Character(s) Island of Misfit Toys

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Character(s) Island of Misfit Toys


Crayon Sommelier
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Today 10:28 PM
Tobias Krugle
Spotify playlist
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 45
Height: 6'0"
Build: Muscular
Skin Tone: Pale/Tan depending on the season
Hair: Dark Brown

Facial Features
Beard: short
Eye Colour: Cobalt Blue

Markings and tattoos: none
Nervous Tics and Habits: Drinking/smoking/sex
Character Kinks: Tends to be a switch, loves a good power struggle if it's too easy it's no fun to him
Additional notes:

Personality: Tobias has a void within him that he uses anything to fill it with. Sometimes it's as simple as drinking, sex, or any kind of physical pleasure. He often struggles with his mood, while sometimes he's an alright guy to be around. At times he's rather flirtatious, especially when he's been drinking. He does have a mean, violent streak the comes out more often than he likes to admit. Tobias tends to be drawn to things of power, what that looks like depends on the universe he's in. If there is magic or supernatural abilities he gravitates towards those, snapping it up as quick as he can. If a powerless realm he tends to gravitate towards positions of power. It all ends the same way with it driving him mad and losing it all.

Abilities: He's always been great at turning a conversation around. He's shockingly good at diffusing people who he's angered, but he doesn't have a problem throwing down if he needs to. In a supernatural setting Tobias has the ability to change his appearance that he inherited from his mother. While his body in that setting doesn't actually age he chooses to make himself look older after major events in his life.

Background: Tobias was born to loving parents and all things considered he should've turned out to be a rather normal guy. The circumstances around his birth were a shock to his parents and they considered him a blessing. What was a blessing had been a curse, Tobias' father had a dark past and crossed the wrong people. He had killed a person's loved one who had placed a curse on him that his child would be the embodiment of all of his bad traits. While as a child he was fairly normal the darkness bloomed in him as he grew older. It didn't truly start to manifest until after Tobias' mother died, he spiraled out into all his bad habits. He would frequently try to find love in people and for a time he'd be content in the relationship. It usually wasn't long before he would bury himself in a new person, breaking his lover's heart. On top of a trail of broken hearts he left a trail of bastard children. Some of them he got to know and even raised himself, but most he's fairly ignorant of their existences.

It wasn't until after the death of his father that Tobias seemed to find his center. He still never really took on a full time lover, maybe he didn't trust himself to try and commit to a single person. Maybe he just didn't care. While he still may bed new people he usually makes an effort to no procreate with his lovers. (if you wanna play as one of his MANY kids let me know)
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Savannah Krugle
Spotify playlist
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 25
Height: 5'5"
Build: Slender/toned
Skin Tone: pale/tan depending on the season
Hair: Dark brown

Facial Features
Eye Colour: Cobalt Blue
Markings and tattoos: Some scars from fights but nothing major
Nervous Tics and Habits: none
Character Kinks: folds easily to kind men

Personality: Savannah is fiercely loyal to anyone she cares about. She's particularly protective of her younger brother Vincent. She's a kind person but if someone were to cross her they would be paid back ten fold. She was one to never light any slight go and usually didn't leave any debts unpaid.

Abilities: Savannah is a fierce fighter, something she was taught from a young age. In a supernatural setting she has limited magic she can use in a pinch to give her a stronger edge in a fight but she was never particularly gifted in that department.

Background: Savannah was the first child that Tobias had, he had stayed with her mother for a time but it wasn't long before his wandering eye broke them up. Tobias had always told her that her mother had abandoned her at the earliest opportunity, but that wasn't the case. Tobias for some reason had wanted to raise Savannah himself and didn't want anything to do with her mother. Tobias had taught her how to to fight because he knew how men could be and he wanted his daughter to be able to protect herself. It wasn't long before her little brother was dropped off by his mother, she couldn't keep him. Tobias was always resentful of having a child forced into his care and wasn't shy about how he felt.

It wasn't long before Savannah and Tobias were fighting almost constantly when she hit her early teens. Whenever Tobias would lash out at her brother, she was always there to retaliate. It was in her mid teens that Tobias abandoned them both completely, leaving Savannah to raise her younger brother by herself. She never truly forgave him for what he had done to the both of them. When they got older her brother tried to push the family to mend, but it would be a long road and Savannah wasn't so forgiving. While she hadn't had any children of her own as of yet, it wasn't something that was out of her mind.
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Vincent Krugle

Spotify playlist
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Straight?

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 19
Height: 6'8"
Build: pretty muscular
Skin Tone: pale/tan depending on the season
Hair: dark brown

Facial Features
Beard: none
Eye Colour: cobalt blue
Markings and tattoos: 3 rings tattooed around his neck, dimples
Nervous Tics and Habits: none
Character Kinks: soft dom

Additional notes: In a supernatural setting he's a werewolf that can change at will or unwillingly in certain circumstances.

