All Howling's Definitive Plot Thread So Far

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All Howling's Definitive Plot Thread So Far


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How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?: I am a paragraph writer but I am not a writer that tries to make a post long for the sake of it. Though I do not do one liners at all my post will be long or short depending on what the story needs. I do not like doing exposition on how my characters think and feel because I try to make that apparent in their actions and responses to events in the story. I feel if I must explain everything about my character In long dumps I as a writer am doing something wrong. Lol also it cuts down on story spoilers and it improves my ability paint a picture and make a more believable character.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?: I have very little issue with Gore and violence the only thing I draw a hard line at is sexual mutation or removal of limbs and other major appendices I understand that my partners put alot of work into their characters and I will not ruin that; However I may be convinced to do so to NPCs.

Do you write sexual content?: I do write smut however I never like it taking over the core plot. Certain plots however high smut is fine such as the Zombie Plot and Cyberpunk one. My LitRPGS can be very sexual if my partner likes as there is always a fun way I can tie such a thing to getting stronger.

Do you write any fandoms?: I am not a writer of Fandoms but I am not against it eather. Give me a good plot and I will be more then happy to play out whatever fandom you would like.

What settings and pairings: I prefer sci Fi and medieval fantasy but I also like to play with these settings perhaps making technology that would not under normal circumstances be in this time period. Examples would be steam or magic punk. As for pairings I am a male who enjoys the company of females. I am straight as a result so are my characters. I can play female but as I am a male a prefer male characters. If you want to know if I am "submissive or breed able" as the kids say now a days I tend to play dominate roles but I could be convenience to play submissive maybe if my partner would like me to.

-Now to the Intro forgive me if I repeat some things.-

I am a fantasy writer and one that has a soft spot for the fantasticly and the futuristic but I am also a massive gamer and would love to merge these two Passions into my writing, as a result I have grown fond of a genre known as LitRPGs witch is underappreciated but could be very fun to write or read. It is however a neich genre so I would not expect anyone to know about it or how to write it so I will be splitting my thread into two major camps. LitRPGs and Standard now without further a due please give the thread a read and I hope you enjoy these ideas as much as I enjoyed writing them admittedly some of them were harder to think of then others. Face Claims are not required but if you would like to you are free to do so. There are no limits but I prefer Digital art or anime type though I have no issue with live action face Claims if you so desire. However though it is not a deal breaker by any means please try to avoid celebrities in your face Claims as I will only see their face in everything lol.(I'm also a weeb so sue me.)


Fantasy/Sci Fi Space and High Fantasy: The world is in a distant future where traveling between galaxies are as simple as taking a plane despite a large monster population. Society has prospered with a combination of advanced technology and the creation of Hunters Guilds. The Hunters are groups of talented fighters skilled in magic and many other things willing to take on exterminations and various other missions some good others questionable at best. This has given rise to a valuable trade known as Beast Crafting in which craftsmen smithies and apothecaries are skilled at making weapons armor and medicines from various parts carved from beasts of all kinds. However despite this lucrative market and many skilled hunters monster attacks have only been on a constant rise this in combination with the tension between two major super powers in the galaxy reaching a head war does not seem far off. With the two sides blaming each other for the monster problem and propaganda being constantly spouted for or against each other relations become murky to say the least. MC: Is a Hunter skilled but of little renown and much to learn. YC: Can be anything you want a member of a guild part of MC group the skies the limit. For the most part MC and his small group have stayed out of anything involving the war untill their quiet town gets entangled in the war as they are unfortunately right in the middle of the two factions. Now after tragedy strike MC is determined to end the war and find out the truth to what is really to blame for the monster problem.

High Fantasy/ Oceanic Adventure 18-19th century steam and magic punk: My Character is a Privateer after taking out a sea monster during his Homecoming he wishes to sell the creature to the butcher's in order to pay for the repairs to his ship from the damage done fighting it. Though he makes it home and manages to repair the ship he and his crew are broke with just enough to afford supplies he hears a whisper of a bounty place on a Pirate Crew that has been hassling trade ships. However with the Military tied up trying to protect civilians from Land and Sea monsters alike the task to protect the ships and take out the pirates falls on anyone willing to do the job. Mc sees this as an opportunity to not only recoup his losses but also to upgrade his ships armor weapons and Mana Engine. Mc takes the job. YC could be a member of the enemy pirates perhaps their captain or you could be MC first mate again skies the limit. This world takes place in a steam punk/ magic punk alternative 18th-19th centuray America where sea creatures mythical monsters and magic are common place. A huge part of this Rp is building up MC and YC's own homestead.

