It's nice to find places like this still exist

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It's nice to find places like this still exist


Worldbuilder, story-teller, aspiring DM.
Local time
Today 8:18 AM
Hey everyone,

I used to write on RPG sites a lot when I was growing up but for one reason or another I fell off the wagon and didn't get back on for a long time. It's got to be at least 10 years since I posted! My main reason for coming back now is that I recently started playing a D&D style Warhammer 40k RPG and I wrote a little oneshot for my partner's new character, I think the pros call that a session zero (???).

It was my first shot at being GM and I loooooooooved it! At first I intended to spend a few hours, a day max writing the scneario but I found myself getting carried away worldbuilding the city that her character grew up in, writing multiple NPCs and their backstories and sitting up into the middle of the night and getting way too little sleep for work (sound familiar to anyone?). All in all I reckon I spent about 5 days writing this little oneshot and like I said, I loooooooooved it.

It reminded me of how much fun writing can be; when you have that initial idea that leads to another, that leads to another and another another ad infinitum if you let yourself, and it made me want to start writing again. So, here I am!

I always try to reply in good time to my RPs but I've often overcommitted myself in the past, so I'll be trying to hold address that now since I have a fairly busy schedule. In terms of genre; I'll try pretty much anything at least once, but my favourites have to be fantasy (high and/or grim & gritty) and anything that's even a little bit steampunk.

I look forward to meeting y'all and writing some wonderful stories together!
Welcome!! If you have any questions, feel free to pop me a PM or @ me in chat if I'm not already around and actively chatting the place up. :)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to sanctum. -hands a goodie basket of snacks music and writing martial- Hope you find what you are looking for here in our slice of the pie
Welcome to sanctum. -hands a goodie basket of snacks music and writing martial- Hope you find what you are looking for here in our slice of the pie

*gratefully accepts wonderful goodie basket, instantly goes to town on snacks* Thank you *chomp* so much!
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