Personality: Vincent is very much a gentle giant, kindness has always been a strong trait that he had from a child. But as he grew older he started to recognize that it was a tool he could use. While he never used this to malicious ends, he found that his kindness was disarming putting him in better positions by catching people off their guard. Usually he would use it to help Savannah, making them a pair to be reckoned with.

Abilities: Despite the setting Vincent has always been a studious, intelligent man. He's quick to learn new things and apply them to new situations. In settings that allow he's gifted with psionic ablities that he inherited from his Grandfather. Unfortunately he was never really given the opportunity to learn from him. The psionic abilities he has revolve around manipulating things around him. If there's an element he can pull it and use it, he has yet to learn the ability to create those elements to make himself even stronger. His wolf form has two different variations but they both have dark brown fur. He can either turn into a traditional bipedal werewolf as well as a large direwolf form.

Background: Vincent's mother had sought out Tobias specifically to have a child with him, despite the setting she was a part of a tribe of women who were exclusively women. They would seek out men for the purpose of having children, male children weren't kept either. Vincent was born with a female twin who remained with their mother. Vincent was given to his father as an infant, leaving Tobias to try and raise him on his own. As Vincent grew older it became apparent how resentful Tobias was of him. Vincent never received a bit of warmth of love from the man, leaving Savannah to protecting him. While it worked while he was younger it became apparent how she didn't see the strength that he had on his own as he grew older. This only drove him to work harder to be seen as a capable young man that he knew he was.

He grew up to be a fine young man, despite the circumstances surround his birth and childhood.
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Aedan Mercurius
Spotify playlist
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 29
Height: 5'11"
Build: toned/slender
Skin Tone: Tan
Hair: dark brown

Facial Features
Beard: scruffy/short
Eye Colour: Blue
Markings and tattoos: none
Nervous Tics and Habits: none
Character Kinks: dom

Additional notes: He is the captain of a ship called the Broken Delight, it can either be applied to a traditional sea ship or futuristic space ship. He has 7 members of his crew.

Personality: Aedan is usually a bit of a jokester and always the flirt, especially when it comes to beautiful women. He easily applies his charm to get himself out of (most) circumstances and has quite the magnetic personality. With that he was able to draw a lot of his crew to him, others joined of their own volition. Many of the people who come across him think that some of act to cover for something. However there has yet to be someone to get through his shield.

Abilities: He's an exceptionally skilled with a sword and pistol, his strength being mostly in duels. He's exceptionally good at commanding his ship and navigation. With the ladies he's rather skilled as well.

Background: Aedan was born to a rather poor family and quickly learned how to steal to help his family out. It wasn't long before he found his way to ships and learning how to better captain them. The captain he learned from, Clayborne 'Roaring' Newbery, a strong willed captain with a broadsword. He was a proper captain in service to the king. Aedan stayed with the crew well into adult hood, having given up his thieving ways and was certainly an upstanding gentleman. He stayed that way until his captain was betrayed, accused of criminal acts and was executed. The crew was forced to split up, but Aedan didn't want the ship to fall back into the hands of people who didn't deserve her. He took command of the ship and stole her, beginning his voyage into piracy. He renamed the ship the Broken Delight and went to work going to various ports looking for hands to work on the ship.

It didn't take him long to gather up a crew of seven people under him. His first mate, Wyatt Knight, and his navigator, Avery Rosario, were the first two that joined. The rest trickled in through various means: Brenhin Hawking, Nora Wolf, Ragna Wartooth, Oliver Barker, and Atropos Mickelson. Each one of them came with their own challenges but Aedan was always there to help them or bail them out when their... Lesser instincts would take over. The crew became quite notorious for their thieving but usually didn't kill the people the stole from which was unusual given their circumstances.

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Wyatt Knight
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 31
Height: 5'9"
Build: Toned
Skin Tone: Tan
Hair: dirty blond

Facial Features
Beard: scruffy/short
Eye Colour: blue
Markings and tattoos: none
Nervous Tics and Habits: always has to have the last word in an argument
Character Kinks: pretty vanilla, top

Additional notes: First mate of the Broken Delight

Personality: Wyatt is certainly one of those people who loves to argue and loves to win arguments even more. Truth of the matter he's a competitive person, anything he can do to gain an edge in whatever he's doing, he'll do it. He's not above cheating at all, at the end of the day if he's victorious he's won. The crew often joke about him letting his lover win if he were to ever take one, but Wyatt has never committed to any single relationship. He's never really committed to anyone, getting with someone new was always considered a challenge to him. Each new conquest was always a way to stroke his own ego further. With his crew he's friendly enough but outside that he's really only nice to people who he can get something from. Doesn't matter if it's a simple barter for goods or sex, if someone doesn't have anything he wants he sees no value in them.

Abilities: He's a skilled marksman, something that he had been taught from a young age. He also has some skills with a sword as well but it was never his primary focus. He's always been a natural leader with the ability to make quick decisions in high stress situations. This has made him a valuable first mate when things get hairy.

