I Am Not A Bot

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I Am Not A Bot

TJ the Scribe

Not a Bot
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Today 12:39 AM
Hello. You may call me TJ.

I'm a twenty-something writing addict itching for a fix. In terms of writing style, I am extremely plot-driven, though I understand that, at its core, every story is character-driven, which is why I still hold a love for role play. That said, I like structure and organization and remain one of those psychos that plans the entire story, from theme to each and every scene. That doesn't mean I can't let the characters take the reigns and deviate from the original plan. That's part of the writing process, after all. And this is highlighted and even integral to co-writing in role play (another reason for my love of the activity).

I'm big on pacing and keeping the plot moving, but that can be a double edge sword at times when I may creep into God-moding territory. I try to keep things open and free so that everyone has complete control of their characters and how they may act in any given situation (also the fun of rp), but if you see me toeing the line, don't hesitate to call me out. I do write quite dominant characters, however, so if you want to explore themes around domination, control, and power dynamics, I'm open to plotting and discussion in order to keep it fun, fair, safe, and legal.

I write a lot of original characters that are involved with the supernatural or science fiction, but I am entirely open to writing any kind of genre and setting or fan content (I may not know the franchise/source material, but I learn quick and have an obsessive streak a mile wide).

Really, I'm here to write, and so far, I'm pretty stoked to write here.
Welcome again!! We're happy to have you here with us! ^_^
Thanks for the welcome, folks! It's only been a few days, but it's been a good few days. I've been poking around, checking things out, and there are a lot of interesting plots and characters here. I may even start my first roleplay here, soon, if discussions go well. It's quite exciting.
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