MxF How easy do pretty things break?

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MxF How easy do pretty things break?


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Tomorrow 1:18 AM
Hello strangers fortunate fellows! I am seeking out for writing partners who are interested in playing with my submissive or switch female characters. I like to be as up-front and honest as I can, so to get the ball rolling I would like to start by warning my themes can sometime tend to get little taboo and dark. So let's start here:

About the Author...
  • I live in the GMT+2 Time Zone.
  • I love dark romance, fantasy settings mixed either with medieval/victorian or modern periods, slow burns , character obsession and possessiveness, Stockholm syndrome + Lima syndrome, as well as more immoral characters and seeing them struggling with newfound emotions.
  • Possible not quite entirely human pairings. Such a as monster x monster, mythical being x mythical being or Royal x mythical being.
    • The more we have in common, the better! It helps when approaching a story with a similar level of understanding. That said, as long as you are accepting of me as I am, I'm willing to play with almost anyone.
  • I have 5 years of experience, consistently write between 300-1000 words depending on the plot, and I usually reply daily.
    • Third person only for the main story!
    • I am willing to work with many different preferences and lengths.
    • I am looking for long-term plots that keep us interested. If a few days go by between posts, this is fine! I love the idea of having something that we are both excited to build and write about. Of course, life happens, and if someone has to end the RP or take a pause upon it, no big deal.
    • That being said: If you do not reply for several weeks and there's no OOC communication, I may lose some of my inspiration.

  • Currently craving DARK THEMES. Dubcon, Noncon, etc.
    • I am sort of new to this so be nice. Some ideas I have for possible pairings and that I'd love to talk about:
  • Offered up as sacrifice. (For Example) Many centuries ago a long an terrible war raged between two great nations in which both paid terrible price. However whence it came to an end, one of the two nations to avoid their desolation made a contrast with opposing tyrannical king. Every so often, they would ship a virgin maiden to sate their new ruler's hunger.
    • Lost bride, an antagonist who lost their long love, how would they cope when coming across an literal doppelganger of their dead love after many years?
    • Kidnapping plots where the character falls for her captor and perhaps charms them... Stockholm and Lima syndrome~
    • Scientific examination including dehumanization and degradation
    • Forced / Coerced Breeding
    • Extreme submission: D/s or M/s type relationships.
  • The No-Thanks List:
    • Hate to be negative but here are a few things I'm definitely not looking for...
      • Extremely needy and demanding partners: I am a human being, not a writing/kink dispensing machine. Roleplaying is a huge part of my life, but it is not my entire life, and I do not live on my computer. Please respect that.
      • NO real life face claims. Sorry I just find them uncomfortable to do, especially when involving smut.
      • Sci-Fi, Futuristic, or High-Tech plots. Just not for me!

Here, have a few samples. These are some from old plays that have been written in the past. I'm happy to write a similar plot, but not a exact cookie-cutter. I like every RP to be unique and tailored to the both of us. Please feel free to take as much inspiration as you want from them!
Charlie's sure that something is watching her. More than sure, actually, it's not anything so small as a hunch or a feeling . No, it's a bone-deep fear. This is what the deer feels when it sees the flickering tiger in the grass, this is that swooping feeling in your stomach when you fall while holding something valuable. Impending doom coming from above like some hawk on wide wings against a small, shivering rabbit.

And the worst part is- Charlie knows that she cannot do a single thing about it.

Running won't help. The woman is merely sitting on the edge of her bed at the moment, and the silence makes the presence ever stronger, but it follows. Followed her on the road, to her friends' house, to work. Charlie tried to lose it, dove into crowds of people, taken winding roads at breakneck speed. Nothing helps. It's almost like this creature is perched upon her shoulder, hands clenched on her head, and wherever she goes, it's attached as a parasite. Some twisted version of a guardian angel, always following, never benevolent.

Charlie tried fighting it , swiping the air around her body with knives, searching for invisible foes with their gleaming tips. Used her hands when those didn't work, perhaps bare flesh would reveal something that cold metal could not.


And, eventually, Charlie tried to speak to it. Threats, pleads, sugary-sweet flattering. This, maybe, has had the most tangible effect. Tangible in that once, after she broke into tears, she felt the cold brush of wind. Not something remarkable but for the fact that Charlie was standing in her windowless bathroom.

Caressing across her cheek, lingering under the chin. Soft. It did nothing but bring a fresh wave of tears.
The people bustled about the capital city. Setting up stands, and arenas. Preparing for the festival that was soon to make way. The noise drifted into the room, and she listened, as she stood, shoulder resting against the large window pane. The suns rays giving the young girl a soft glow as the Lord entered ,watching her quietly. "Noreen.. " -That deep voice bellowed into the room, and where one would normally flinch to the stern tone, Noreen merely smiled and pulled herself away from the window. "Yes father?" The words softly spoken, and graced by that sweet smile, did more than soften the heart of the elder man whom had entered. Lord Ulric of Greymere. A King, who was selfless and loving when it came to his daughter..but when it came to those who opposed him, Ulric was vicious, unjust and feral.

Noreen had always tried to change his ways.. and often times she could sway him from over reacting to something, but others.. her efforts were futile. "Noreen.. I want you to enjoy this festival, the time of peace. It's what you looked forward to, was it not?" Noreen's smile broadened. "Father, don't worry. I will enjoy myself. You need to see to your planning. " Noreen moved to skirt around him, but he placed a heavy hand upon her shoulder. "Please, be mindful.. some of these people are our enemies.. and they will only seek to do you harm." She looked back and gently cupped his cheek. "I will be fine father."

Noreen was young, curious and adventerous. Pure to the centre of her soul. As she slipped out of the room she exited into the busy streets. People from all the surrounding kingdoms had been arriving throughout the day. She'd watched them as they'd arrived.. caravans of small armed guards and haughty nobles. Noreen greeted those that would have her words, and avoided those that seemed to keep her in wrong company. The young woman stood a height of about five feet six inches. Long honey curls caressed down the length of her back and cascaded over her shoulders. Eyes a brilliant ever green, and skin a golden peach.

She'd been the apple of her fathers eye growing up, the image of her mother, and the image of the goddess. Perhaps that was why she had been chosen, her kindness and eagerness to work with others had brought her to this place in life, had brought the Temple to the decision of making her what she was. She sighed softly, and leaned back against a support post to her fathers camp. Hands idly toying with the sash around her waist. She wondered when the one her father was at war with would arrive. She wanted to glimpse the mans face, to know the one they called enemy.. and perhaps.. try her words at persuading him to join them.. not fight them.
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