Adventurer Indira Gadreel

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Adventurer Indira Gadreel


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Indira Gadreel




Infinite Wilds


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⸻⠀the self⠀⸻

Indira "Indi" Gadreel is a free-spirited, bold, and passionate Elven woman who is quick to laugh, bed, but also anger. Her temper can see her get into a spotty situation faster than a Thorn-Tailed Orktopus, and her grudges can be colder and harsher than Tethis in a winter storm. She is a fiercely loyal crewman, and passionate and jealous lover, who will cut down anyone and anything that is a danger to those she cares about, challenges her plans, or threatens the integrity of her freedom. She has sharp street-smarts and a critical eye, making her the perfect accomplice to any shady or less-than-legal activities required in Khare or along the coastland of the Infinite Wilds. However, if you're looking for someone discrete and underhanded, this is not the lady for the job.

Indi is often seen wearing an alluring and intimate smile that makes it feel like she's sharing a joke just with you. Her eye-catching dress and demeanour draws a crowd, but you're only ever looking exactly where she wants you to. She's the first to draw a fist in a bar fight, and can out-drink most fully grown men at the local watering hole.

If you can get her alone, and benefit from her trust, you'll be awarded with a closely guarded tenderness and gentleness. Despite her appearance of independence, she's a romantic at heart and craves companionship. Even surrounded by makeshift family for most of her life with little access to privacy, she often feels lonely and misunderstood.

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral
LIKES: Freedom, big cities, mysteries, romance
DISLIKES: Authority, bullies, noblemen, seafood

⸻⠀the body⠀⸻

HEIGHT: 5'3"
HAIR COLOR / STYLE: Waist length black hair, curly and thick
EYES: Brown and gold
SKIN TONE: Bronzed brown
PHYSIQUE: Athletic, curvy
DOM. HAND: Right-handed
VOICE: Feminine, smooth, sultry
Several ear piercings, nose piercing on her left side
Body tattoos on arms, legs, chest, and shoulders

⸻⠀the ability and tools⠀⸻

Indira obtained her physical skills and mental acuity from decades spent aboard a pirate ship. She is quick and agile, but not overly strong. Her street smarts and lateral thinking is second to none.

Skilled in fist/sword/gunfights, diplomacy, and problem solving
White blouse with bell sleeves, red wrap skirt, leather half-corset, pistol belt, sword belt, head-scarf, hair feathers, numerous gold jewellery items on fingers, neck and ears.
Two flintlock pistols, sickle, a dagger with an ornate handle that is a family heirloom
Weapons, compass, lipstick

⸻⠀the story⠀⸻

Indi has spent much of her life on the high-seas, and inside the colourful nooks and dark crannies of Khare. After a terrible tragedy left her without family or home, she was taken as a young girl aboard the notorious pirate ship known as The Wicked Mistress. Since then, the Desert Elf has adapted to life on the water and worked her way up from lowly swabbie; scrubbing the deck and peeling potatoes, to calling the shots and commanding a fearsome crew as Quartermaster.

To be an Elf in a lawless pirate crew is something of a taboo, and she faces much discrimination and intolerance amongst her shipmates, as well as her own people due to her chosen path. Although young for an elf, her years have been spent working hard and with great fortitude to gain the success she's seen, and Indi only has plans of even greater ambition. She has been secretly nurturing relationships and agreements to establish a smuggling operation of her own, and harbours desires to command her own ship one day. Indi thinks she has it all figured out, but has she really thought of everything, and what complications could a possible partner or love interest introduce to her master plan?


Character art by Caio Santos
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