Challenge Submission If Only (TW- Violence, Murder)

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Challenge Submission If Only (TW- Violence, Murder)


Local time
Today 7:48 AM
It had seemed so benign in the beginning, but now all the energy had faded from her body. The muscles felt like jelly trapped in a tube that refused to obey her will. Caught somewhere between euphoria and despair, she no longer felt the damp earth or the dark eyes peering from the darkness. The world was fading, and the leaves no longer held their vivid autumn hues as they turned black. The forest—why was she in the forest?

~~ 24 Hours Prior ~~

The phone vibrated against the mahogany laminate desk, then another one. Athena looked around to see if anyone else had noticed before reaching up to slide the phone into her lap. A red flame appeared on the right, 'Logan has sent you a message' appeared in the blue banner. She pulled a tendril of blonde hair around her index finger over her mouth as she selected the banner and waited for the screen to load.

Athena clicked on the name, eyes darting up to make sure everyone's eyes were on the projector as she glanced through Logan's photo. Dark thick hair, average build, amber eyes, scar on one cheek, thin lips, and dimples. Lots of camping photos, a couple of years younger than her. Handsome. Athena thumbed to the inbox and selected the unread. A flutter of anticipation twisted her stomach.

'Hey, saw your pictures and couldn't resist. Want to grab dinner?"

It was certainly better than a Netflix and chill message. She hesitated momentarily, chewing on her lip, eyes still darting between her boss's presentation and the phone in her hand. It was Friday.

'Where would you suggest?'

"Athena, what do you think?" Green eyes darted between her boss and the graph behind him as she tried to conjecture an answer from thin air. The meeting was about the upcoming season and signing new contracts.

"I think we need to pick up another financial institution, and our current ads focus a bit too much on the younger demographic. They only control thirty percent of the wealth." Both hands were now clasped before her on the table.

"I meant for ordering lunch, but your insight on projections is noted." Two of the other women giggled softly behind their hands while Athena nodded.

"On it Sir, just send me a Teams message and I'll step out to handle that." Color had managed to seep into her cheeks all the way to her neck. As the orders dinged in, she pushed away from the desk, her heels clicking on the floor, and she moved to the end of the conference room and into the hall. Stans Deli.

God, she wanted a steamed pastrami sandwich and fries doused in chili and cheese. Salad with grilled chicken and vinaigrette it would be. In over a year, she was down almost fifty pounds. A notification flashed on the screen as if to remind her of why.

'That's a trap, but I'll bite. C. Grace.'

Athena had never heard of the place and had to dig around on Google before she pulled it up. It would take an hour, 1920s-style prohibition bar with finger foods and craft cocktails. Live jazz music on weekends. Athena chewed on her answer even as she put in the order for Stans's Deli. C. Grace was fancier than anywhere she had ever been enticed to on a first date.

'I'm open to suggestions, though.' Again, she stared at the message as she collected her keys and bag. A year ago, a man who looked like him would never have messaged her, and she had just ended a six-month relationship. Well ended for her, and Kim was adamant that the fastest way over one man was on top of another. Then again, Kim hadn't been in a relationship lasting longer than two weeks, so perhaps she wasn't the relationship guru.

The bitter part of her missed Joseph and wanted to put up new pictures with someone new and in exciting places to show what he had let go of. Gripping her phone and sitting in her car, she quickly typed a reply.

'My turn to bite 8?' Squealing, she tossed her phone into the passenger seat, beaming.

'I'll be there look for the man in a blue button up.'

The rest of the day flew by in a blur of cloud-nine butterflies as she mentally mapped out her outfits and makeup. She planned the trip to arrive by eight and texted her bestie that she was going on a date. Given the 1920's1920s theme, Athena chose a black knee-length dress with sequins and bright red lipstick. As the hour closed into her departure, the questioning knot began to form about whether she should go.

It was already 7:15, she flipped through Logan's photos again. 'Running late, on my way'

The C.Grace was situated on the outskirts of one of the small towns in their historic district. Parking was nonexistent in the narrow streets, filled with patrons visiting the local breweries and restaurants after a long week. Soft jazz music escaped onto the dimly lit sidewalk, weaving a siren song to entice guests. Within the walls were decorated with gold and mauve, intricate carpets, and curved armchairs and sofas. The bartenders were dressed their part with a full liquor display behind them and a small three-man band poised on a raised podium.

Athena's eyes danced around the room at the antique art and decor. "What can I get for the pretty miss?" Perfect teeth and smile, a flourish of a menu, from the green-eyed bartender that couldn't help but earn a smile in return.

