
Currently reading:

Coran Valencie

There's a dark side to everything.
Local time
Today 12:26 PM
Got a couple of ideas to even out my character genders. currently have two male characters in plots so decided to think up some females.
Now these ideas have just popped into my head tonight and will need some working on, either solo or with another RPer willing to take on a plot that isn't 100% thought through.

Idea 1.

Lyla Banks. A young free lance Journalist, is onto a hot and heavy story. A huge national pharmaceutical company have been peddling their excess stock of unwanted or over stocked prescription drugs to be sold illegally. The corruption level shocking, Politicians involved, Doctors involved, Police involved.
Lyla is onto the story of a life time and that is when things start to go wrong, they are onto her. Life starts to become more and more complicated, sources drying up, informants vanishing into thin air, Police stopping her for no reason until eventually the threat is no longer veiled.
Lyla is a target and she is on the run, she knows to much and they intend on silencing her.

(Male of female partners fine)

Idea 2.
A woman known only as Mother is thrown from her realm to this one, her realm much more basic with none of the technological advances we have she is lost and confused. Alone and afraid.
Back home she has been hated and trapped, kept locked away and weak yet at the same time worshipped, loved and feared.
The Mother. Not born of man nor woman walked forth from the sea. A powerful elemental with the ability to control and manipulate the world around her.
A prophecy of her coming had been told for hundreds of years, she was to snatch power from those who ruled, who had been casting darkness for ever upon the lands owning all who lived with in.
They had captured her upon her rising and held her captive until a rebel alliance arose, fighting their way to her, a powerful witch freeing her from her confines, casting her to fall through the realms with the intention of one day returning her to her rightful place once the threat of death or eternal imprisonment ended.
But those of cruel intent would not give up their search so easily.

(Now either of these can be adapted if anyone would be interested in joining. Feel free to PM me)
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