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Dungeon Master
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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- Try/Me
It may have only been about a week since I saw civilization last. This endeavor was becoming less and less fruitful. First we get hired by some crazy scientist to protect him while he goes about on some wild hunt, then he goes missing and the next thing you're doing is trying to reorient and get the fuck out of this giant fucking jungle. We saw the scientist, John Schruder, about 16 hours ago, but we haven't been able to pinpoint him.
"Sand daddy, what's your 20?" I asked into my coms, and the static of the radio comes out over the speaker, loudly.
"Two cliks to your west. Still no sign, Mercy." I sigh, adjusting the strap to my AR15. There was no way this fucking scientist got himself dragged off. Mark sighs as well, shifting his footing as he keeps an eye out to our surroundings.
"This is stupid. We just need to get out and state side and let them find his dumb ass." Mark grouches. I nod my head, turning to look the direction of sand daddy.
"Bring it in Sand, we're gonna hoof it out of here. Looks like this John guy got himself eaten." I huff, and begin fiddling with my compass. I can hear sand as he crashes through the thick brush next to us. I turn to look as he's coming in.
"Sand, what the fuck, we don-" I stop, because what's standing in front of us is a rather large tiger. Fuckfuckfuckfuck
"Nice kitty..." I coo, backing up a step, aiming my weapon at the beast. This could be the reason we can't find our scientist. Mark curses as he turns to look as well and I can hear the safety of his weapon snick off.
"Mark, still got that flash bang?" I whisper, lookin at him from the corner of my eye. The tiger growls, ears laid back. Her maw is coated in pieces of flesh and drips with blood. Did she take out Sand daddy that quickly? That quietly? Mark slowly reaches for the flash bang pinned to his chest armor, and yanks it off as carefully as possible.
"On three. One. Two..." Mark pulls the pin and tosses the canister at the feet of the tiger, as we both look away. The ringing in our ears will return at some point, but we needed to get out of here now.
BANG! The flashbang goes off, and the tiger recoils. Sound becomes an immense whistling noise but I am beating feet. I don't even care what direction I go, I am just trying to put distance between us and the tiger. Mark is on my right and he's keeping up well. Until he trips. He falls, but I don't hear him. I just barely register movement in the corner of my eye, and when I turn to look the tiger is already on him, a look of terror on Mark's face. I run faster, the tiger will be busy with Mark now. I had to get out. Now. I crash through vines and trees and bushes, ignoring the scrape of thorns as I rush through. As I run, I trip over a few rocks, but I don't hit the ground. I'm flying through the air. How did I not see the cliffside? Or the river? When was there a river?
I somersault through the air, spinning wildly before hitting the water. My head cracks against something hard and I wince before the world goes black.
*Sometime later*
I feel cold, and wet. Something moves over my leg, and it wakes me. I look down and scream. What-Narnia-Fucking-bullshit-is-that?! I screech and kick at the googley eyed creature with green skin and a lizard's body. It fucking touched me! I slap my hands against my chest and sides looking for my weapon, but when I cast my eyes around I notice several things. My weapon is wet and laying in mud too far to reach, and there are more of these googley eyed bastards. WTF. I rip my gerber knife from it's sheath and get up, crouched for an attack.
"C'mon, I'll be your huckleberry!" I growl, my southern accent making it's way through due to panic. Fuck this! I find a break in the gathering creatures and make a run for it. I don't know how hard I hit my head, but this was the worst hallucinations by far, and I did LSD back in the day! I use my arm to brace against the gnarled branches of the trees around me, and break through a clearing.
