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"Tonight, I'm... I'm here to saygoodbye(hello) to all of you."
Right out the gate, as you probably figured out, I love Cyberpunk 2077. If you hate it, or don't care about it, that's your thing, but if you love it, I love you. So expect references and stuff. Just a fair warning.
- I hate ordered lists. Heh.
- I'm old enough to have written stuff for half of my life or more.
- I just realized how old I am, I can't fucking believe it.
- I'm a guy, but I can write male or female characters. But I'm kinda looking just to play male characters right now. Depends.
- I can put a lot of detail in my writing. Paragraphs. I won't set limits here, but I tend to lose interest if the RP consist of one-paragraph back-and-forths. But short posts might happen, depending on the scene or whatever.
- I love story and I love smut. But depending on the story, the smut ratio will vary. Still, I'd like my stories to have that 18+ sticker slapped on them. And I only write adult characters, preferably past the college/university phase. All I ask is that your character is at the very least 20, eh?
- Favorite fandoms include, but aren't limited to: Cyberpunk 2077, Dragon Age: Origins, The Witcher (games), World of Warcraft, Cowboy Bebop (anime), The Crow (movie), Genshin Impact as well as a bunch of other things I won't list.
- Do I write fandom RPs? That depends. More often than not, I love to write original stories with original characters, but fandom isn't completely off the table. Just need a very good story and motivation for it. But the stories usually draw elements from my favorite fandoms. I can hardly help that.
- I'm not going to make another ordered list just to say what I want from you. If you vibe with anything or everything I've written here, do hit me up. And if you like the ideas that I will post, of course!
- This one's so I can have an even "10" on this list. Nothing left to add.
Enough of the boring stuff, let's get down to the writing stuff!
Right, so, as I said, I've got a couple of ideas bouncing around in my noggin. Here's what we do, I post them, you read them, and if you like anything, you PM me about them. All good? Are you ready? Alright!
The stories I write usually contain heavy themes, grit, and things that aren't for everyone. Sure, might have puppies and kittens and giraffe-shaped clouds too, because samey-same all the time gets boring, however, most of the time various levels of dark and grimy will be involved. Don't think I need to list what and how. So tread lightly. Don't say I didn't warn you.
The stories I write usually contain heavy themes, grit, and things that aren't for everyone. Sure, might have puppies and kittens and giraffe-shaped clouds too, because samey-same all the time gets boring, however, most of the time various levels of dark and grimy will be involved. Don't think I need to list what and how. So tread lightly. Don't say I didn't warn you.
So, this is a plot that I have tried to kick into play once before on this website. A wonderful experience, thanks to the partner at the time, however, a short-lived one, as it did not go on for long. It happens, no bother. But now, after returning to this following a little bit of a break, I am really craving to try and play this again! Now, while I would absolutely love to start all over again to explain the world and everything to you, I will instead leave you with the opening post I made on that RP, and let you decide if it's worth your time or if it piques your interest! So, here is the opening post! One little side-note though, if you are imagining something in the Harry Potter style, then this definitely is not that. No offense to the people who love HP but I have absolutely nothing to say about those books or about the movies. Not my thing.
Magic. It's the essence of life, the very energy that courses through the world. But it can also be the force that destroys is. The undoing of the very universe itself.
A lesson. A reminder. A warning. The opening words that each and every student heard on their very first day at the University. At some point, one had to wonder if these highly esteemed professors practiced it before getting a new batch of students. For the already initiated, this speech was, more or less, routine. Not one day went by when they weren't taught, really, nagged, about what magic could do to the world if misused; and each of them had no choice but to take the lecture. Some had been there since their early childhood, when their potential for magic made itself known and they were sensed by one of the specially trained Seekers; people with a magic affinity exceeding normal limits, who could practically feel the magic weaving in the air, and get directly to its source. Thus, many parents of magically gifted children would hide them, afraid that one day a Seeker might show up on their doorstep, demanding their child.
Children who somehow escaped being taken young would, sooner or later, end up at the University anyway. At some point, their magic capabilities would become known, felt, without them having any way to control it. In some way, this growth was akin to puberty, and the Seekers sensed it. No one could really escape this "recruitment" process, and those who went too far in trying became Marks, deemed as a threat to the world and assumed to dabble in the forbidden, becoming the jurisdiction of Hunters, specialized elite magic users, proficient in countering and neutralizing magic from any school. Runaways from the University would also find themselves chased by the same Hunters; and they always accomplished their mission.
Then again, escaping the University was almost an impossible endeavor in itself. Conveniently nested on an island far off from any mainland coast, the University was more akin to a prison than anything. The island itself, some fourty-plus square miles in size, had been there since times none could recall. A small enclave of lush forests, hills and valleys, which never had any inhabitants before the Mages' Guild decided, thousands of years prior, to turn it into their own. It was far off from the usual traveling course of any ship, far enough that any devastating event that might occur on it would have no real effect on the outside world, and now, far enough that none of the students who would try to escape would be successful. At any rate, magic wards were placed all around it, which only made things even harder.
