Introducing Myself

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Introducing Myself


Definitely Not a Serf
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Today 7:07 PM
Howdy -

I've had this account since April of 2018, yet for some reason have never followed through enough to actually start posting! I plan to put an end to that, and therefore introduce myself as Argo. I'm definitely not a serf.

As far as personal details go, I love to write (sort of a given, to be honest) and also enjoy making artwork. If I get comfortable on this site, I might even start posting some of it. I also adore reading and I'm currently digging through Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive series.

Previously, I've hopped from one RP site to another, most of them being small in scope and several of them actually shutting down only a couple of months into their lifespans. It put me off for a while and only recently have I returned to the hobby with hopes of finding a more stable community to put down roots.

So, I stumbled across this site again, and decided to give it a try.

Enough about backstory; now to my post preferences and what I hope to get out of my experiences here.

- I'm a generally laid-back individual and don't mind writing with a broad spectrum of people who all have their own post lengths and various levels of literacy.
- Both short and long post lengths are fine by me, and I can mirror both depending on who I'm responding to. (Still, I have to draw the line at one-sentence replies - they're just not enough to work with, sorry!)

- I'm also very understanding when it comes to response times - everybody has their own life's work, and some days you just have to take a break. Burn-out is no joke. In roleplays previous, I've had people disappear for weeks before posting again. I don't mind this, but I would appreciate a heads-up for when you have to be away for extended periods of time. It'll never cause further issues.

- I generally write in the Fantasy genre, though I'll sometimes dabble in Sci-fi (though this, too, usually is 'soft' sci-fi or has other crossover elements to it). As far as Fantasy goes, I'm not restricted to the staple 'kings-n-castles' types of elements and can enjoy all types of unique settings and premises. As always, there are exceptions to these preferences and depending on an interesting story.

I think that's it for now. If anyone needs an extra character for their RP (or are just looking for a writing partner), don't hesitate to hit me up! I'll be sure to check it out.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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