I stop, and turn. The breath knocked out of me by the sight. Unicorns graze lazily in the meadow in front of me, the silhouette of a large flying creature in the sky drops over the meadow and myself, causing the herd of unicorns to scatter. The large flying creature roared and my only known word for it is Dragon, but it's nothing like our myths and legends. This creature was covered in feather looking scales, and had large wings like a bird, but when it opened it's mouth, bright blue flames roared out to lick and burn everything it touched. Before I could register that this dragon was making it's way over to me, I am surrounded by a group of people. Oh thank fuck. Maybe it was all a halluci- Fuck. I look and each one of these people, men now that I look, has pointed ears and long flowing hair underneath shining plate armor. I raise my hands as spears are levelled at me. I get it. I don't look like the natives. I drop my gerber and let two of the men bind my hands, they lead me off as a small group stays and deals with the dragon. I don't understand what they are saying, because even as they look at me and ask me questions, all I can do is shrug and tell them I don't understand. The looks on their faces is severe. I sigh as I am brought up on one of the horses and bound to the saddle like a sack of potatoes.
The group kicks off and soon I am bouncing around painfully on my stomach no more than a bedroll behind one of the soldiers. His hair is black and falls down in a tight braid that smacks me in the face every now and then. He wears the fanciest crest on his helm, and has the most decorations, so I assume he's in charge. This is getting old and quick. I can already feel bruises on my ribs from this treatment. By nightfall we reach a small outpost from the looks of it, a small outcropping of tents in the groves of trees they use for cover. I am untied from the saddle, and pulled from the horse, only to fall painfully on my ass. What the hells. I groan, and wince as rough hands grab me and haul me up. I am dragged to a tent and tied facing the center post. The rough hewn wood rubs against my face and chest. Someone moves behind me, the tent flaps rustle as they enter. The male from earlier, the leader, crouches down in my line of sight. He opens a small piece of cloth and shows me the bread inside. My stomach gurgles as I look, my mouth watering. Fuck I am hungry. He picks up the bread and holds it in front of me, does he want me to take a bite? Don't mind if I do. I bite off a good piece and groan at the taste. It's good, and I chew heartily before swallowing. But the cloth is folded up, and he tucks it into a bag at his side. He had taken his armor off, and wore a black tunic and breeches underneath, all elaborately made.
He stands in front of me and he's talking softly to two other guards, and they exit the tent as quickly as they came in, but not far off by my estimate. Maybe they are to stand guard? The elven man in front of me utters a few words in a creepy singsong voice and lays his hand on my head. I hiss at the touch but whatever he did I didn't feel much of anything.
"Can you understand me now?" His voice sounds better this way, less...alien. Wait. I can understand him. Ok. well that changes things.
"Yes...?" I look up at him, my hands aching from the tight ropes. "Do you really think this is necessary? I'm just lost, can you let me go?" I try my best 'scared female' act, but the elf in front of me scowls.
"No. You could be a spy. I cannot let you loose to do whatever damage you wish. No you're mine until I deem you safe." His vice softens at that last part, and his hand brushes through my red curled hair. I snap at his hand, trying to bite off a finger, or anything.
"Fuck off, don't touch me. I'm not no pet, nor am I a prisoner. Let me the fuck go and maybe we can have a civil conversation." I snarl at him, trying to loosen the ropes around my wrists. He chuckles darkly.
"No you don't understand." That's when I see it, the cat-o-nine in his hands, held behind his back as he begins to pace in front of me. That's why I was tied this way, my chest painfully pressed against the trunk in front of me, my arms high over my head, feet tied apart. They were going to torture me. The elf disappears from view, and I can feel the cold touch of a blade along my skin.
Slowly, he rips and cuts my clothes away. Ruining my belt and my tactical equipment. Fuck. That was a lot of money. I shiver when the whip is brought to dangle across my back, sending gooseflesh over my skin.
"Not so different from us, are you?" He purrs in my ear, and I try to headbutt him, to no avail. He tsks at me, and before I can come up with a snarky reply I feel the rivers of hot pain stripe across my back. I grunt from the force and pain, fingers balled into tight fists.
"Where did you come from?" He grits out behind me.
"Go fuck yourself." I bite, clenching my jaw. Another strike across my back sends my head lolling to one side as pain causes stars to dance behind my eyes.