The University and its entire complex spanned some few square miles themselves, with magnificent buildings, towers, a whole entire campus with dorms and spacious training and relaxation grounds, all surrounded by a lush forest that the students had a duty to keep safe and prosperous. Once upon a time, the University grounds stood in another part of the island; the students knew it well, and most of the professors remembered it. For who could forget when they had to share the same island with the Darkness?
It didn't have a name, this strange affliction, and no one could tell what it was, but they knew it well. It hadn't been there forever, either, a hundred years at most. But it changed the island forever, as did it change the University's purpose.
The story went that those many years ago, the University was found on the Northern side of the island. Slightly smaller, though equally imposing, it stood there for hundreds upon hundreds of years, with no real disturbances to speak of. That was, well, until the fateful year when a student dared to dabble in the unknown, in pursuit of goals that no one could foresee or understand. It was then when the Darkness was born, so potent and toxic that it swallowed half of the entire island, and would have spread were it not for the combined efforts of professors and student mages, many of whom gave their lives to contain it. The Darkness couldn't be pushed back, but it was stopped from spreading after its hungry maw wrapped about a large portion of the land. Wards were put in place to avoid further contamination, and thus, the Darkness remained in place, festering and tainting the land.
No one was able to explain what sort of ancient evil that student tapped into, perhaps it was something that had been buried there since the beginning of time. For what anyone cared, the fool had been swallowed by the same darkness and exterminated, never to be seen again; fitting punishment. Though others rumoured that he was still somewhere there, harnessing the grim powers that he had unleashed. No one was, however, allowed to investigate further, not as long as the Darkness remained unchanged and didn't expand. Not that many could claim to be able to venture in that wasteland of twisted trees and toxic smog.
The Darkness did not corrupt only the land, it corrupted life itself in all its forms. In some cases, it destroyed it indefinitely. In others, it transformed it, creating monstrosities that had never been seen or heard of before. Professors and students from the Old University weren't exempt, and those who remained behind or couldn't escape in time suffered the same fate. What happened to many remained a mystery, while a few managed to make it out of there. However, that hardly meant that they were safe. No, in a twisted sense of humour, their escape from certain death became their exile, and forever shall they be known as the Cursed Ones.
In time, the Cursed Ones accepted their fate. Not twisted enough that they lost their minds and will entirely, but twisted nonetheless to the point where rejoining their fellow humans was strictly forbidden. They belonged to the Darkness now, the plaguelands that changed them and the plaguelands that would become theirs to tread. The Darkness changed them on a physical level too, rendering their skin sickly pale, with visible veins through which darkened blood would flow. Some claimed their smell had changed too, not into that of a rotting corpse, but of something that was yet hard to tell, however, fetid. What was certain was that the Cursed Ones were no longer humans, and simply couldn't be allowed back into society; living on the fringe became their only option.
And so they did when they established the Enclave; a settlement at the border between the Darkness and the rest. Thus, they became the unwanted wardens of that sick, maleficent ancient power, much as it became a part of them. Unsurprisingly, it seemed that the Darkness no longer had the ability to affect them, and the former mages and students saw potential in that. There were yet very valuable things to be found on the old University grounds, and many of those who escaped would be happy to be reunited with things they had lost, or to learn the fates of people they cared for but never made it out. Soon enough, the Cursed Ones became an important link, although still viewed with disgust and reluctance by many, some of the scholars outright claiming that they should be wiped out instead, or driven into the Darkness completely. Luckily, many others needed them enough that those suggestions remained nothing but.
It was since the catastrophic arrival of the Darkness that the University changed. The new grounds were established, as well as many new rules to go with it. It was also then that the first Hunters were trained. Had there been other curious students since? No doubt. Some foolishly disregarded the many warnings and wandered beyond the border, straight into the Darkness. It was then that the Cursed Ones were hired to find them. Some were found, returned, but some... some became twisted, tainted, and their only chance remained to join the secretive, reclusive group that lived in the Enclave, become one of them as they were simply no longer fit to join their fellow humans.
Luckily, or perhaps unluckily for some, each new year brought new students. Some brought by force, some that came willingly, ready to develop their abilities and put them to good use. And all had to sit through and listen to the boring, repetitive, practiced speeches about how magic could be a devastating force, and the example of such lie just on the other end of the island.
This year would be no different.
Children who somehow escaped being taken young would, sooner or later, end up at the University anyway. At some point, their magic capabilities would become known, felt, without them having any way to control it. In some way, this growth was akin to puberty, and the Seekers sensed it. No one could really escape this "recruitment" process, and those who went too far in trying became Marks, deemed as a threat to the world and assumed to dabble in the forbidden, becoming the jurisdiction of Hunters, specialized elite magic users, proficient in countering and neutralizing magic from any school. Runaways from the University would also find themselves chased by the same Hunters; and they always accomplished their mission.
