MxF In search of.......

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MxF In search of.......


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(This is a request thread template designed to help less experienced users more clearly organize ideas. It is not mandatory to use and can be deleted or edited at your leisure. For general tips on creating a request thread, please see this guide.)

You are currently posting in Men Seeking Adventure—this forum is usually used for people who primarily play male characters. Use your thread prefix to indicate what pairing preferences you have (if any)

Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?

I am Brightwell, I have been RP since 1996. Yes, I am an old dog. With a few tricks. I write a wide range of genre: historical, sci-fi, modern settings, slice of life.
In these settings I can write adventures, mysteries, lite smut to hard core. I maybe a little to vanilla for some hard-core violence/gore enthesis.
My writing style is, let's keep the story line moving forward. Dwelling on unimportant facts or details run contrary to the style I like to write.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
This will vary with story line. 300-400 words. In some cases, may be fine. If the scene requires fine details for effect several paragraphs may be needed. What I don't want is single line responses. I would hope a collaborator writer would wish to state more than one line Even in a smut scene.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
This will vary with story line. We can discuss limits in PM's.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
I can and have written sexual content. No scat! I am NOT LGBQ+ friendly. I have no interest in M x M sexual relations.
I have written female characters. Please be advises, I am not into drama. I do not write overly emotional characters.
I have written three-way relationships with power sharing (with NPC's or secondary characters such as sidekicks).

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)
I do not write fandom.

Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
Pairings: I for the most part write male parts. As stated above, I can write female parts in a limited to the story line theme.
If you are looking for hard core F x F action, your looking in the wrong place.

Settings: This will be discussed in PMs. It will be based on story line and where we want the story to proceed to.
Mysteries will mainly be land based.
Action setting will be as needed.
Adventures will be as the story line unfolds.
Do you have any detailed plots prepared?
I have several pre plot story line:
Sci-Fi- I write a planetary government bounty hunter-that uses a merchant ship as a cover. There is a female alien sidekick.
Modern Settings- Florida (Palm Beach) based private detective-wanders around the area looking for adventure.
Roaring 20's- Diner-run by two former boxers-humor
1929-1930-Army Airforce field Long Island NY-action

Be advised. These are NOT exclusive. I am willing to expand to other plots or story line.

Do you have any characters you want to write? (Our character forum is here if you want a dedicated thread)

For pirate-looking for colonial or high sea setting.
For bounty hunter-prison planet-Biltmore Station, star base, space travel (Extended)
Detective-Palm Beach County
mafia hit man-city settings.
Pirate-extensive back story
Bounty Hunter-extensive back story
Palm Beach Detective-some back story
Mafia hit man-limited back story.

Any additional notes you want to add?
I am not looking for unlimited story lines.
I am looking for a partner that can help move a story forward.
I am looking for someone to respond in a reasonable period of time. I understand that RW events may delay responses.
And last and not least, please, enjoy what we are doing. If you lose interest. Please let me know. This is for fun, it's not a job.
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