"I won't have to. I wonder, does your anatomy match?" He hisses in my ear again, suddenly close. The rough leather of the whip is pressed against the apex of my legs, pressing hard against my sex. I jerk my head, trying to hit him, but he dances out of range again. Sending another sharp slice of pain across my back. I can feel the hot trickle of blood as it makes a path down my body, down my legs, to pool at my feet. My knees are wobbling, I have nothing to support myself but the trunk I lean against now.
"Where are you from?" He asks again, teeth grazing against my ear, as the whip dangles across my shoulders. "Why are you here? Who sent you?" He rattles off the questions as if they are meaningless. Did he intend to keep me here?
"I fell off a cliff, and woke up here." I snarl, as again he presses the whip against my sex. I can't block him with my legs, or knees. My wrists ache and my fingers feel tingly and numb in places.
I can feel him press his entire body against me then, and I can feel his dick hard and throbbing against my backside. Wow. What the fuck.
"You're lying..." He presses his fingers against a large open wound on my back and drags his fingers through. I wince and hiss as he slicks his fingers with my blood, and I can hear him suck them clean. My back is throbbing in places.
"Tender morsel aren't you? Not anything I've ever seen before. Not in these parts." He grabs my hair at the base of my skull, and bends me back painfully to look up at him.
"Might have to keep those eyes of yours, they are so blue." He sneers at me, my back aches from the angle I'm bent into.
"Where did you come from?" He asks again, then slams my head against the trunk. My vision swims again, and I growl.
"I'm from America, you fucking Jeffrey Dahmer wannabe!" The whip sends hot trails across my back again, and this time I can't hold it back anymore. I scream.
"Ah now she's singing for me!" He preens, getting close again. I can hear fabric slide, but my head is spinning. Nothing registers until something hot and hard presses against my sex. I wince as he presses himself against me, and rubs the fabric of his shirt against the open wounds on my back. He takes a moment to align himself, before plunging into me. I scream again, feeling him deep inside me. It hurts, the pace he sets. He's diving deeper into me with every thrust, impossibly deep, and I can't stop the tears that form from the invasion. I vow to myself that I'm going to kill this motherfucker in every painful way I can. Maybe I'll do what the Norse did, and blood eagle his ass.
Every upward thrust sets me on my tiptoes, sends his shirt rubbing painfully across my back. I do my best to stifle the sobs and screams but he rips them from me with each hard drive into me. His hand finds the back of my neck and he digs his fingers into my neck. He slows. His free hand digging through something. I don't know what he's doing but after a moment, he presses something against my lips and covers my mouth and nose with his hands. I resist as long as I can until my lungs burn, but the hard metallic item makes it into my mouth coated in something slimey. He lets go of my nose and I suck in a deep breath, but he doesn't release my mouth or my neck. The metallic thing comes to life as he chants, and I can feel it writhe in my mouth. Everywhere the slime touches in my mouth I go numb. Before too long, I can't control my saliva, I can feel it building as the metal thing worms around until it makes it down my throat, expanding. Suddenly, my mouth is open, spread wide as the metal open cranks my jaw open. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. I squeal as my mouth is painfully cranked open, and the metal item stops moving, settling in my jaw and throat, opening me wide. I can't feel the pain so much anymore, not from whatever analgesic slime he coated it in.
"There now you look much prettier." He grins, moving behind me. He removes his cock from me and leaves me bare, liquid oozing down my thighs. Did he fucking cum inside of me? I couldn't even tell. The tent opening flaps, and I hear footsteps.
"Since you're being such a liar, I have to break you first. Maybe after a few weeks of this, you'll give us the answers we're looking for."
As he says that, another of the elves steps into view. He's covered in scars and tattoos, all tribal in nature, but he's naked, and my eyes widen at what he's packing. There's no way. Several more men filter past my line of sight and suddenly I am cursing John Schruder to an eternity of hell as the first of many males stuffs himself inside of my mouth, and another shoves into me from behind.
