MxF Down the Rabbit Hole we go!

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MxF Down the Rabbit Hole we go!


Its jaws bite, and its claws will catch you!
Local time
Today 6:37 AM
Name: Jabber or Jabberjaw

Gender: Female

Role-playing Style: Third person Only

Please keep this in mind

Literacy Level: Advanced


I am a detail-orientated role-player. I rarely use images as references (save for first glances), and I will usually describe the scene, setting, atmosphere, character, and my character's motivations at length. For this reason, I will only role-play with people who show signs of being of a similar literary nature. If you are not someone who uses sensory language to describe the appearance of their character, from how they move to how they interact with the setting, then it is very likely I will politely refuse your offer to role-play. Descriptions are what hook me. Inner monologue does nothing to drive my inspiration. Show me that your character can be active within the setting, and I will gladly take you on.


My kinks aren't set in stone. I kindly ask you keep that in mind. Neither am I young or very inexperienced. I'm intense, obsessive about role-play, and a whirlwind writer. My characters will test you, push you, chase you; and I will encourage you to do the same. If you can't handle that, or you can't separate IC from OOC: DNI. It is my intention to write challenging fiction. That's why I'm here. It's not my intention to be illusive about that fact, so please, if you're a minor, stay away. I'm here to write with consenting adults and people who're ready for alternative fiction.

Something you should know is that story goes above smut, always for me though. Do I write smut? Yes, of course no questions asked however do I think every scene needs to be a reanactment of some porno. No. If you have questions feel free to ask. I tend to be very honest, and open about talking on this subject. ALSO! Most of my characters are switches, some are not, it depends on the roleplay and what we both want.

After reading all of that lets get to the real reason you are here.


Alpha x Omega
Vampire x Human/
Other supernatural
Angel x Demon
Succubus x Potential Meal


Teacher x Student (18 + only)
Best Friend's Sibling x Enemy
Gang member x Innocent
Accidental marriage
Masquerade party
Secret world - Magical or spirit related
Rags to Royalty/Riches
Love God/goddess x Unlovable
Spy vs Mafia or Spy vs Ex-Spy
Celebrity x Bodyguard
Stripper x Bouncer/Club Owner

Regular Pairings:

Detective x Witness
Singer x Actor
High School Sweethearts ( Post graduation only) (18+ age limit)
College Sweethearts
Bully x Victim
Journalist x Detective

Top Romance Role-plays:

Best Friends Brother
Arranged Marriage/Fake Relationship
Rival TV Co-Stars (Have a plot for this)
Best Friends
Bully and Victim (Really craving this ATM)
Teacher and Student (Collage level and up)
Preachers Daughter and Gang Member
Mafia Member and Cop's Daughter (Have a plot)
Romeo and Juliet Theme
Criminal and Victim
Kidnapper and Victim
Stalker and Victim

Top Supernatural Roleplays:

Witch Hunter

Yes, if you are questioning it I am obsessed with dark romances and Supernatural genres. So nine times out of ten I will never say no to one of those types of Role-plays. I love brainstorming with my partners to come up with plots, so if you have a vague idea for a story tell me. Who knows I might be able to spin it into a whole world.

All I ask in return for this is If for whatever reason you do not want to roleplay anymore once we have started please just tell me. I would rather not be ghosted, the same applies if you don't like something I am doing or have written. I promise I won't bite…much and unless you ask REALLY nicely. Kidding but for real I'm a very understanding individual, if you know you are going out of town, or won't be available to respond for a few days, just tell me that. That way I can avoid worrying needlessly that I did something to upset you, or that you got bored and dropped off the face of the earth.

So just send me a message, if all of this rambling hasn't completely scared you off I hope to hear from you soon.
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I can keep up with a roleplay, I am into darker subjects and am willing to meet your pace and do whatever rp you'd enjoy. I have not roleplayed in quite some time but I'm hoping to get back into the groove of it.
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