Background: Wyatt was born to servants of the king, but even from a young age he knew he wanted more from life. While he was taught to be a servant he never stuck with those lesson plans. He would sneak his way to the armory and taught himself how to use a bow in secret. When Wyatt was 12 years old the king held an archery tournament to recruit young talent to his guard. Servants weren't allowed to enter but that didn't stop Wyatt from disguising himself to enter in. Without having been given formal lessons or instructions of any kind he easily out performed everyone else. When it was revealed he was nothing more than a servant the king was not only impressed by his skills but impressed by his determination to prove himself. Wyatt was given the lowest rank among the guards given his age. As he got older he quickly climbed the ranks eventually reaching the rank of captain with men serving under him. The real question did things go from him being a rising star amongst the kings guard to being the first mate on a pirate ship?

The problem came from his ego. As an adult he had become quite the womanizer, though he was not limited by the gender of those he chose to pursue. The king's son had started to work with the guard closely, but Wyatt knew the real reason. He could see the way the prince was looking at him, the prince was getting ready to take over the throne and his father would spend the rest of his days ensuring the prince would run the kingdom well. He was promised to a princess in the neighboring kingdom. Wyatt was practicing his aim when the prince came around, watching Wyatt as he went through his drills with a dreamy look on his face. It didn't take much effort for Wyatt to seduce him, the first time they had gotten together had been in the hay above the horses. Because of the prince's status Wyatt wasn't tied down to him and continued to see other people, but the thrill of being with royalty from time to time gave him a rush. Not only that he got some special treatment in return from the prince. It wasn't long before their little affair was found out Wyatt was given the option of exile or execution, he took the former rather than the latter.

It was around this time that Aedan was looking for crew members and with no other options he took it.
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Brenhin Hawking
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Straight

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 40
Height: 5'11"
Build: well muscled
Skin Tone: lightly tanned
Hair: dark brown

Facial Features
Beard: scruffy
Eye Colour: Brown
Markings and tattoos: scarring from previous fights
Nervous Tics and Habits: hot tempered
Character Kinks: dom

Additional notes: In a supernatural setting he's half vampire.

Personality: Brenhin can be quite cold to people he doesn't know very well. He'd rather not invest any kind of attachment to temporary arrangements, he'll work with people but unless it's job related he won't really talk to them. However when he does get to know he'll warm up to them a bit more. While he is usually a man of few words he does try and make the ones he does say count for something. It takes a special person to get him to fully let down his walls. He doesn't smile often but like his words they are when it would count the most. He's also very protective of his crew mates, especially the younger ones, it would be a bad day for anyone to bring malice against any of them.

Abilities: Despite his heavy build he's exceptionally skilled at stealth. He's also skilled in a variety of weapons from his previous job, he works with his weapons everyday as a part of his training regiment to keep his skill sharp in case they are needed again. Given that he's be a part of the pirate crew they have come in handy, despite the policy to leave people alive. The only time he's been given permission to end someone is it's known that person is a villain in need of slaying.

Background: Brenhin was an orphan, with that he was taken in by a mercenary group. They raised him from a young age of six how to use weapons and fight, they were kind but firm with him. By the time he was a teenager he was a formidable opponent. He only grew deadlier as he grew older, the only real family he had known was those who had raised him. One day that all changed, he met a woman while he was between jobs. Her name was Calliope Brightrun and the two of them almost instantly hit it off. It was almost instant chemistry that he had never known from another person. That started him returning to the same town every time he finished a job, the bond they had only grew more and more each time. Eventually Brenhin came to a crossroads: continue is work as a mercenary or settle down with Calliope. With some consideration he chose the latter, giving up his adopted family for one that he would grow with love and affection. They were married in a small ceremony and Brenhin settled in with her, she worked in the tavern and he worked as a weaponsmith. While he was out of the life it was all he truly knew. It wasn't long before they had their first child, a boy named Kayden. A daughter named Teagan followed soon after. His family filled him with so much pride, watching his children grow up and the bond with them and his wife only growing stronger. The question then becomes how does this loving family man end up on a pirate ship?

Vengance. The son of one of his targets had habored revenge in his heart, wanting to go after those who had killed his father and brothers. It was by pure luck that he had been spared that day. While he couldn't go after the mercenary group directly he had heard that Brenhin had hung up his sword and had a family of his own. He gatherd up some friends and they struck at night, quick to restrain Brenhin as he was the biggest threat. They tied him up and dragged his family out in front of him, Brenhin could do nothing as he watched each of his family were dispatched in front of him. (It was here in a supernatural setting they had started to turn him into a vampire but were interrupted and making him more formitable in the process) Brenhin was left for dead but was found by his old mercenary group. They nursed him back to health and he had vowed revenge on those who took his family away. He was set adrift, he didn't return to his former life but he couldn't remain a simple weaponsmith either. Aedan had found him while he was drifting around the harbor town and offered him a place on the ship. Brenhin was hesitant at first but part of him figured that a new start in something else might help. That and moving around might help him track down leads on those who had wronged him.
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Avery Rosario
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: Gay

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 35
Height: 5'8"
Build: toned/slender
Skin Tone: light tan
Hair: blonde

Facial Features
Beard: clean shaven (scruffy when on voyage for a long time)
Eye Colour: Green
Markings and tattoos: none
Nervous Tics and Habits: gambling/stealing
Character Kinks: sub/bottom

Additional notes: He's the navigator for the Broken Delight

Personality: Avery is warm and cordial to just about anyone he comes across, some would even say naively friendly. But he knows that kindness can be used as a decption to get the things that he wants. Usually in the form of robbing people blind when they least expect it. With those that he's close to he is genuninely nice to them and frequently pranks them by moving their stuff around. He at the very least doesn't steal from his friends. When confronted by anyone he quickly crumbles and just does his best to escape.