It may have only been about a week since I saw civilization last. This endeavor was becoming less and less fruitful. First we get hired by some crazy scientist to protect him while he goes about on some wild hunt, then he goes missing and the next thing you're doing is trying to reorient and get the fuck out of this giant fucking jungle. We saw the scientist, John Schruder, about 16 hours ago, but we haven't been able to pinpoint him.
"Sand daddy, what's your 20?" I asked into my coms, and the static of the radio comes out over the speaker, loudly.
"Two cliks to your west. Still no sign, Mercy." I sigh, adjusting the strap to my AR15. There was no way this fucking scientist got himself dragged off. Mark sighs as well, shifting his footing as he keeps an eye out to our surroundings.
"This is stupid. We just need to get out and state side and let them find his dumb ass." Mark grouches. I nod my head, turning to look the direction of sand daddy.
"Bring it in Sand, we're gonna hoof it out of here. Looks like this John guy got himself eaten." I huff, and begin fiddling with my compass. I can hear sand as he crashes through the thick brush next to us. I turn to look as he's coming in.
"Sand, what the fuck, we don-" I stop, because what's standing in front of us is a rather large tiger. Fuckfuckfuckfuck
"Nice kitty..." I coo, backing up a step, aiming my weapon at the beast. This could be the reason we can't find our scientist. Mark curses as he turns to look as well and I can hear the safety of his weapon snick off.
"Mark, still got that flash bang?" I whisper, lookin at him from the corner of my eye. The tiger growls, ears laid back. Her maw is coated in pieces of flesh and drips with blood. Did she take out Sand daddy that quickly? That quietly? Mark slowly reaches for the flash bang pinned to his chest armor, and yanks it off as carefully as possible.
"On three. One. Two..." Mark pulls the pin and tosses the canister at the feet of the tiger, as we both look away. The ringing in our ears will return at some point, but we needed to get out of here now.
BANG! The flashbang goes off, and the tiger recoils. Sound becomes an immense whistling noise but I am beating feet. I don't even care what direction I go, I am just trying to put distance between us and the tiger. Mark is on my right and he's keeping up well. Until he trips. He falls, but I don't hear him. I just barely register movement in the corner of my eye, and when I turn to look the tiger is already on him, a look of terror on Mark's face. I run faster, the tiger will be busy with Mark now. I had to get out. Now. I crash through vines and trees and bushes, ignoring the scrape of thorns as I rush through. As I run, I trip over a few rocks, but I don't hit the ground. I'm flying through the air. How did I not see the cliffside? Or the river? When was there a river?
I somersault through the air, spinning wildly before hitting the water. My head cracks against something hard and I wince before the world goes black.
*Sometime later*
I feel cold, and wet. Something moves over my leg, and it wakes me. I look down and scream. What-Narnia-Fucking-bullshit-is-that?! I screech and kick at the googley eyed creature with green skin and a lizard's body. It fucking touched me! I slap my hands against my chest and sides looking for my weapon, but when I cast my eyes around I notice several things. My weapon is wet and laying in mud too far to reach, and there are more of these googley eyed bastards. WTF. I rip my gerber knife from it's sheath and get up, crouched for an attack.
"C'mon, I'll be your huckleberry!" I growl, my southern accent making it's way through due to panic. Fuck this! I find a break in the gathering creatures and make a run for it. I don't know how hard I hit my head, but this was the worst hallucinations by far, and I did LSD back in the day! I use my arm to brace against the gnarled branches of the trees around me, and break through a clearing.
