MxF It's been a really long time...

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MxF It's been a really long time...


Valkyrie in training
Local time
Today 12:16 AM
Some small town in the middle of nowhere
Hello! I have roleplayed here in the past before and ended up taking an extremely long hiatus and returning to another site. So I am back, looking for partners for a high fantasy story that has been haunting me for the past week.

Before I get to the good stuff, I guess I should give a proper introduction. You can call me Ino. I work full time (6-2:30 EST) with a job that doesn't really allow me to reply while I am at work. However, I do try to get replies out daily when my motivation and mental health allow. But I can reply at least once a week, usually more. I consider myself an advanced writer. My posts tend to be 4 paragraphs at a minimum and can go up 1000+ words. When I get into a story, I tend to get a little carried away, so you'll have to be able to handle walls of text. I am not limited to playing female characters. However, my main character will always be a female in a male x female pairing. I will play multiple other characters all varying in age, gender, orientation. All of my characters are 18+.

Romance is a necessity. I'm good with slow burns, I even prefer them, but I need some kind of romance to hold my interest. That does not necessarily have to be the biggest part of the plot. I prefer a more plot driven story over smut, although I do enjoy that too. I have the usual limits. Nothing involving bodily fluids, anything illegal, and anything involving animals or dead people. As I said, I do prefer a slow burn so lots of fluff and steaminess is good for me.

I am looking for someone willing to play the male main character and is willing to play multiple characters. I would like someone who can post at least once a week, and will help move the story along and contribute to the plot. I do enjoy surprises, but I like to plan things as well, so OOC chat is a must. It doesn't have to be personal, but I'm always willing to talk. It's entirely up to you, but I would at least like to plot things out together.

Now with all the messy stuff out of the way, onto my character and the plot!


Name: Rosabel Munterios
Age: 22
Family: Vireon Munterios (Father) Liora Munterios (Mother, deceased)
The kingdom of Letripon once served as a beacon of freedom, compassion, and safety in uncertain times. Surrounded by war on all sides, the king of Letripon refused to choose a side and become involved in the war; at least until Vireon took the throne. Decades of neutrality went out the window as the new king took advantage of the countries position. Vireon swooped in and took control of its neighbor to the west, a small kingdom pulled into the war because of long standing alliances. With its army stretched thin, Pelune didn't stand a chance against Vireon and his fully supplied military.

War raged on, Vireon continuing his invasions to take control of every kingdom he could, gaining more and more land, resources, and power. Still, it wasn't enough for Vireon.

Refusing to bow down to Vireon, the remaining countries called a truce and gathered their forces together on the borders of Letripon. Fighting on both fronts, the Letripon forces began to show a weakness. Those trapped outside the borders were unable to receive the resources that they needed, stealing all that they could from the war torn countries Vireon had taken over.

Furious that his kingdom was surrounded and isolated, Vireon gathered his advisors to come up with new battle plans and tactics. It was during one of these meetings that an idea was planted into the king's head, a sinister plot that would require a sacrifice.

Vireon could not know that Dervin, one of his advisor had his own sinister plans and that he was being strung along by forces far more powerful than him. A god, or so he claimed to be, had come to the advisor with an offer he could not refuse. Allow the god to possess the man's body and the man would be gifted with all the powers of his powers. However, what the god failed to share was that he only wanted one thing and once he got it, he would no longer have any use for Vireon or Dervin. What did the god want? The soul of Vireon's daughter, Rosabel.

At first glance, Rosabel's beauty is undeniable, with her long silver hair and gray eyes. She looked every bit the spitting image of her mother Liora when she'd first married Vireon. Unfortunately, they would share the same life of misery and abuse.

Liora and Vireon's marriage was anything but happy. From the moment Liora stepped into the castle of her future husband, Vireon made sure to keep the female under his thumb. Every night the queen was locked away in her chambers, only receiving her husband's attention to conceive a child. When a child was finally conceived, Vireon allowed Liora some freedom. Wanting his kingdom to see he would have an heir, the king paraded his wife around for all to see.

The queen barely survived Rosabel's birth, but she managed to live for another three years and conceive one more time, resulting in her and her son's death. Furious that he was left with a daughter rather than a son, Vireon wanted to get rid of the princess. However, the entire kingdom adored the child who looked exactly like her mother. Eventually, Vireon pawned the princess off on the servants and had nothing at all to do with her, until she turned thirteen and gained her powers.

The entire castle was startled when the usually calm and quiet princess suddenly became irritable and withdrawn. No one was prepared for what would happen at the stroke of midnight on the princess' 13th birthday.

The entire castle was woken up by the screams that ripped from Rosabel's throat only moments before her mouth opened to spew out thousands of shadowbugs. The bugs did nothing but flutter around and eventually disappear, but there was no question where they came from. The only question was, what exactly were they?

It was soon discovered that Rosabel had the power to control shadows and the shadowbugs were not only a way of protecting herself, but a release for her magic when it became too much for her body to handle. From that moment on, Rosabel's life changed for the worst as her father's focus became locked on her and would remain that way for the following 9 years. Vireon forced Rosabel to train from morning to night, learning everything about her magic, strengthening it, and gaining control of it. Her training was brutal, even more so when her father began to lock her powers once her training was over.

It became a punishment. Vireon would lock away Rosabel's powers, forcing her to go through combat training for weeks at a time while her powers began to build up. He would wait until the princess was in physical pain to finally unlock her powers. Tossed into the middle of the forest, trapped in a barrier, the king would send one of his servants to remove the necklace from around Rosabel's neck. The first time it happened, unable to control her magic, the shadowbugs picked the servant apart, leaving nothing more than bloodstained bones. Rosabel was left traumatized while the king gained something to taunt the princess about.

And that's how it was for years, at least until the tides began to turn for the king. His original plan was to use his daughter as a weapon. With her magic, he knew he could easily slice through the other kingdom's numbers. However, he did not want his daughter's powers to be discovered. Not when Dervin came to him with a deal. If Vireon sacrificed his daughter, the god would give him Rosabel's powers which would allow him to destroy the armies on his own. It wouldn't matter if they learned of his magic; they wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Vireon eagerly agreed, already plotting his daughter's death the moment he sent his guards to find her. Conflicted about what they were about to become a part of, the guards decided to escape with the princess and flee to the borders in hopes one of the kingdoms would accept Rosabel as a refugee.

Three weeks have passed since then. Rosabel and the guards remain on the run. They steer clear of villages and towns, fearing that word would get back to Vireon. However, the guards realize the flaw in their previous plans when they realized that Letipron was seen as the enemy and they would have to find a way to sneak the princess past all armies to get her to safety.

YC will obviously be the enemy prince (I would like it if they were arranged to be married.) who is at the frontlines when Rosabel and her group attempt to sneak around both armies in hopes of finding a sanctuary. However, before they can make their way to freedom they are captured by YC's army and brought before the prince. He takes them prisoner to be used for hostage exchange once the war is over, believing they are simply guards who decided to abandon their posts and flee before their kingdom fell. Rosabel attempts to maintain the facade, wanting the prince to believe she is nothing more than a guard. However, she is recognized and quickly identified as the princess. Knowing her value, the prince takes it upon himself to keep a close watch over Rosabel, who is not only a female surrounded by males far from home, but an enemy that many would gladly see dead.

As the princes leads his forces back to his capital with his prisoners, they are attacked by Dervin who is fully possessed by the god who wishes to take control of Rosabel's soul. This forces the two to work together to discover how to put a stop to the god before he can get what he wants.

Of course, there is plenty more to be worked out with whoever is interested. Feel free to send me a PM!
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