Abilities: His skilled at gambling and anything that involves sleight of hand, usually he can get away with cheating while gambling. He frequently wins a lot but never really knows when to quit while he's ahead. He's exceptionally good at vanishing while being pursued given he can climb up anything and blend into crowds when needed. He's skilled with pistols if the need arises but he does anything that he can to avoid being put in that situation. He can also pick locks and sneak his way into any building he needs to.

Background: Avery was born to a noble family but it didn't take him long to grow bored with lessons and trying to be a proper gentleman. He would frequently travel into town in disguise to gamble at the local tavern, until he learned how to cheat he lost a lot of money while doing so. For a long time he was able to keep his family ignorant of his activities, even stealing from his own family to have money to go gambling with. It wasn't long after he grew closer to being an adult that his family found out what he was doing. They had tried to help him stop but nothing they did changed his ways, the disowned him and threw him out on the streets with nothing but the clothes on his back. Having to build his money back up he learned to pick pocket to feed his gambling need as well as earn money. It took a little while but it wasn't long before he was living fairly comfortably. Avery bounced from town to town to keep suspicion off of him when too much stuff had gone missing or too many gambling tables were drained dry because of him.

When he was older he was in a port city and had gotten into a game of cards with Aedan and some other folks. Avery quickly became entranced by Aedan, his devil may care smile, the almost flirtatious way that he spoke with those around him. Avery did his best to remain focused on the game and a few times cheated Aedan out of a win. When he felt like he had won enough, part of him wanted to stay to keep chatting with Aedan but knew it was time to move on from this tavern. He left and started to head towards the other tavern he was staying at, not realzing that Aedan had been tailing him out of the tavern. When Avery had made it to a less crowded part of town Aedan yanked him into an alley, a knife to his throat. Aedan complimented his skill at the table, but that Avery's cheating hadn't gone over his head. Aedan told him that he could use a man of his skill in his crew and offered him a place on the ship. Given that Avery didn't have any other options he agreed. While on the ship he grew fond of making tea from various herbs, mostly because the ship didn't agree with him at first. But after knowing how to treat himself he quickly learned the benefits of other herbs and used it to help keep the crew a little healthier. He did realize too late he was falling in love with Aedan but knew that Aedan would never be with him in that way so he's left quietly pining for him while keeping to his duties.
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Nora Wolf
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Asexual/aromantic

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 20
Height: 5'3"
Build: slender
Skin Tone: pale
Hair: dark brown

Facial Features
Beard: none
Eye Colour: brown
Markings and tattoos: none
Nervous Tics and Habits: chews on her lips/fingernails/cuticles
Character Kinks: none

Additional notes: in a setting that allows it she's a half elf

Personality: A lot of Nora's personality comes across as a blank slate, how she acts tends to reflect the group of people she is with at the time. Initially with a new group she is quiet a lot of the time, kind of observing how the social dynamic is before she really starts to interact. It's like she needs to know the rules of the group so that she can abide by those rules and fit in more quickly. There's always a part of her that is desperate to be a part of a friend group that she comes off a bit like a mat where sometimes people can walk over her. It never seems to be enough as she tries to fit in she always seems to be kind of on the outside of things.

Abilities: While a lot of her abilities stem from being a social chameleon there is one thing that she does exceptionally well: heal people. She had taken an interest in medicine from an early age and learned as much as she could about the body and how to fix things that were wrong. Maybe in part it was to try and fix herself, but helping other people seemed to be a nice bonus to that too because at least she could be useful to some degree. After joining the Broken Delight she became their de facto doctor aboard the ship, she would treat any injuries or ailments the crew happened to get. She also learned a bit of herbology from Avery once she really settled into the ship. Brenhin started to teach her some basic self defense stuff just in case she needed it but she never really had any interest in fighting.

Background: Nora was born the oldest of five children and while she was never truly neglected as a child it became clear her parents never really treated her the same as her other siblings. Being the oldest she was often isolated from the rest of her siblings as the others were closer in age and she had spent a good portion of her childhood fighting with them. Nora grew up never being close to her family and could only really seek validation from friendships she would try and form. At the end of the day she was never close even with friends, she was always an outsider and was often jealous of when friends would get together without even thinking of inviting her. Part of her considered asking but if she had to ask every time did they really want her around? Rather than complain about it she simply stuffed it down and tried to ignore what she was feeling in favor of trying to keep the peace with her so called friends.

