. His once frail frame is now muscular and imposing, a testament to his dedication and hard work during his time away. His personality is different too, and Salem realizes this when he attempts to bully your character again. Egged on by friends and his girlfriend, still the ever egotistical prick. But something isn't quite right, because there's a glint in your character's eye. Something amused, something... dangerous?


└➤ Sunny is the perfect name for someone who exudes the literal sun, always the life of the party and someone everyone adores the moment he walks in the door. Back home, Sunny Bennett was known for being the sweetheart every girl adored and every guy wanted to be. Not because he looked a certain way or because he was popular, but because he was just ... inherently a good guy with a happy disposition. After graduation though Sunny didn't stick around, moving to California in search of a life away from his small seaside village. He grew up sheltered, away from it all, but now he's moving into a house with a handful of roommates and attending school to become the one thing he always wanted to be! A botanist ... or a florist, really. He's excited, until he realizes he's been thrust into a house with absolute insanity. One of his roommates won't stop flirting with him, the other is a convicted criminal, the girl won't stop inviting guys over to bang very publicly in the living room and ... your character isn't so bad. Quiet, disinterested in anyone else, and someone Sunny wants to help bring out of his shell. Together they learn one another, and come to realize that not everything is exactly as it seems.

- plot taken.

└➤ In a bleak new world, Mikhail has been travelling on his own for a few years now. His father and younger sister had died in the initial invasion, when the aliens had brought foreign illnesses to Earth, and his mother had died about three years ago on the end of an Astrian's spear. Astrian's were the things who'd descended down on the human race nearly a decade ago, when Mikhail himself was only twelve, named for the Astral plane from whence they came. At first the governments of Earth invited them with curious and open arms, then things change ... they changed fast. Astrian's looked human, save for their strangely colored eyes and sharp canine teeth they could use to rip out throats. They had a highly trained army, telekinetic abilities, and a desperate need to find a new home for their people. To which they did, taking over Earth and the humans who lived their. Some escaped, very few, but Mikhail and his mother had been two of those few. They'd escaped to the outskirts of the Astrian's bases, entire cities taken over. But they knew very little about the Earth's biomes, illnesses, what it had to offer and its subsequent dangers. Mikhail's archeologist mother taught her son how to survive on the very edges of the aliens' capabilities, how to take advantage of those weaknesses. He thrived, but since they'd taken so many humans captive and forced them to work for them the Astrian's have begun to extend their reach slowly but surely. Mikhail? He keeps his head down and steals supplies, runs for his life when he has to, avoids avoids avoids.

- then one day, travelling on the outskirts of an Astrian city, he hears the scream of a little human girl being surrounded by a troupe of those monsters. Fearful, but seeing Lillian's face looking back at him, he strikes the first alien he sees. Your character. And he strikes viciously. What will happen from there?

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