World Honeydew Meadow (Ellie & Alex)

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World Honeydew Meadow (Ellie & Alex)


Adorable Goddess of fire, vengeance and warm hugs.
♔ Champion ♔
Local time
Today 7:47 AM
A rain-soaked, castle-dotted, part of the UK
Honeydew Meadow is a quaint mid-western farming town.

It's delightful in how twee and old world it is, but look beneath the candy coated surface and it is full of gossip and Intrigue. Here is s place to store notes and character bios.
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Tiffany or Tiffie to just about everyone in town is a friendly, struggling 30 something who just seems to have no luck with money. A country girl through and through, she has fallen on hard times and now works in the local diner called Greasy Sal's.

Small town life is getting to her, but a failed attempt at becoming an actress has resulted in her living with her retired, well-off parents again who take great joy in informing her, at length that they "told her so."

Erik is new to town. He inherited a small farm from his great uncle, and rather than just selling it off, he decided to try his hand at farming. The farm came with enough money to make a start. Erik didn't know a lot about farming, but he had google and youtube and this would be a good go.

The easiest part was growing out his beard and buying a real pair of jeans. Making this farming thing work was going to be a little tougher.

A lifelog friend of Tiffany's Wendell owns the towns auto shop. Married to the fitness obsessed Sibhan Wendell is s simple man who enjoys the quiet life.

Tiffany's interfering parents. Kind and concerned they only want the best for their wild and directionless daughter, if only she would meet a nice farming man and settle down!

A cute late teen who works in Sal's diner with Tiffany. Jenny was first in line for looks, last for brains. That doesn't stop her chasing any man with a pulse however...

Tiffany's tall dark and handsome ex boyfriend. Worked as a farmhand on the Dale farm and beloved by her parents. Moved on when Tiffany didn't accept his proposal of engagement.

Erik's ex, a young lady who managed to find more success in the cutthroat celebrity world than our unfortunate young lady from Honeydew.
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A new guy in town, escaping from his past. He's 30 something years old and he's down on his luck, just trying to take it one day at a time.

A very attractive black person. Because he's one of the few people of color in the rural town he faces discrimination from time to time but he tries not to let that bother him. He's popular with the ladies and always tries to shirk his responsibilities at the "Greasy Sal" Diner to hang out with girls.
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