"Thank you," she said, taking the menu and placing her phone on the bar. She then quickly typed in a message.

'At the bar in a black dress, great view of the stage.'

"Corpse Reviver?" A hint of trepidation in her voice.

"Excellent choice, Miss." Athena turned to watch the band until the drink arrived. A pale yellow that was reminiscent of a lemon drop candy. She sipped casually while waiting, eyes darting to her phone. Then she tried the sidecar. Still no word. Nearly nine.

Eventually, a man with soft brown eyes, a shaved head, and broad shoulders sidled into the seat next to her. "Next one on me?"

"No thanks, I have a long drive ahead of me."

"This is my favorite bar in town. It just has an enchanting old-timey feel." He nodded to the bartender as he slipped a whiskey and coke across to him.

"It's nice, cozy." Athena focused on her drink, still downtrodden that her date had been a no-show.

"Come with someone?" The question held an innocence that women of the modern age had grown weary of.

"Uh yeah, they are in the bathroom. I'm just waiting on the check." Athena favored him with a smile.

"In that case, I'd better free up this seat." He rose from the stool and moved away. The bar was getting busier as the night crept in, and couples decided on a nightcap. Athena slid her card onto the silver tray and waited patiently until the bartender returned. She looked around the bar for the phone, then in her purse, and finally on the floor.

"Umm, did you see a phone in a purple case with white roses?" The bartender looked behind the bar and called to one of his colleagues.

"Sorry, nothing turned in." Athena continued to hunt before realizing that nothing could be done. It was the perfect ending to a shitty night. Now, she would spend the next day at the Apple store and bricking all of her accounts. Tears threatened to spill and mar her makeup into a Salvador Dali rendition of a raccoon. At least her car had built-in navigation so she could get home. Inhaling a deep, shaky breath, she gathered the last of her pride and purse before leaving.

The walk to her car was dark and lonely. Two streets out, a shadow crept along behind her, and she was lost in the sound of her sniffles. With her chin bowed, tears streaming in earnest, and heels tapping out a rapid beat on the pavement, she was lost in the oblivion of her misery. Silently, he crept closer until she crossed out of the street light and by an old closed-up shop. A fist locked in her hair; Athena only had a second to gasp before pain flooded her vision. She tried to push away from the terracotta brick, but her face made contact again. Warmth seeped down her cheek, and she felt sick. Nails clawed weakly against the arms dragging her. She tried to scream, but the sound was lost in a fist.

The back of a tailgate dropped as she was thrown underneath the hard shell. Athena came in and out, bouncing against the cold metal, and the smell of chlorine filled her nose. Everything hurt, and she couldn't open her mouth. She needed a hospital. The thump of gravel against the tire well finally came to an end. A hand was around her ankle.

A strangled, wet groan was all she could manage as she kicked out. The metal scraped her skin as she was dragged out like little more than that morning's kill. "Shouldn't be a whore, you know, and this wouldn't happen." The leaves rattled overhead, and bits of moonlight broke the cloud cover.

"Le' go," Athena could feel her heart starting to pound in tandem with her head, and she could feel the bile clawing and tightening in her throat. Then, the ground collided with her, and something struck her body with a sickening crunch. Hands, she tried to shove him away, then large hands were coiled around her neck. Tightening until the oxygen evaporated from her lungs. At first, her heels kicked, but gradually, she lost strength. Sightless eyes peered from battered faces around them.

It had seemed so benign in the beginning, but now all the energy had faded from her body. The muscles felt like jelly trapped in a tube that refused to obey her will. Caught somewhere between euphoria and despair, she no longer felt the damp earth or the dark eyes peering from the darkness. The world was fading; the leaves no longer held their vivid autumn hues as they turned black. The forest, why was she in the forest? In a blink, oblivion came as she faded into the black-and-white night to peer in judgment with the rest.


"A young woman was found today off of highway marker ninety-seven badly beaten and murdered. Below is a photo of the Jane Doe, the police are asking for any information concerning this investigation. If you have any information, please call the number provided below. This is just another murder in a growing list that the state has seen in the last seven months."

Tendrils of smoke coalesced into a cloud that collected along the ceiling; the mountain dew bottle hissed with the addition of another butt. The cell phone dinged on the table next to him, the familiar red flame that lined up with at least a dozen others. A slow smile parted his lips as he surveyed his hunting ground on the screen. It was their fault, really.
His thump swiped over the keyboard a black bruise formed under the nail as he swiped a message.
'Couldn't pass you up when I saw your photos, drinks sometimes?' And send.
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