All Infinite Plot Roulette

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All Infinite Plot Roulette


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My Plot Thread (Female Request Edition):
I'm a female and I've been rp-ing on and off for ten years, and my ability ranges from semi-lit to advanced depending on my partner. I will match length, so if you give me a novella, you are getting one back. I like playing opposite more dominant characters, although my characters aren't doormats. I believe in character growth and promoting character development in a story. If there's none of the above it's difficult to stay interested.

I'm LGBTQ+ friendly, and am open to most pairings.

At the moment though I'm craving stories with a high volume of plot mixed with some smut. I understand life can throw you curve balls so I'm ghost friendly, and very patient when it comes to replies. You are always welcome to hit me up again when the muse returns.

I tend to reply at night only because I have responsibilities that require me to be offline during the day.

I also reserve the right to pick my character's face claims,
And expect you to pick yours

When I post, I can double up, and play multiple characters. My preference when it comes to my characters gender really just depends on my mood, and the subject matter of the rp.

IF we used to rp in the past, apologies if you thought I died. I'm still alive, but had alot going on for awhile. Feel free to message me if you wanna give being partners another go.

Unplotted Pairings

CEO x Average Employee
Psychologist x Client
Revolutionary x Government agent
Vikings. Period
Mortal x Demi-human
Pirate x Nobility-
Dragon x human
Opposing Queen x King
Gargoyle x Hunter
Gargoyle x Human
Witch x Summoned Guardian
Immortal x Reaper

Pairings with plot(MxF, FxF MxM)

Begging for a Reprieve: She would do Anything for her family. Her magic is parceled out in blood--that powers her kingdom's defenses. The Barriers keep the Dragons away. The sum of her existence is stave off fiery ruin. The people don't know she exists. A forgotten princess in a tower. Since birth she was forced to sacrifice pieces of herself in the name of duty; Her body became a security system that could be bought and sold to the highest bidder. But dragons aren't mindless titans. They understand the war their fighting is at an impasse and the princess is the key. They've sent one of their own in human form to retrieve, or kill her as he sees fit. The first time she gets to breathe fresh air in 20 years, is when she is kidnapped. And then she has a choice to make—Join the enemy of her family, or attempt to destroy them from the inside To save her family. (Interested in the male Role) (MxF)

The Forest Keeps Calling: She was born with a connection to The Withering Forest. It's a sovereign graveyard of ghosts and monsters. The village she's lived in all her life speaks of the bloodthirsty beasts that rule beyond the tree line. But she still cannot shake the hold it has on her. The way she's drawn into it's swell. One day she wanders too far; driven by impulses she doesn't understand. She stumbles upon a creature that is neither Beast nor man— and he knows her Name. Because she's just like him. They are the last of their kind. And destined to subvert the extinction of their species. She doesn't believe him until her instincts Start to surface—and rage out of control. (MxF) (interested in the female Role)

Opposing Natures; He is destruction, wrath, and ruin. She is philosophy, grace and patience. Two sides of the same coin. But so very different. While she is driven to do what is right, to make necessary sacrifices—-for the good of the people. He would watch the world burn if it suited his goals. The problem is—She needs his help. Supernatural forces are gathering- that do not want a negotiation. They walk the edge of a prophecy where she is meant to die to save her kingdom. A Queen's sacrifice. In a battle unlike any seen before. That's not the ending he will accept though. (MxF) (Banished Godling x Queen) (Interested in the Male role)

What Will you Die For?: A woman who rules a kingdom sacrifices herself for the good of her people. She feels like she hasn't fulfilled all her obligations yet, and seeks a way back to life. The ruler of the Dead is intrigued by her determination; and irritated by her insolence. Will she be caught up in his rapture, or find a way home? Will he let her go, or abandon his own realm? (MxF) (Only interested in playing M)

Come back with Your Shield or On it: A war torn nation is starting to rot from the inside out. A weary soldier who has been on the front lines just wants to go home. There's nothing left for her when she gets there though? Her family is dead. Her eagerness to fight died with them. Each day is indistinguishable from the last. That is- until she meets the Fleeing bastard heir of the enemy kingdom. The exiled princess need a soldier to help her take the throne, and she is incredibly easy to kill at the moment. She will take up a shield again in this woman's name--and raise an army to take back her crown. Or she'll become and alcoholic and die at a tavern. There is no in between. (FxF)

The Heart is Fickle Thing: Heroes and Villains. Good Vs Evil. It's the stuff of comic books. In Cerulean City, the tides have been shifting though. One hero taking a stand isn't enough to hold the darkness at bay. Luckily for her, one of the enemies she fights has a soft spot for hopeless cases. (Enemies to lovers) (FxF)

