Incoming Space Mail...

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Incoming Space Mail...


Cami the Hug Bug
Local time
Today 6:22 PM
New York USA
Hello everyone!

Animehugs is a username I've used for nearly every online profile I've had, however I actually go by a shortened version of my name: Cami. I'm open to nicknames, since I love to give nicknames myself.

I just stumbled across this gem of a site while looking for places to develop my writing skills and a place to make friends in the process. I'm more than happy that I did.

Here's a few small things I think that would be cool to know about me before I actually talk about my interests in role-play and writing:
  • I'm bilingual in Spanish and English.
  • I play the snare in a marching band.
  • I am super sensitive, some of my friends call me the "delicate daisy girl".
  • I can eat super spicy food.
  • I write letters and send parcels to pen pals all over the world as a hobby (maybe you'll become one of them!).
  • I read the morning announcements at me school.

I really like to keep my role-plays to literate, long role-play. I have a few role-play Tumblr accounts and on each of them, I have never engaged in any one-liners. The shortest I've ever gone is an extended paragraph. Long role-plays help me develop my ideas more, and because I like to write stories and screenplays, longer writing suits me.

But hey man, I am willing to try pretty much everything. I just prefer longer posts. :)

I like to get to know the people I'm role-playing with as well. So you know, let's chat and be amigos and all that fancy jazz. I love making friends.

This is getting long, but, thank you for welcoming me into the community. I hope to make lots of friends and post some cool content on here.

Thank you for reading~!!
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