Introduction and Intromission

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Introduction and Intromission


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Today 12:18 PM
Hey there, and welcome to my introduction. I'll get right into the meat of it.

I've been roleplaying for about seven or so years now, across different websites and such. While english is not my first language, I consider myself fairly proficient at it (My biggest issue is habitually capitalizing every noun). When I roleplay, I generally post between 2-5 paragraphs, but that varies depending on context and what I'm given to work with. For stories, I have two main likes: nice Romance-Adventure, or dark Sadomasochistic sex.

Outside of roleplay, I'm open to just talking. My main interests are history and mechanics, but I can discuss pretty much anything.

Well, I think that does it for now. Thanks for reading!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the Sanctum!
Welcome, welcome!
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