Character(s) Koda's Snack Shack

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Character(s) Koda's Snack Shack


The Rolling Stone
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✞ ▌│█║▌║▌║ THE DOG ║▌║▌║█│▌✞

Name: Jefferson Forrester ; 'Forrest'/'Forrester'
Age: Twenty-five
Weight: 240 lbs ; 109 kg
Height: 6'3" ; 190.5 cm
Occupation: D.o.G Ensign; S-Class Operative
| Highly Intelligent | Brusque | Intuitive | Irascible | Sarcastic | Possessive |Protective

Eating; Definitely eating... Meat, rather. He has trouble bowing to figures of authority, so he's well-known for having a sharp tongue and a nasty attitude, but he's typically pretty on top of his orders. He can't resist a fight, -loves them, really-, and he usually craves them so desperately that he'll antagonize any and all potential opponents in an attempt to draw them into one. He enjoys teasing others, namely those he feels to be lesser, but not at all limited to them alone. Unbeknownst even to he himself, Forrester is very partial to praise, and it is something he is neither used to nor something that he can get enough of.

Hates: He doesn't like to operate by anyone else's rulebook, and as such, he's become far too rebellious for the tastes of his supervisors. He hates orders, he hates vegetables, he hates cats, and he HATES those he deems to be overly weak.
Back to cats.
Cats. Cats. Cats. Do not bring FELINES anywhere near your D.o.G., you WILL regret it. If you like your cats, keep them to yourself.

He hates to be confused, so partners are advised to explain things to him in full before handing him anything considerably valuable. The idea that there's something he doesn't know can frustrate him in violent ways.

Extra bits
: Wears a cybernetic mask to hide his sharp teeth from view. Numerous jagged scars line his face and torso and the even the stitching has left its mark on his flesh. His right arm and leg are entirely cybernetic, as are approximately 15% of his brain and roughly a third of his internal 'organs'. He has an oral fixation with a tendency to taste things that hit his sensitive nose the right way, and remedies it with chewables, such as gum or scraps of rubber or leather. Yet another reason to wear a mask, that. As do all Delegates, there are some canine personality traits to contend with. Growling, lack of regard for personal boundaries, incessant sniffing, ravenous appetites, and fighting amongst themselves to establish a pecking order is common and to be expected.
Skills: Mixed martial arts, weapon mastery, enhanced senses/speed/strength, advanced first aid/medical expertise, warfare, physical/mental perseverance, technologically advanced/computer literacy. Investigative abilities.

Father: N/A
Ward/Current Employer: N/A
Sergeant Major Oswald J. Martins III -
Past academy instructor and mentor. Still in charge of Forrester's job placements. They're very close, and Forrester never disobeys him. Martins is a very compassionate man and treats Forrester almost like a nephew or a younger brother.
Mitchell Church: A friend and training rival. They were instructed together and occasionally cross paths during work.
Winston Marbury: An asshole that always gets assigned to jobs that oppose his. Forrester is convinced it's intentional. He wants Winston dead.
Rory Ruchek: That bitch. See 'Winston Marbury'; Add huge tits. She's the bane of his existence and he wants her dead, too.​
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✞ ▌│█║▌║▌║ THE CARETAKER ║▌║▌║█│▌✞

Name: Rhydian Long
Age: Twenty-two
Weight: 180 lbs ; 82 kg
Height: 6'2" ; 188 cm
Occupation: Estate Caretaker ; Apprentice Monk


| Respectful | Intelligent | Compassionate | Stubborn | Formal | Protective | Curious | Fearless |

Fruits, vegetables, eggs, pastries. As a vegetarian, Rhydian doesn't much care for eating meat, though does not think poorly of those who DO partake of meats, fish, and poultry. This is his third year as such. He has a monstrous sweet tooth and is easily coerced with the promise of various treats and confections.

Learning is another insatiable hunger of his. He reads any and everything and is unafraid to ask blunt, straightforward questions, no matter how nosy or inappropriate they may seem. His posture, manner of speaking, and overall disposition are beyond dignified, and he's very conscious of his etiquette even when he's by himself. His curiosity knows no bounds and his sense of danger is nonexistent at best, meaning he often walks right into dangerous situations for the simple sake of investigating them and quelling his desire for knowledge. Thus, he tends to seem a bit... idiotic, at times.

Rhydian is also partial to napping, and can fall asleep practically anywhere. Animals are another favorite, and they generally like him, as well.

Meat. This is more a personal conviction, as his instructor was a lover of fish and ate it daily. Rhydian doesn't much care for cruelty or for those who prey upon the weak, and is very vocal about this.

Technology, as he was never allowed it and so does not understand it well. The estate has a landline, and Rhydian was finally permitted a cheap flip-phone about a year ago. That is the full extent of his comprehension of modern tech.

Fashion has never been Rhydian's strong suit, not after a modest upbringing. Despite his amusing personality, his wardrobe is bland and inconspicuous.

Social gatherings. He has been far removed of his youth and could use a little shock of culture in his life, really. His social etiquette is strained and he isn't the best with media or pop culture references outside what he has read in library books. I.e., Harry Potter and Narnia debates are entirely manageable, but discussing popular horror movies is a no-go.

Extra bits
Rhydian took up his instructor's surname as a result of the adoption.

Shaolin Wushu and use of Gunshu via staves and polearms. These are old crafts but have been passed down since the estate fell under the protection of the Caretakers that have inhabited it for the past 2000 years. Not all Caretakers have been of Chinese origin, but the teachings have remained relatively unchanged as Caretakers typically do not have to leave the estate often. Rhydian is very nimble and his reflexes are fantastic.

Caretakers are brought up to be very self-sufficient, and alongside their usual teachings, also learn to maintain the property and the garden both. Cooking, first-aid, and other household chores are common knowledge, as well.

Mother: N/A
Father: N/A

'Master Long' ; Long Zhiyi -
Rhydian's late adoptive father and instructor. Despite his being strict, the two were incredibly close.
-Friend One-: ---------------------
-Friend Two-: ----------------------
-Friend Three-: ------------------​
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