Then again, escaping the University was almost an impossible endeavor in itself. Conveniently nested on an island far off from any mainland coast, the University was more akin to a prison than anything. The island itself, some fourty-plus square miles in size, had been there since times none could recall. A small enclave of lush forests, hills and valleys, which never had any inhabitants before the Mages' Guild decided, thousands of years prior, to turn it into their own. It was far off from the usual traveling course of any ship, far enough that any devastating event that might occur on it would have no real effect on the outside world, and now, far enough that none of the students who would try to escape would be successful. At any rate, magic wards were placed all around it, which only made things even harder.
The University and its entire complex spanned some few square miles themselves, with magnificent buildings, towers, a whole entire campus with dorms and spacious training and relaxation grounds, all surrounded by a lush forest that the students had a duty to keep safe and prosperous. Once upon a time, the University grounds stood in another part of the island; the students knew it well, and most of the professors remembered it. For who could forget when they had to share the same island with the Darkness?
It didn't have a name, this strange affliction, and no one could tell what it was, but they knew it well. It hadn't been there forever, either, a hundred years at most. But it changed the island forever, as did it change the University's purpose.
The story went that those many years ago, the University was found on the Northern side of the island. Slightly smaller, though equally imposing, it stood there for hundreds upon hundreds of years, with no real disturbances to speak of. That was, well, until the fateful year when a student dared to dabble in the unknown, in pursuit of goals that no one could foresee or understand. It was then when the Darkness was born, so potent and toxic that it swallowed half of the entire island, and would have spread were it not for the combined efforts of professors and student mages, many of whom gave their lives to contain it. The Darkness couldn't be pushed back, but it was stopped from spreading after its hungry maw wrapped about a large portion of the land. Wards were put in place to avoid further contamination, and thus, the Darkness remained in place, festering and tainting the land.
No one was able to explain what sort of ancient evil that student tapped into, perhaps it was something that had been buried there since the beginning of time. For what anyone cared, the fool had been swallowed by the same darkness and exterminated, never to be seen again; fitting punishment. Though others rumoured that he was still somewhere there, harnessing the grim powers that he had unleashed. No one was, however, allowed to investigate further, not as long as the Darkness remained unchanged and didn't expand. Not that many could claim to be able to venture in that wasteland of twisted trees and toxic smog.
The Darkness did not corrupt only the land, it corrupted life itself in all its forms. In some cases, it destroyed it indefinitely. In others, it transformed it, creating monstrosities that had never been seen or heard of before. Professors and students from the Old University weren't exempt, and those who remained behind or couldn't escape in time suffered the same fate. What happened to many remained a mystery, while a few managed to make it out of there. However, that hardly meant that they were safe. No, in a twisted sense of humour, their escape from certain death became their exile, and forever shall they be known as the Cursed Ones.
In time, the Cursed Ones accepted their fate. Not twisted enough that they lost their minds and will entirely, but twisted nonetheless to the point where rejoining their fellow humans was strictly forbidden. They belonged to the Darkness now, the plaguelands that changed them and the plaguelands that would become theirs to tread. The Darkness changed them on a physical level too, rendering their skin sickly pale, with visible veins through which darkened blood would flow. Some claimed their smell had changed too, not into that of a rotting corpse, but of something that was yet hard to tell, however, fetid. What was certain was that the Cursed Ones were no longer humans, and simply couldn't be allowed back into society; living on the fringe became their only option.
And so they did when they established the Enclave; a settlement at the border between the Darkness and the rest. Thus, they became the unwanted wardens of that sick, maleficent ancient power, much as it became a part of them. Unsurprisingly, it seemed that the Darkness no longer had the ability to affect them, and the former mages and students saw potential in that. There were yet very valuable things to be found on the old University grounds, and many of those who escaped would be happy to be reunited with things they had lost, or to learn the fates of people they cared for but never made it out. Soon enough, the Cursed Ones became an important link, although still viewed with disgust and reluctance by many, some of the scholars outright claiming that they should be wiped out instead, or driven into the Darkness completely. Luckily, many others needed them enough that those suggestions remained nothing but.
It was since the catastrophic arrival of the Darkness that the University changed. The new grounds were established, as well as many new rules to go with it. It was also then that the first Hunters were trained. Had there been other curious students since? No doubt. Some foolishly disregarded the many warnings and wandered beyond the border, straight into the Darkness. It was then that the Cursed Ones were hired to find them. Some were found, returned, but some... some became twisted, tainted, and their only chance remained to join the secretive, reclusive group that lived in the Enclave, become one of them as they were simply no longer fit to join their fellow humans.
Luckily, or perhaps unluckily for some, each new year brought new students. Some brought by force, some that came willingly, ready to develop their abilities and put them to good use. And all had to sit through and listen to the boring, repetitive, practiced speeches about how magic could be a devastating force, and the example of such lie just on the other end of the island.
This year would be no different.
Alright, so, that is it for now! Please, come by if you're interested. My PMs are open.
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