MxF In This World of Calamity, Dirty Looks, and Grudges, and Jealousy...

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MxF In This World of Calamity, Dirty Looks, and Grudges, and Jealousy...


There's a hellhound on my trail...
Local time
Today 11:28 PM
The Bright Sunny South
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my life and realize there's nothing left.

For most of her adult life, Valentina Duarte has made a living as a criminal.

After her life as a Nicaraguan tobacco heiress literally went down in flames, she fled to the states.

No papers, no family, no money, and no possessions.

She turned to gang membership to survive and the allure and glamor of 'The Game' took her quickly. She made a name for herself by joining gangs, getting in close, and then taking them for everything they had.

When this inevitably caught up with her, her talents were noticed by a powerful crime syndicate who recognized someone who could and would get things done.

Now, she's the right hand of the biggest crime lord of the Western U.S. She has power, she has more money than she knows what to do with, she even has become something of a legend.

Now, approaching 25, she has suddenly become burned out.

Is it her former life catching up to her?

Was it watching a contemporary and friend die unexpectedly?

Is it the lifestyle that can only meet an inevitable violent end when she finally gets into a fight she won't win?

On hiatus, she's confused about how to continue. Her only connections are her criminal family. Her only pass times are hard living. Being addicted to being bad is the only thing she's familiar with at this point.
Perhaps she runs into an old flame in a similar position?

Maybe together, they can figure out how to move forward and live to see another day.

About me:

  • I'm 24 (zoom zoom, bitches!)
  • I have been writing for 7-8 years.
  • My posts hit around 500-1000+ words depending on my muse and caffeine intake.
  • I usually reply rather promptly, you are under no pressure to match me there, but once a week or more would be absolutely baller.
  • I love smut, but the smut must have meaning to the characters or to the story to be good smut.
  • This is an exercise in fun and creativity, we should both be enjoying things! If there's an issue, it's best to talk things out! Teamwork makes the dream work!!

If this interests you, please feel free to DM me. This is one of my favorite characters and I would be overjoyed to show you her CS.
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