I stop, and turn. The breath knocked out of me by the sight. Unicorns graze lazily in the meadow in front of me, the silhouette of a large flying creature in the sky drops over the meadow and myself, causing the herd of unicorns to scatter. The large flying creature roared and my only known word for it is Dragon, but it's nothing like our myths and legends. This creature was covered in feather looking scales, and had large wings like a bird, but when it opened it's mouth, bright blue flames roared out to lick and burn everything it touched. Before I could register that this dragon was making it's way over to me, I am surrounded by a group of people. Oh thank fuck. Maybe it was all a halluci- Fuck. I look and each one of these people, men now that I look, has pointed ears and long flowing hair underneath shining plate armor. I raise my hands as spears are levelled at me. I get it. I don't look like the natives. I drop my gerber and let two of the men bind my hands, they lead me off as a small group stays and deals with the dragon. I don't understand what they are saying, because even as they look at me and ask me questions, all I can do is shrug and tell them I don't understand. The looks on their faces is severe. I sigh as I am brought up on one of the horses and bound to the saddle like a sack of potatoes.
The group kicks off and soon I am bouncing around painfully on my stomach no more than a bedroll behind one of the soldiers. His hair is black and falls down in a tight braid that smacks me in the face every now and then. He wears the fanciest crest on his helm, and has the most decorations, so I assume he's in charge. This is getting old and quick. I can already feel bruises on my ribs from this treatment. By nightfall we reach a small outpost from the looks of it, a small outcropping of tents in the groves of trees they use for cover. I am untied from the saddle, and pulled from the horse, only to fall painfully on my ass. What the hells. I groan, and wince as rough hands grab me and haul me up. I am dragged to a tent and tied facing the center post. The rough hewn wood rubs against my face and chest. Someone moves behind me, the tent flaps rustle as they enter. The male from earlier, the leader, crouches down in my line of sight. He opens a small piece of cloth and shows me the bread inside. My stomach gurgles as I look, my mouth watering. Fuck I am hungry. He picks up the bread and holds it in front of me, does he want me to take a bite? Don't mind if I do. I bite off a good piece and groan at the taste. It's good, and I chew heartily before swallowing. But the cloth is folded up, and he tucks it into a bag at his side. He had taken his armor off, and wore a black tunic and breeches underneath, all elaborately made.
He stands in front of me and he's talking softly to two other guards, and they exit the tent as quickly as they came in, but not far off by my estimate. Maybe they are to stand guard? The elven man in front of me utters a few words in a creepy singsong voice and lays his hand on my head. I hiss at the touch but whatever he did I didn't feel much of anything.
"Can you understand me now?" His voice sounds better this way, less...alien. Wait. I can understand him. Ok. well that changes things.
"Yes...?" I look up at him, my hands aching from the tight ropes. "Do you really think this is necessary? I'm just lost, can you let me go?" I try my best 'scared female' act, but the elf in front of me scowls.
"No. You could be a spy. I cannot let you loose to do whatever damage you wish. No you're mine until I deem you safe." His vice softens at that last part, and his hand brushes through my red curled hair. I snap at his hand, trying to bite off a finger, or anything.
"Fuck off, don't touch me. I'm not no pet, nor am I a prisoner. Let me the fuck go and maybe we can have a civil conversation." I snarl at him, trying to loosen the ropes around my wrists. He chuckles darkly.
"No you don't understand." That's when I see it, the cat-o-nine in his hands, held behind his back as he begins to pace in front of me. That's why I was tied this way, my chest painfully pressed against the trunk in front of me, my arms high over my head, feet tied apart. They were going to torture me. The elf disappears from view, and I can feel the cold touch of a blade along my skin.
Slowly, he rips and cuts my clothes away. Ruining my belt and my tactical equipment. Fuck. That was a lot of money. I shiver when the whip is brought to dangle across my back, sending gooseflesh over my skin.
"Not so different from us, are you?" He purrs in my ear, and I try to headbutt him, to no avail. He tsks at me, and before I can come up with a snarky reply I feel the rivers of hot pain stripe across my back. I grunt from the force and pain, fingers balled into tight fists.
"Where did you come from?" He grits out behind me.
"Go fuck yourself." I bite, clenching my jaw. Another strike across my back sends my head lolling to one side as pain causes stars to dance behind my eyes.