When she was an adult she left her family's home once and for all, for the first time feeling true freedom from them. But life on her own was often difficult as she tried to work as a healer in a clinic only to find her skills were woefully lacking. She did her best to get formal training so that she could improve at helping people and had been making good progress. It was always the same at the end of the day, she ended up in a tavern alone while friends would spend time with each other. She was never included and it only hurt more and more. One of the days she was in the tavern she heard Aedan talking with another man about joining his crew and that was something that seemed to catch her attention. Maybe this was something that she could consider doing and she decided to trail Aedan and the dark, long haired man back to their ship. It was quite the beautiful vessel and it was then she decided that was what she was going to do. The one night while the crew was drinking and gambling in the tavern she drugged their drinks and kidnapped Aedan, only when the other crew tracked them down and found him tied up did they find out what had happened. The first clue was that Avery was hungover and he was never one to really get drunk at all. Nora told them she wanted to be a part of their crew and while some thought she could've just asked, Aedan seemed to appreciate her cunning. The type of thinking she had might lead to greater profits down the road. From then on she was a part of the Broken Delight.
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Ragna Wartooth
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 25
Height: 5'8"
Build: Slender
Skin Tone: pale
Hair: Blond

Facial Features
Beard: none
Eye Colour: Pale Blue
Markings and tattoos: angel wings on her back
Nervous Tics and Habits: tends to sleep a lot
Character Kinks: Sub

Additional notes: in a setting that allows she's an elf who's 80 years old but appears to be 25

Personality: Ragna Wartooth, despite her fierce sounding name is actually fairly laid back. She never really lets anything bother her, doesn't really matter what happens to her she just lets things roll off her back. Even things that should really bother her she just tends to shrug off and move on. At some points her indifference just seems to irritate people because they think she never really cared at all. The truth is that if she had to work hard to keep anyone in her life then they were never truly meant to stay in her life.

Abilities: Ragna Wartooth despite her name has zero capabilities in the battle and in truth she never really had anything that she particularly excelled at. She would mostly spend her her time reading books and learning new things but nothing practical she could apply to her real life. She would spend her days smoking or drinking with a good book, when she was feeling especially creative she would write her own stories down. What she would write would be mostly based on the stories she would overhear at the tavern, she eventually had a nice collection of short stories she had written but never really did anything with. When she joined with the Broken Delight she would write down the stories of her crew, whether it be the stories they would tell of their time before joining or their current escapades on the ship currently. Nora became the lore keeper to perhaps immortalize their legacy.

Background: Nora was born to a loving family, she never wanted for anything in her life. While her parents encouraged her to blossom and do something with her life she seemed to be complacent in doing not a whole lot. Anything that she did was always the bare minimum to keep her parents and everyone else off her back. It was always clear that if she ever truly applied her self she would be more than capable of great things, but given her usual disposition about things she never really saw the need to do that. When pushed she did excel, easily at that but when the pressure was off she would go back to her usual amount of effort. It wasn't long before she had grown into an adult and while she was comforable at home decided to go out on her own. From there she seemed to float from one woman's bed to another. For a while her partner would take care of her, thinking that she would change and blossom into the capabale woman they knew they saw. Eventually they all reached the same conclusion that she would never change and that was when Ragna would venture out again to find another woman to stay with for a time.

It was in one of her inbetween phases that she found herself moving towards the Broken Delight, she was very attracted to Nora despite Nora's almost ignorance that she was being hit on. But it didn't take long for Ragna to worm her way into Nora's life and before long she was on the ship. Considering she never really needed much and generally kept to herself it was three months before Aedan realized there was another member on the ship. While Nora and Ragna never got together, Ragna seemed to somehow convince Aedan to allow her to stay on the ship. Aedan was able to teach her some things and would give her a list of duties to perform on the ship, if she did those she could stay as long as she liked. Ragna agreed and easily kept to her end of the bargain. One of her favorite things was to smoke mind altering substances at night and stargaze laying out on the deck, some of the time Avery would join her in the journey and they would talk about the constellations and how they could almost see the legends playing out in front of them. It wasn't long before Ragna was writing about the crew and their adventures, on special nights she would get information on their previous lives which was always a nice thing to hear about. It was always interesting to see how her crew mates ticked and what made them the people they were today. Aedan was the only one she was having trouble cracking but she knew she'd be able to do it one day.
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Oliver Barker
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Pansexual

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 25
Height: 6'2"
Build: Muscular
Skin Tone: pale
Hair: Dark Brown

Facial Features
Beard: Short beard
Eye Colour: dark brown
Markings and tattoos: tattoo of who he used to belong to (pictured below) on his right forearm, scarring over his left eye
Nervous Tics and Habits: when he's comfortable he tends to wear next to nothing depending on who he's around
Character Kinks: switch, always willing to take on the role that is needed for the moment.

