Challenge Submission I am a Good Girl

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Challenge Submission I am a Good Girl


Dungeon Master
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
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Today 12:29 AM
My name is Caprica, and I am a good girl.

I am a dog. I am simple like that. My owners named me Caprica as a puppy because my sleek gray coat reminded them of a Cylon from their favorite TV show at the time which was named Caprica. I must say I am glad they named me Caprica as I was not sure about being named Cylon. One of the little owners said why not name me "Toaster", but the big owner said "Toaster" was not dignified enough so I was named Caprica. That did not stop the little owner from calling me Toaster from time to time. I don't mind as they always tell me what I good girl I was.

They don't think I am such a good girl when I go into the water, but I can't help myself! Water is so fun! I love swimming, the feel of water all about me as I churn my legs as fast as they can go. They tell me how I smell and how I am all muddy and dirty and need a bath but I don't mind as I like baths. They are so much fun! Anything with water is so much fun so when I am in the backyard and want to have fun, I jump the fence and go swimming. Why? Because I am a god and it's fun! I am told what a bad girl I am but I know my owners do not mean it. After all I am a dog.

My name is Caprica and I am a good girl.

One time after it rained bunches and bunches, the river was really high and really fast. It was the first time and high. No one should be in the water but someone was! A little fawn was coming down the stream, crying out for help. I was moved and could not sit and watch. I dove into the water and I paddled hard, hard, hard! The river was fast, so fast. My owners were having to run to keep up with me. I reached the fawn as gently as I could, I put my teeth about the fawn's neck and I swam!

It was hard, oh so hard. I had to bite down harder and the fawn cried out more. I was tired, so tired! The shore so far away and I was hurting the fawn! My vision was getting worse and the color was leaving. The leaves, so colorful, so fun to jump and romp around were now black. Suddenly, I feel hands all over me. My owners! They help me to the shore. I carry the fawn to the ground. He is so small, like I used to be, and so tired, like me. I go to him, and I start to lick him to let him know he is loved like I am, and not alone, and he is safe. My owners are hugging me, crying and patting and petting me hard. This time they tell me what a good girl I am. Of course I am a good girl. I am a dog after all.

My name is Caprica and I am a good girl.

My family took care of the fawn. They even let me hold a bottle in my mouth to feed him. There was a large debate from my owners about what to call the fawn. I do not know what they called the fawn, for to me there was only one name for him. Friend. I am a dog after all, and I am simple but happy by nature. Friend was a good name as Friend came by all the time. We would play in the yard and lay down in the sun with one another. Friend was a good friend, the best a dog could have.

Time passed, and once more the leaves changed. They were not bright anymore, but they were all black. I did not understand. I was really tired all the time, and not very hungry. Even Friend could not get me to play and would lay down with me and would lick me all the time. I don't mind as I like licks. My owners were sad though. I heard words like "cancer" and numbers. I did not understand as I am dog, and very simple. All I know is I got really great food, and hugs and lots of treats, all I could eat. It was not much as I was not very hungry, but I felt loved, very loved by everyone, from owners and from Friend.

My name is Caprica, and I am a good girl.

It was hard to move one day. Friend was there all the time now. Owners were feeding Friend and trying to get me to eat but I was not hungry. Someone else came to visit me that day. I thought it funny Onwers could not see them but i could. They started to pet me, his wings ruffling in the wind. He told me it was time to go to my new home. This scared me. I did not want to leave owners and Friend. Who would give them love if I left? The new person, Michael, told me not to worry, my love for them would never go away. I wagged my tail. He told me it was a good home I was going to, a place where love was everywhere. Michael picked me up, and whispered into my ear as we flew away.

My name is Caprica, and I am a good girl.

The leaves are black now, but color will come back. Tears will fall, but Michael was right, my love never went away. My Friend still comes by, and I have a place telling me as long as there is love, I am never ever gone, and a nice place to sit where the sun always shine and a stone which tells the world:

My name is Caprica and I am the bestest girl there is.
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