"I won't have to. I wonder, does your anatomy match?" He hisses in my ear again, suddenly close. The rough leather of the whip is pressed against the apex of my legs, pressing hard against my sex. I jerk my head, trying to hit him, but he dances out of range again. Sending another sharp slice of pain across my back. I can feel the hot trickle of blood as it makes a path down my body, down my legs, to pool at my feet. My knees are wobbling, I have nothing to support myself but the trunk I lean against now.
"Where are you from?" He asks again, teeth grazing against my ear, as the whip dangles across my shoulders. "Why are you here? Who sent you?" He rattles off the questions as if they are meaningless. Did he intend to keep me here?
"I fell off a cliff, and woke up here." I snarl, as again he presses the whip against my sex. I can't block him with my legs, or knees. My wrists ache and my fingers feel tingly and numb in places.
I can feel him press his entire body against me then, and I can feel his dick hard and throbbing against my backside. Wow. What the fuck.
"You're lying..." He presses his fingers against a large open wound on my back and drags his fingers through. I wince and hiss as he slicks his fingers with my blood, and I can hear him suck them clean. My back is throbbing in places.
"Tender morsel aren't you? Not anything I've ever seen before. Not in these parts." He grabs my hair at the base of my skull, and bends me back painfully to look up at him.
"Might have to keep those eyes of yours, they are so blue." He sneers at me, my back aches from the angle I'm bent into.
"Where did you come from?" He asks again, then slams my head against the trunk. My vision swims again, and I growl.
"I'm from America, you fucking Jeffrey Dahmer wannabe!" The whip sends hot trails across my back again, and this time I can't hold it back anymore. I scream.
"Ah now she's singing for me!" He preens, getting close again. I can hear fabric slide, but my head is spinning. Nothing registers until something hot and hard presses against my sex. I wince as he presses himself against me, and rubs the fabric of his shirt against the open wounds on my back. He takes a moment to align himself, before plunging into me. I scream again, feeling him deep inside me. It hurts, the pace he sets. He's diving deeper into me with every thrust, impossibly deep, and I can't stop the tears that form from the invasion. I vow to myself that I'm going to kill this motherfucker in every painful way I can. Maybe I'll do what the Norse did, and blood eagle his ass.
Every upward thrust sets me on my tiptoes, sends his shirt rubbing painfully across my back. I do my best to stifle the sobs and screams but he rips them from me with each hard drive into me. His hand finds the back of my neck and he digs his fingers into my neck. He slows. His free hand digging through something. I don't know what he's doing but after a moment, he presses something against my lips and covers my mouth and nose with his hands. I resist as long as I can until my lungs burn, but the hard metallic item makes it into my mouth coated in something slimey. He lets go of my nose and I suck in a deep breath, but he doesn't release my mouth or my neck. The metallic thing comes to life as he chants, and I can feel it writhe in my mouth. Everywhere the slime touches in my mouth I go numb. Before too long, I can't control my saliva, I can feel it building as the metal thing worms around until it makes it down my throat, expanding. Suddenly, my mouth is open, spread wide as the metal open cranks my jaw open. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. I squeal as my mouth is painfully cranked open, and the metal item stops moving, settling in my jaw and throat, opening me wide. I can't feel the pain so much anymore, not from whatever analgesic slime he coated it in.
"There now you look much prettier." He grins, moving behind me. He removes his cock from me and leaves me bare, liquid oozing down my thighs. Did he fucking cum inside of me? I couldn't even tell. The tent opening flaps, and I hear footsteps.
"Since you're being such a liar, I have to break you first. Maybe after a few weeks of this, you'll give us the answers we're looking for."
As he says that, another of the elves steps into view. He's covered in scars and tattoos, all tribal in nature, but he's naked, and my eyes widen at what he's packing. There's no way. Several more men filter past my line of sight and suddenly I am cursing John Schruder to an eternity of hell as the first of many males stuffs himself inside of my mouth, and another shoves into me from behind.