Additional notes: In a setting that allows it he's a mage focused on arcane elemental arts

Personality: Oliver's personality depends on what he's currently doing. If he's in work mode he tends to be jovial, flirtatious, and downright charming. There's not a single person he can't talk to, can't get them to open up in one way or another. When he's not in work mode he tends to be rather shy, quite the inverse of how he is when he's working. If not working it can take a little work for him to open up and when he does it's still a muted version of the persona he wears while working. He's certainly kind and generous with those he knows and if there's anything at all he could do for them he will. If there's someone who has the right sob story he'll bend over backwards because he can't stand the sight of someone who is distraught. He'll do everything within his power to right whatever is going wrong for them.

Abilities: Oliver knows a bit of fighting, mostly enough to defend himself and escape to a safe place. His true skills are in bed. When he was of age he was taken as property of a brothel, The Rusty Cutlass, he was taught to pleasure any person that walked through the door and would pay coin for his company. He had become one of the best in his the Cutlass, often having a list of clients booking in advance to experience his services. This often gained him the ire of those who worked with him. However there was no denying his talents.

Background: Oliver was born in The Rusty Cutlass to his mother who had been impregnated by a client. Fortunately his mother had been a top performer at the The Rusty Cutlass so the quarters she had was far away from everything going on in a separate building. Oliver was never exposed to anything that a child shouldn't have seen, but he did ask about his father. His mother was honest that the man had only come through the tavern once and she never saw him again. When he reached his teens it became clear where he had been living and that's when his mother showed him the tattoo that branded her as property of the brothel, that she couldn't leave here. Oliver decided to work odd jobs around the Cutlass, usually cleaning up after each encounter to try and earn enough coin to buy his mother's freedom. He wanted her to be able to enjoy her life as much as possible, that the two of them could have a normal life. When Oliver reached adulthood, his mother was growing older and it was something that the owner didn't look favorably upon. The owner, Kayden O'Haren, offered Oliver's mother a deal, she could leave this place with enough coin to start anew if her son would take her place. Initially she said no, but Oliver told her to take the opportunity, that she deserved it. She couldn't bear the thought of her son taking her place, but he insisted and said he'd be branded right then and there if it meant she could go free. She was released and Oliver was put to work and started to perfect his craft.

Aedan sometimes would frequent The Rusty Cutlass when he had the extra coin, he spotted Oliver in the tavern. He looked like he had been in a fight, lip was split, black eye, and bruising on his neck. He had never seen anyone with those types of markings before. He approached him and the pair of them started to talk, a client had gotten too rough for him and now he was out of service until he was healed. He couldn't work while looking like he went through the ringer. Aedan didn't much care for how he had been treated and asked him if he wanted to keep living this life. Oliver had asked him if he could be honest, when told yes he said he'd like nothing more than to leve this place once and for all. After seven years of doing this he wanted nothing more than to be free. Aedan offered him a space on the ship and Oliver more than willingly took the opportunity. The first time they cast out to see was the most free Oliver had ever felt and he'd never look back. While he would use his talents to earn some coin sometimes, it was by his choice and he could pick who he truly wanted to work for each time.
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Atropos Mickelson
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 23
Height: 5'5"
Build: Slender
Skin Tone: tan
Hair: Black

Facial Features
Beard: none
Eye Colour: Violet
Markings and tattoos: butterfly tattoo (pictured below)
Nervous Tics and Habits: she can never do anything small, it's always go big or go home
Character Kinks: sub

Additional notes: In the settings that allow she's a Dragon who can take human form (pictured below)

Personality: There is a void that runs deep with Atropos, a lot of how she acts depends on whatever need she's trying to fulfill. Sometimes she has the need to fill her ego, other times it's any other vice, sex, drinking, acquiring material items, or power. She can come across as very cold and uncaring to those who don't know her. Even with the crew the only person she is actually close with is Avery and will often defend him against the jabs of the other crew. With him and people she's close with she's fiercly protective of them and quite loving. But it takes a special kind of person to get close to her. She had been hurt too many times to let just anyone get close to her. Her and Wyatt frequently but heads as their perspectives align too well.

Abilities: In the universe that allows for magic she's exceptionally skilled in a wide varity of studies. One of the things he makes sure she takes are books and tomes to expand her knowledge and power. She's incredibly skilled in a direct fight with a sword, she usually uses a light blade that looks as though it's made of glass but its indestrutable and sharper than a regular sword. She's certainly not one to give an quarter and never holds back versus anyone even in practice. She can also speak several languages to better adapt to any area she's in as she tries to gain more power.

Background: Atropos was born to parents who were powerful and respected within their community. They would often set classes to teach people in the community how to read and write, and for those who were interested they would learn magic and other medicines. They believed that building a strong community would increase their own power ten fold. While that may have been a selfish thought it was entirely to help those around them and make sure that people were taken care of around them. It was surprising that Atropos seemed to ignore all those lessons and was entirely selfish. Perhaps it was that she felt her parents didn't pay enough attention to her because they were busy taking care of the community, but that truly wasn't the case. They had done everything to empower her to learn and help others but those lessons seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. Atropos eventually left her parents house in pursuit of her own vision of her life. She packed what belonging she could and went to start over in another city.

