MxF House of A Thousand Illusions

Currently reading:
MxF House of A Thousand Illusions


Just as warm as a glass of brandy~
Local time
Today 6:30 AM
The Bright Sunny South
Hello everybody it would seem that I am back from the dead. After a verrrry long hiatus, I am looking for partners again. I think having a few good stories adds some spice to life and gives something wonderfully tantalizing to play around with while we mull about in our drab everyday lives.

Do you feel this at all ya'll? Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Do you want a lil somethin' beyond the daily life because I sure as hell do!

Ok ok ok, so ANYWAYS, on with the request thread:

Hi there!

I'm Calamity, and I am looking for partners interesting in complex, character-driven roleplays.

While I enjoy some good smut (who doesn't?) I value character development and story over it so if pure smut is what you're looking for, you'd be well-advised to look elsewhere. Also, I dislike the dom/sub dynamic, so unless you can really sell it to me, I wouldn't try.

I consider myself to be proficiently literate, I do make mistakes though and I don't expect perfection from my partners cause that's just mean. I can go anywhere between 500-1000+ words per post, and I try to post once a week or more if I'm feeling the vibes.

Here are some random ideas/pairings:
Here are some random vibes/dynamics that I just fucking love:
  • Mutual healing of trauma
  • Barflies doing wild/questionable things
  • An alliance with a lot of feels between a couple of criminals
  • Down and out druggies trying to get a grip
  • Obscure history and mysticism, gimme the bronze age, give me some of that good, Babylonian shit
  • Medieval nobles up to no fucking good
  • Something weirdly tender with a Wild West whorehouse
  • Seedy motels, drug deals, and much, much worse
  • A sort of bad cop/worse cop duo (not like actual cops, just that kind of relationship dynamic, ya know?)
  • Dark dark dark comedy
  • Small towns with terrifying gothic vibes and equally terrifying secrets
  • Something that sends chills up my spine
  • You've come into possession of a magical creature and you have no idea what to do about it
  • Being fucking cursed
  • We are both homicide detectives, we've seen some shit, we are both jaded as hell and coffee is pretty much all that's keeping us going at this point, but... I think I love you?
  • Arranged marriages between unlikely couples
  • Breathtakingly gentle romance
  • Finding love in strange places
We can go moden, historic, fantasy... really the only thing I'm not that into is sci-fi. No hate, I just don't feel the sci-fi lust.

Here is a word bank of vibes I have been searching for in an rp: Gritty, gothic, brooding, angst, tenderness, emotion, tragedy, romance, wind-swept, terror, regality, abnormal psychology, domestic horror, magical realism, out-of-the-ordinary, moral gray areas, lonely hearts, nature, unconscious conflicts/drives, trauma/healing, humor, dark-comedy, criminality, aberrant behavior....... the list goes on and on and on.........
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The curse idea can definitely be explored, maybe with some shared trauma / healing.
Hello everybody it would seem that I am back from the dead. After a verrrry long hiatus, I am looking for partners again. I think having a few good stories adds some spice to life and gives something wonderfully tantalizing to play around with while we mull about in our drab everyday lives.

Do you feel this at all ya'll? Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Do you want a lil somethin' beyond the daily life because I sure as hell do!

Ok ok ok, so ANYWAYS, on with the request thread:

Hi there!

I'm Calamity, and I am looking for partners interesting in complex, character-driven roleplays.

While I enjoy some good smut (who doesn't?) I value character development and story over it so if pure smut is what you're looking for, you'd be well-advised to look elsewhere. Also, I dislike the dom/sub dynamic, so unless you can really sell it to me, I wouldn't try.

I consider myself to be proficiently literate, I do make mistakes though and I don't expect perfection from my partners cause that's just mean. I can go anywhere between 300-1000+ words per post, and I try to post once a week or more if we are doing something more rapid-fire.

Here are some characters in need of companionship (for more info, don't be afraid to inquire)
- A necromancer who has been recalled to life kind of by accident
- A mischievous medieval noble who will do just about anything to avoid being married off
- A djinni who has gotten real fucking tired of being ordered around
- A soccer star and his dog, they messed with a ouija board one fucking time and now they are constantly getting harassed by otherworldly entities
- A vampiric literature professor who has a hard time adjusting to modern life and can't let go of her puritanical past
- A fledgling serial killer preying upon the farmhands she hires while hiding her illicit activities from her family
- A crime scene cleaner for the criminal elite who would do just about anything for a thrill
- A wild and untamed kelpie who enjoys playing all manner of jokes on unlucky humans that happen upon her
- A closeted gay sheriff who is coming to terms with his identity while embroiled in an increasingly tangled web of corruption and local politics
- A demonic lawyer who is always looking for his next big gamble or deal
- A mafia enforcer who dreams of one day returning to her native land to look for her family
- The dissident bastard child of a powerful noble who delights in making trouble for her family and hanging out with people she shouldn't

(I'm probably gonna compile all of their character sheets into one big thread of characters, but Idk when because me ADHD ass gets distracted whever I'm about to do so.)

Here are some random ideas/pairings:
Here are some random vibes/dynamics that I just fucking love:
  • Mutual healing of trauma
  • Barflies doing wild/questionable things
  • An alliance with a lot of feels between a couple of criminals
  • Down and out druggies trying to get a grip
  • Obscure history and mysticism, gimme the bronze age, give me some of that good, Babylonian shit
  • Medieval nobles up to no fucking good
  • Something weirdly tender with a Wild West whorehouse
  • Summoning demons, seducing (or being seduced by) demons
  • Seedy motels, drug deals, and much, much worse
  • A sort of bad cop/worse cop duo (not like actual cops, just that kind of relationship dynamic, ya know?)
  • Dark dark dark comedy
  • Small towns with terrifying gothic vibes and equally terrifying secrets
  • Something that sends chills up my spine
  • You've come into possession of a magical creature and you have no idea what to do about it
  • Being fucking cursed
  • We are both homicide detectives, we've seen some shit, we are both jaded as hell and coffee is pretty much all that's keeping us going at this point, but... I think I love you?
  • Arranged marriages between unlikely couples
  • Breathtakingly gentle romance
  • Finding love in strange places
Here is a word bank of vibes I have been searching for in an rp: Gritty, gothic, brooding, angst, tenderness, emotion, tragedy, romance, wind-swept, terror, regality, abnormal psychology, domestic horror, magical realism, out-of-the-ordinary, moral gray areas, lonely hearts, nature, unconscious conflicts/drives, trauma/healing, humor, dark-comedy, criminality, aberrant behavior....... the list goes on and on and on.........
I'd be down to write with you 🙂
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