Beware the Night: Gargoyles. The guardians watching over all life below. By Day she runs a corporation, and at night she patrols the skies. It's a thankless, exhausting venture--especially since she's considered a rogue. After centuries of scoffing at the human condition, she encounters one stubborn woman that turns her world on its axis- and makes her reevaluate what's important. (F Gargoyle x F) (Supernatural revenge story)

All Hail The Queen: She's fighting for Hell's throne. And to do so she needs soldiers. Luckily she has the uncanny ability to resurrect the dead and she just found a beautifully annoying candidate in the morgue. They're going to spread chaos and ruin; and hopefully jump the line of succession in the process. Otherwise they both die for real. (Demon Royalty x Immortal warrior) (FxF)

I Hate Everything You Choose to Be: Arranged marriage is an old fashioned antiquated concept. No one ever asks for it. Or desires it. But two women from opposing species need it because their nations are on the brink of war and neither is willing to shed blood unnecessarily
(FxF) (Supernatural arranged marriage)

Taboo Pairings

Let me Help You:
A young woman has been sent to psych ward in order to fully be rehabilitated from her deviant behavior. She has been a delinquent all of her life doing everything from drugs, to prostitution. Her psychologist isn't quite ready for this woman will do anything to get the results she wants, but things go awry when she realizes he never wanted to help her in the first place, he just wanted to have a woman who couldn't escape him (FxM) (Non Con)

A Bridge to Nowhere: Small towns all have the same basic structure. Everybody knows everybody. There's a painfully small pool of interesting people- and eventually that runs dry too. A big city woman goes home for the first time in years-- and its too attend a high school reunion. Except the gathering of people there won't let her leave? Everyone she wants to trust keeps acting like there's monsters creeping in the shadows- and she has the distinct feeling she's being watched. Someone terrifying runs her little hometown, and he's very eager to see her again after all this time. But he keeps trapping her, testing her limits, and finding new ways to provoke her. The darkest parts of her libido are awakening and she's not even sure who's causing it. (Stalker x Reluctant Victim) (MxF) (Non-Con)

Don't Push me: There are stories of people who just snapped. Who were pushed past the limit of any reasonable person. She was happy once. Until him. They had that young frightening love that bruised as much as it soothed. That was more about storms than peace. Except when it came right down to it-- he sacrificed her to save his own skin. She's just been released from prison for a crime he committed. And she wants to make him suffer for every second she spent in a cage. So she tracks him down, invades his life- and his tentatively built family. She's going to destroy everything. She starts by getting close to his son. Its purely a strategy to exact her vengeance, but things get hot and steamy really quick-- and the line between lover and enemy gets blurred. (Older woman x Younger man) (MxF) (Petty vengeance gone wrong)

Like A Carousel going 'Round and Round: Insanity by definition is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. They bled on each other's edges, and the world tore them apart. A man and a woman mutually agreed to stay apart. They were bad for each other. Mostly because they brought out every reckless wild sentiment that should stay buried. Except one day his brother comes home with "Someone special" And its the one woman he could never fully get out of his system. (Cheating Story) (They might break hearts or get heart broken) (MxF)
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Pirate x Pirate- There was an era when pirates reigned the sea. They sailed from port to port, romancing the common folk with their tales of gold and riches, before moving on to pillage and plunder. Sometimes, things are left behind though. A young girl, daughter of a famous pirate, hears the siren call of the sea. She has spent her whole life scrubbing countertops and mopping floors, praying she'd one day live to be something spectacular. Cue; The reckoning. Pirates she's never met set fire to her tavern, kill the family that raised her, and accuse her of being a bastard. They capture her to draw an errant pirate out of hiding. When the truth comes out, will she take her chance to command the tides, or learn to hate the ship that is her birthright.

I'd love to talk this one out!! I've been searching for a FxF pirate rp for a good while. Let me know if you'd like to talk c:
"You're all I have left."

- A woman was once a great mercenary, until she wasn't. Time, and tragedy have broken her spirit. Another young woman who claims to need her services shows up, and begs for her help. Things spiral out of control, because a mercenary who refuses to stop drinking, singing, and passing out drunk is useless. However, the damsel in distress refuses to leave, and vengeance is starting to consume her. Maybe these two lost souls can help each other.

"You have NEVER been one of us."

-A story of banishment and redemption. One woman will do anything. Be anything to be accepted back in to her family. They want her to be a murderer. A Queen slayer, and she is finding it very hard to walk the fine line of being the Queen's confidante, and the Queen's killer.

Ahhhh man I like these two plots!! I also have a few fantasy plots up my sleeves if you'd like to hear them!! Just let me know :0
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