It was in the new city that she found herself in a tavern. She had been enjoying a meal when something felt off, she felt her pocket and her money was gone. She spotted a man paying at the bar with her bag of money. The man who had lifted her bag was none other than Aedan. They got into an argument and while she did get her money back, Aedan also extended the offer to her to join his ship. He had heard of her and never thought he'd see her outside of her parents community. They got to talking and he wanted to use her expertise and in exchange he'd help her acquire whatever she needed going forward. She got her own corner of the ship where she slowly started to build up her library and other materials, enjoying the life on the open sea and gaining new experiences that she normally would've have thanks to Aedan.

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Name: Jack
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: Omnisexual

Physical Characteristics:
Age: Unknown Appears 23
Height: 5'6"
Build: bean pole
Race: Demon
Skin Tone: Pale
Hair: Black

Facial Features
Beard: none
Eye Colour: Black with Green irises
Markings and tattoos: Has a horn on the right side of his head, missing the other, missing his later incisor, cuspid, first bicuspid and second bicuspid on his right side top. blackout sleeve tattoo on his left arm. chain tattoo around his right wrist
Nervous Tics and Habits: Extremely forgetful, tends to flinch when people yell, if loud enough will get into a defensive position to protect himself
Character Kinks: extreme submissive

Personality: Jack has a surprisingly bubbly when in the right environment, a bit too bubbly for a demon by most standards. At the end of the day he has a deep need to please the people around him by any means necessary. This has often put him in bad situations where the other person might take too much advantage of him. He might not exactly remember what they do to him, but if they've physically hurt him in anyway he seems to physically react without thinking about it.

Abilities: His abilities center around illusions. He can create illusions to do what he needs, they're usually non solid but if he focuses most of his energy he can create a solid object. This can also apply to making himself look different temporarily, usually at the whim of whoever he's with at the time.

Background: Jack doesn't remember much of his human life, but he does have a sketchy memory of his time as a demon. He's frequently bullied by other demons, it's why he only has one horn and missing some of his teeth. He was taken under the wing of some demons who took pity on him and helped him to start to thrive a little. He does love going to the human world and interacting with mortals. He'll hide his more demon like features when he's in the human world. He loves to do things that involve loud things. Whether it be music or art or combinations of the two. He frequently is tagging things with bright colors of spray paint or dancing in the clubs.

Marcus Graves
Sexuality: Straight

Physical Characteristics:
Old, appears to be 22
Height: 6'3"
Build: Toned
Race: Vampire
Skin Tone: Pale
Hair: Long, raven colored

Facial Features
Clean Shaven
Eye Colour: Bright blue
Markings and tattoos: none
Nervous Tics and Habits: Usually has a woman he's personally selected to have his fun with until they're dead. None survive, how long depends on the woman in question.
Character Kinks: Violence, domination, corruption

Additional notes: He has a few hell hounds that guard his property to keep him safe while he sleeps. They're large twisted dire wolves with large maws and exaggerated teeth. They have black, patchy fur with eyes that glow a bright red in the dark. Their howls are distorted and almost sound like painful screaming with wolfy undertones. They're fierce creatures that if they decide they want someone dead, they'll not stop until they've ripped them apart.

Personality: He is cold and unfeeling, mortals around him are nothing but insects to be squashed beneath his boot. He is methodical in all the things he does, after all he has nothing but time. The only time he shows any sort of emotion is when he is inflicting some kind of agony on the women in his "care," their screams bringing a small smile to his face. He does not care to explain himself to those who he considers lesser, he just expects submission completely and utterly.

Abilities: Spies from the Shadows - Being limited on when he can leave he uses ravens to spy out on the world and find his newest play thing. The large birds can be alone and other times in large flocks that sit around gathered. He's able to see through their eyes and even throw his voice through them to try and drive people mad.

Hellfire - He can summon up flames to destroy objects or set things ablaze. Usually it's the size of a softball but with greater expenditure of himself he can summon pillars/walls of fire if necessary, but at the risk of leaving him weakened for a time after.

Obtenebration - He can merge in with shadows, allowing him to move and stalk his victims without them knowing. While in his shadow form he can make different shapes to terrify those he is stalking, letting the fear take hold in them to make them more delicious. The fear is palpable when he emerges from the shadows behind his victim and takes a hold of them.

Shapeshift - He can transform himself either into a large black direwolf or into a small flock of bats, both have their uses.

Chimerastry - He can create minor and major illusions. The closer to reality the more realistic do they become. With expenditure of himself they can become solid for a brief time but at the risk of leaving him weakened. He primarily uses it to terrify his victims and inflict psychological torture on those in his "care."

Vampire's Kiss - His bite can grant a deep pleasure to his victims, obfuscating the fact that he is biting them while he drains their essence. But pleasure has never been his true end goal, over time he figure out how to turn it off with a small expenditure of himself. The victim will feel the full pain of the bite which makes the feeding even more enjoyable. When he is feeling charitable he'll turn it on, maybe give his charges a false sense of security that they're going to be treated better.

