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tuna tuna
Local time
Today 6:16 PM
ur ma lol
Bonjour, hello, hi. My name is Rae. I have been rp-ing since I was around twelve or thirteen I believe. I don't think I'm alone in saying I joined this rp group to rekindle the excitement of logging on after a long day to see a couple of threads to reply to to pass the time. I am 21 years old, I have plenty of experience in rp after the last decade, but I haven't done any real writing in about a year and a half.

My interests lie heavily on action, adventure, mystery, though I do enjoy the good horror/thriller when it comes down to it. I also am more versed in m/m relationships, but I don't mind romance threads if they are interesting enough and I can play the male role. Oh, yeah, that's another thing. I really only play guys? Lololololol.

Well, anyways, that's enough about me. I'll be around for a while, I hope that this reaches a couple of people. Feel free to reach out to me. I hope you all are having a great day/night. Hope I can meet a few friends on here!

Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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