Either Needed Interest check! (Eldecroz)

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Either Needed Interest check! (Eldecroz)

Stoney II

♠ Stoney Skellington ♠
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
*Note: These are humanoids that may bear a few characteristics of their animal. Swan character could have black streaks below their eyes, lioness characters could have fangs or claws, etc. HUMANOIDS.*

Eldecroz is a vast and dangerous world. It is home to all manner of life - sentient and non, and its vegetation is as aggressive and territorial as it is beautiful.

The majority of Eldecroz is inhabited by animal-like humanoids who have learned to form the land and build walled cities. Currently there are two kingdoms on Eldecroz referred to as the Civilized Kingdoms. One located in the North - Tundrastone and one in the South - Loomanbow. The surrounding areas and all other areas on Eldecroz are referred to as 'in the Animal Kingdom.' The animal kingdom is a dangerous and unforgiving place. Those who reside here are either fearless, insane, or just looking to make it to one of the Civilized Kingdoms. It is home to mercenaries and cutthroats, thieves, and those who are only interested in things for their own gain.

Eldecroz doesn't have magic in the way of mana, however, there are ancient and magical relics of old hidden throughout the land by the Gods themselves. Eldecroz does have magic in the way of Divine blessings and curses as well as miracles both lovely and devastating. The majority of the Civilized Kingdoms are quite religious and have a personal, patron, deity. Of course there are non-believers, but, the Gods if need be will intervene in the lives of whoever they so choose.


King Rarnar Redclaw & Queen Dara Redclaw

High Prince Tyke Redclaw

Tundrastone is located in one of the furthest northern regions of Eldecroz. It is massive, walled, and secure. The royals of Tundrastone are the Redclaw family, a chivalrous, just, and long-reigning family. They are a family of Arctic wolves - noble and cunning.


High Queen Watersong

Arch Priestess Moonhold

Loomanbow originally started out as a small colony of likeminded crafts folk and artisans from all over Eldecroz. It was founded by a tailor and a hunter and is where, eventually, it gained its name. It is located far south where the rains are plenty, the crops grow tall, and the forests are even larger in this area than most other regions of Eldecroz. It is fertile and abundant and also not far from various mines from old times containing precious ores and gemstones. The High Queen is always appointed from the clergy, usually an Arch Priestess, and the royalty (royalty ARE clergy/from clergy) here are mostly always and all female. The High Queen is a leopardess and the Arch Priestess is a lioness.

Gods and Goddesses-

Kalar - God of Fire - Lion

Dered- God of Earth - Elephant

Nona - Goddess of Air - Eagle

Ship - Goddess of Water - Swan

Delve - God of the North - Dog

Adon - God of the South - Cat

Luma - Goddess of the East - Horse

Niri- Goddess of the West - Fox

The Builder's Road-

The Builder's Road connects Tundrastone to Loomanbow and was built by a large group of volunteers. It is the only road on Eldecroz and the parts extending into the animal kingdom are sparsely if at all patrolled. Traders form caravans and hire mercenaries and other sell-swords for protection on the journey down the road.

The role play is about an Eagle trader and his caravan. He has hired mercenaries for his trip across the Builder's Road from Loomanbow to Tundrastone in the North. I will play the Trader as well as steer the rp and any interested will play the mercenaries he has hired.

The animal kingdom is savage and relentless and the journey will be perilous but the Eagle trader has promised good coin and to pay for every accommodation along the way.
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This sounds rather interesting and I like to join. I'm rather new though so I don't really know how this works?
This sounds rather interesting and I like to join. I'm rather new though so I don't really know how this works?

Well, now I know that there are folks actually interested in this role play so now I will post more - An official ooc the read where we can post and contains rp information, and the rest of the expanded lore surrounding the rp for character creation and immersion purposes.

I will post again with the links to that as well as get a character sheet skeleton up and anything else we need.

Just give me a bit of time and I will notify you all when it is done.

Hmmm.... intriguing

Thank you very much, I am glad you like it. Will be posting an ooc thread with expanded lore and such soon.
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