Minor Telekinesis - He can move small objects with his mind, the largest being heavy doors.

Painting - One of his passions is painting and he's a master of his craft. He's taken to the habit of painting a portrait of those in his "care" that he displays with almost pride. His home is also decorated with scenic pictures that he created and given his life span his home is filled with masterpieces that are for his eyes only and the poor soul who is trapped in his manor.

Background: His human life was so long ago he barely cares to remember it. The older he's gotten the more his humanity has left him, perhaps if he remembered what it was like to be mortal he might be more sympathetic. The first woman to come into his charge was Lehna Morshall. He was still a young vampire at the time and hadn't lost his humanity. She had offered herself to him in exchange for him to leave the village alone. He had no issues with this exchange and he even grew to care for her as much as he was capable of at the time. She was the closest to being an equal to Marcus, something that he treasured about her. Lehna was the first portrait he had painted and is the only portrait in his possession that has the most life to it. All the other portraits are terrified, crying, or the worse is almost souless, all the life in them was gone at the time of painting.

He had offered to turn Lehna so they could spend eternity together, but she declined and he watched her grow old and die. It wasn't long before he established with the town that they would send a woman of his choosing to stay with him in exchange for his continued benevolence in sparing the town of his blood habits. From generation to generation, each leader of the village knew what they had to do in order to keep their town safe. Some of the women lasted longer than others but as time went on he grew colder towards those he was given. Afterall they were his play things to have fun with, his taste for violence grew with each passing girl. It became a game to see how long it would be before he broke them, what new ways he could torture them and each new girl taught him new horrors he could inflict upon them. Strangely enough each of the women he picked shared physical traits with Lehna, be it simply her eyes or maybe her hair or perhaps it was the kindness that she showed despite him being a monster. But as time went on he care for any kindness that she would show him.

He documented everything, taking notes of what worked and what didn't work. In his large library there's a section of books that is just filled with his notes about each of the women. He documented their names, ages, physical traits, personality traits, what broke them and more importantly how they died. Some simply succumbed to his torture, others killed themselves, some were killed by his hellhounds when they tried to escape during the day thinking it would be safe. He made no effort to hide the books and some of the women found them, only increasing their terror ten-fold knowing what fate would likely await them.

The village knew of the monster that lived just outside of town but didn't dare speak his name. They were scared that if he were mentioned he might show up and bring new terror to them, that the single woman wouldn't be enough to sate him and he would unleash a blood bath on the town just for fun. For now they were safe as long as they continued the tradition passed down generation to generation.
Kaedan Macleod
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Gay

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Build: Slender/toned
Race: Human
Skin Tone: Pale
Hair: Orange with a birthmark that causes a white streak to grow at the front

Facial Features
Beard: Light chin stubble, can't really grow a beard
Eye Colour: Bright Green
Markings and tattoos: freckles on the face and across the shoulders
Nervous Tics and Habits: has a habit of pacing when anxious or nervous
Character Kinks: none

Personality: Kaedan isn't usually one to smile naturally. He tends to keep a pretty neutral face that looks slightly angry at all times. Everything that he does revolves around whatever assignment he's been given and once put on track he rarely ever fails. He is also one who doesn't accept a loss very easily so that if he does fail he immediately gets back up and tries again. When someone can break through the walls he has constructed around himself he can be almost sweet and caring in his own way. He tends to very stubborn in how he acts, further adding in to him being relentless in the goals he has in mind.

Abilities: Kaedan is incredibly skilled at stealth, given his short stature and light weight he is quiet and quick on his feet. He's mastered the art of sticking to the shadows and moving silently, often getting the drop on his targets. He has a working knowledge of poisons as well as blade work with knives and small swords. He has a basic understanding of archery that he's learning to perfect for long range attacks. His archery is good enough for something like hunting animals but as far as using it in his trade he's still a work in progress.

Background: Kaedan Macleod was born the youngest with ten older siblings. While in normal circumstances he might have been babied and loved by his mother for being the youngest, he was just another mouth to feed in a long line of mouths to feed. He spent a lot of time trying to bond with his siblings but he was seemingly cast out by every single member of his family. It wasn't until much later in life he figured out his mother had had an affair and he was the product of that affair, something that her husband let slide but never truly accepted Kaedan at all.

When he was about ten years old his parents found the opportunity to be rid of him once and for all. A man had come through town looking for an apprentice to train under him. Seizing the opportunity his parents took it, they didn't even know what he would be training in just that they could get rid of him. They traded him for a nice payment and he was taken away by a man named Rhys Dunn who then began to train him in the arts of being an assassin. While he was a strict man, there was almost a love that he expressed to Kaedan that he had never really experienced before. It wasn't exactly what he expected but it was certainly more than he had gotten from his so called family. When he was an adult he started to go out on assignments to eliminate specific people, with his strict training he was overall fairly successful in how many targets he was able to eliminate. Each one building his confidence in his abilities and therefore getting praise from his mentor.
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