High Fantasy/ Medieval (Any setting works): MC is a shut-in. However despite his inability to talk to others and his drive evaporated do to an event in his life he is content to remain isolated and live his now simple life though he is highly intelligent and adaptive he has little desire to achieve anything with it. While at home willing away the hours playing games his monitor emits a blinding light the light knocks him unconscious and he wakes up in an over grown city. He soon finds himself in a magical world full of fantastical creatures armed with only his bare hands and his wits he must fight off vicious creatures corrupt free companies (this world version of guilds or clans) and cultists. If he wants to find out anything about this world such as why he is here or simply how to get back to his mundane life he must learn to fight and survive first. YC could be anything you want seeing as how this world is full of fantasy creatures I encourage freedom in making your character YC could be a denizen of this new world or another person pulled into it The sky is the limit it will involve a number of NPCs and a settlement building side story. This is a story I am particularly passionate about and I hope you will be too. I would like to add more details to this summary but would not like to risk spoilers if you have any questions please start a conversation with me.

Dark Medieval High Fantasy: This is another idea I am particularly passionate about: In this world a religious order is responsible for training Lamp Lighters. The Lamp Lighters are people gifted with an ability to produce flames that can be used to repeal monsters. They light street lamps along trade routs and settlements to protect people from beast attacks. However some of these Orders have shady pasts and there intentions are not initially known. MC catches the attention of a particular questionable order and before he knows it; He is public enemy number one and finds himself involved with these powerful orders when he ends up protecting one of the lamp Lighters who just so happens to be the favorite of a leader of a particularly questionable and corrupt Academy. YC could be a traveling adventurer a friend of MC the lamp lighter he saves or a person that simply travels with MC for their own purposes it is completely up to you. (Credit to missivy of the sanctum for helping me flesh this one out.)

Standard RP Plots

Cyber Punk Dystopian future: In the year 2424 cybernetics and technology have become a main stay of society. Getting access to cybernetic enhancements are as common and easy to get as cosmetic surgery. The people of this world have access to homes and food with little issue despite your finances so with most people's basic needs taken care of by corporations who not only push adverts for the newest soft drink but sexual adventures as well. As a bonus People have easy access to sex through hyper realistic virtual reality where these encounters are only limited by the imagination of those involved. Pregnancy can be turned off by the flip of a switch and best of's completely anonymous. With these readily available and relationships taking a back seat and only become transactional though relationships do still exist however polyamory and other such fetishes have become as normal as breathing and as a result people have come to hold a deep indifference to one another. Divorce is high and childbirth have taken a nose dive in place of corneal desire and debauchery. However MC feels there is something wrong with the way of things and finds himself wondering the streets of Clarkson City a Neon Light Metropolises located in Neo USA in The state of Ohio. He finds himself at a book store an antique now a days and when he stops logging off the internet more often then most it raises and eye brow of government officials. On top of all this the man starts to hear whispers of people who have suseated from these Cyber Cities. With curiosity taking the better of him he starts discovery the cracks in the infrastructure and seeing just how rotten and corrupt the world is. Is it do to human nature or a growing rift between people that make this possible? (admittedly this is going to be my hardest RP to do as I am not well versed in this type of genre or story telling)

Action adventure Modern Zombie survival (Admittedly inspired by the indie game Project Zomboied hope you enjoy) In the state of Florida a massive outbreak of zombies have taken over the news is full of these stories in response the government has quarantined Florida and attempted to close it off but the infection spread quicker then expected and it did not take long till the infection spread over the entire south west. MC is a survivor the only thing keeping him alive is a stroke of luck and a grasp of urban survival. A normally quite man who spent most of his time playing video games and reading is now forced to survive in and over run city, his goal: Get out to the suburbs or somewhere in the country and hunker down till this situation blows over. He has a normally positive opinion on the nature of others but he will find out if the zombies or the other survivors are the true threats. I gave a very broad summary of this plot for one reason, writing freedom we can make the story a personal one or a let's go save the world hell maybe we can just watch the world burn in our awesome fort. The events of this story will serve to ether make MC stronger or will simply break him completely instead.

(More to come in Standard)
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