It’s pretty little psycho here!

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It’s pretty little psycho here!


Pretty Little Psycho
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Today 9:21 PM
My name is Stephanie....Well,I should start off with saying,I only write in first person. The other person can write however. I started this a novice, but have learned a lot since! I'm 5"2 112 lbs! I like being a good fighter not victim, but my fantasy,well one of them is to get kidnapped by a super sexy stranger who stalked me, and thinks he's in love with me! I'm honest,kind,loyal,but can be very impulsive,reckless,crazy,a bit insane, and I don't have much of a filter when it comes to saying things out loud! I like the bad boys,with a heart of gold! Pet peeves are,bullying of any kind,physical,emotional,racial,flaunting how much of an asshole you can be is extremely unattractive, People should respect others, and definitely not judge! I'm into political,environmental, and equality activism! Warning...when I most situations, I would probably do what I would do in real life! That's the cool thing about role playing,is you can pretend to be a totally different character, but still be yourself! I have a whole range of fandoms, to real life fantasy situations! I promise you will never get bored, and I won't leave a rp, without advanced notice. Also,I'm very open to my partners ideas to improve on the role playing! If you aren't enjoying the role play,we can try something else,or just go our separate ways,without any hard feelings! Well,I guess that's about it on me,I look forward to hearing from you! Oh, and, This is me in picture!


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Hey Steph,
Welcome to what I lovingly refer to as 'the mad house'.

We have a pretty laid back environment going on here but I suggest the first thing you do is read our rules, there aren't many but they are non negotiatable. Also they give you a pretty good feel for our ethos.

I will say you might struggle as a first person writer, alot of ppl are uncomfortable with it particularly when it comes to smut or romance because it can feel like self insertion or just cybering in the worst cases. ...however, persevere I am sure once people get to know you you will find people more willing to give you a chance.
(Personally I write opposite first person just fine.)

We are a pretty friendly group...the chat rooms are a great place to meet ppl, and ask any general questions. We also have a good giggle...We have an absolutely ZERO tolerance for drama here,you will be glad to hear.

We have a mugshot thread if you want to put your photo up, most of the regulars and staff are up there.

Other than that I would say this is an 18+ website so there are plenty of active under 21's I advise you put that disclaimer clearly at the top of your request thread to avoid disappointment and misunderstanding.

Hope you are able to find what you are looking for and that you have a grand journey doing it.

All the best
Look forward to seeing you around.
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Welcome to the game! I think you'll find your kind of RP here. Looking forward to seeing the stories you create!
Let me know if you have any questions.
ohhh is that a porcelain black reference i see there >.>

welcome to the sanctum !
i'm sure you'll find many great roleplayers here !
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