Closed Into the Lyon's Den

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Closed Into the Lyon's Den


The honor bound knight
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Today 8:24 AM
Just past the horizon
Hello there and welcome to my request thread, I also have one in the Males seeking adventure but I thought it could also fit here. If I need to move, delete, or change anything please let me know admins :)

About me:
I have been writing on and off since I was a wee laddo, I have had to stop for awhile due to work and a new kiddo. But I have a new position at work that leaves me with more free time to take up my hobby again, so here I am. I am an avid fantasy nerd and have been playing tabletop RPs for over a decade and a lot of that has leaked over to my writing style. I love adventure, plain and simple. I love story telling and LOTS of description, I can be a bit long winded at times so just a heads up there.

What I will bring:
  • A literate, cohesive RP with a lot of description.
  • I write anywhere from one paragraph to five. I tend to mirror my partners so if your post is long, more than likely mine will be as well.
  • A collaborative partner who likes to spin tales, I would like to discuss plot hooks and the like OOC from time to time. No point in figuring out every detail, but it would be nice to have some direction.
  • I play Male and Female characters. My male characters vary a lot on their archetypes and I can play pretty much any personality, but my female characters are ALWAYS strong willed and competent. I cannot play a demure female, I've tried and it just doesn't work. I love working from the female POV and have had fantastic stories using it, but well I think I've already said enough on that.

What I am looking for from you:
  • Someone to collaborate with, lets make a world. We don't need to know what farmer Johnson brings to market every year (its potatoes), but I thoroughly enjoy world building.
  • A competent writer, you don't need to be an English major. The Gods know I have more than my fair share of run on sentences, so as long as you don't use text talk (U, IDK, and the such) we will get along just fine.
  • Decent length on posts, you don't need to write a novel each time, sometimes posts will be short. But for the love of all that is holy give me something to work with.
  • If you are looking for a smut story, just say so. If we build a high fantasy story involving slaying a dragon, no reason to bang on the entire trip. I'm by no means against smut, but lets set some parameters first.
  • OOC chat from time to time, we don't have to be buddies, although I do like to get to know my partners. But at the very least lets collaborate OOC.

  • Honestly, I'm pretty open on this. As long as we stay away from hard no's I think we will be alright.

  • Violence against children, I am a father. I do not appreciate it and lets keep this out of our stories.
  • Bathroom play or blood play. Not my thing, sorry.
  • Metagaming, I.E. if your character has no knowledge of it but you do and you act like your character has magical insight.
  • Godmodding, do not control my characters unless I give express permission, you have full autonomy of your characters and I for mine.
I do not enjoy playing canon characters, but I do like some fandom universes
  • Star Wars
  • My Hero Academia
  • Soul Eater
MC is first, and I will add more specifics as time goes on and inspiration hits me
  • MxF, FxF, MxM (although I am kinda picky on that one), and everything in between
  • Mage x anything
  • Rogue x rogue/noble/whatever
  • Knight/Paladin x pretty much whatever
  • Dragon x noble/knight
  • Monstergirl x whatever

Story Ideas

My Hero?
-MHA Fandom
-OCxOC ( I do not enjoy being limited with canon characters)
The world of My Hero Academia is quite a bit larger than it is in our small focused adventures in the show/manga. So with this in mind I was hoping to do a story in another land so to say. But basically I would like to take the premise and tweak it a bit with OC characters. For starters have the Academy be more of a college than a high school (I don't enjoy playing characters under 18). Maybe you and I can make a few NPC characters for the baddies, and for the teachers and what not. So if you like character creation, and fighting evil then this should be a good one.

Righteous Fury
MC is a paladin named Angelica

Age - 26
Gender - Female
Race - Human
Attitude - Battlehardened, can come across as cold but is loyal to a fault, will sacrifice body mind and soul to do the right thing
Backstory - 15th in line for her Uncle's throne, Angelica forsook her claim at a young age and became a squire. Many in her land mock her for her choice, but few doubt her prowess after the legendary Battle of Crows. She was knighted and became a paladin under the Goddess Uldara. Her magic power is modest compared to others in her station, but her talent as a warrior more than makes up for it.

The Gods have been cast out of the heavens. Kingdoms are in upheaval and cities burn in these chaotic times. MC is put on a mission by her Goddess to discover why this has happened, for not even the Gods know why they cannot return to the heavens or why their power is but a fraction of what it used to be. YC can be a minor God, warrior, or a bystander caught up in this mission its up to you!
  • More to come!

Premade Characters
Hey Lyon, I would love to do the Rightous fury idea with you. Would love to do it as Fxf. :)
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