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Today 5:21 PM
Hello I'm Riter. Get it? No? Ok. This is my introduction. It is going to be very short, though, because "Me" isn't a very long discussion. I'm new to roleplay, and really just kind of looking to watch and see where I fit in. That was not a pun. Ok, maybe a little one. Everything looks promising though, and I have enjoyed reading the posts I've seen. Perhaps soon I'll find the courage to post something of my own.
Welcome dearest!! I am here with the ceremonial cupcake and a hug *gives cupcake and hug* I suggest you read our rules and vote anytime possible. Have fun and if you have questions message anyone with a purple, blue, or green name.
Oh so it's a choose your own color political system? I heartily approve. Up with the Blues, down with the Greens! Where does the line to start the rebellion form? I brought my own pitchfork!
Hello Ritter, *hides colors*

Glad to have you around. Explore and have fun. As for the rebellion .... Don't let the authorities see you. O.O
Puns AND pitchforks?! You'll fit in just dandy here. Welcome, glad to have you aboard the crazy and hope to see some works from you soon. ^-^
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