Koty's Literary Children / Torture Subjects

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Koty's Literary Children / Torture Subjects


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My characters, organized by RP

Unamed Roleplay with @Ruin

Name: Meliora Vawdrey
Pronunciation: Mel-ee-orah + Vah-dree
Goes by: Liora
Social Class: Middle-class, the daughter of an honored knight, defender of darkness and its creatures.
Age: 25

House Vawdrey, honored by her father single-handedly, has little to no stock in nobility. Though having conquered many in battle, and earned honor countless times, there is only so much favor to be pulled for the daughter of such an accomplished knight, especially when her mother remains a mystery. Rumor has it, Meliora was conceived from the devil himself- or at least a deal was made with the devil at some point as Sir Cyprian of House Vawdrey had never taken a wife or mistress to the public's knowledge. The townspeople say he conjured himself a child of his own blood, from thin air due to being lonely through his many years of service.

Meliora was kept a secret for most of her life, mostly due to who her mother was and what ran so rapidly through her veins, the powers of a great sorceress. To Cyprian's knowledge, he had only bedded a common whore who needed the money to survive, but once he had come back around town a few years later, she was with a child who had an uncanny resemblance. The thing was, the woman was ill, and the child was out of control at just the young age of three, spouting off in fits and ruining the neighbor's crops and animal stock. Never by mistake, but it was just the liability of having a child with uncontrolled ability.

Cyprian agreed to take over as the girl's charge, seeing as it was his blood and she would have no one to look after her once her mother passed. The honored knight had to get her under control, however, so when he moved her to his own domain she was placed under the watchful eye and training of a skilled sorcerer. Many years had passed and once retired, Cyprian felt comfortable enough to begin to bring his beloved daughter to the banquets and ceremonies he had been invited to, which is when she had been discovered. The mystery of it all had the admissions council warry of her attention to the college of Magic- but they could not say no to her father after all he had done for the king in the past.

Meliora is quiet and meticulous, she doesn't have much social experience due to her childhood being locked away, so she is constantly thinking about what comes next and how best to present what she has to say. Since she never had interactions with children other than her own reflection, she does know how to communicate in a mature fashion, but often has dry humor when it does come up. Meliora is a bit afraid of the idea of having children one day due to her confusing past and is can be untrusting of most men due to an incident between her and her mentor, which her father still doesn't know about.

Confident with her ability to dive into the unknown, Meliora is eager to learn all she can about wielding magic, both dark and light to create a name for herself- a name that is known for more than just the child that emerged from the darkness.


Name: Savia Ryall "Stone"
Pronunciation: Sah-vee-uh + Rye-all
Goes by: Savia, Sav, Via
Social Class: Eurasian Nomad, Peasant
Age: 18

Savia, offspring of traveling fortune tellers- or thieves more like it- wants more than her family has planned for her. Having grown up among a dozen other children in the middle of the woods, the fiery redhead just wasn't making the cut for the performing lifestyle her parents were trying so hard to get her to participate in. Sure, she had tried once or twice, but without proper training, she was limited to the tricks of gambling on the streets were only so much to get them by.

It was recommended to her, by her own kin to start selling herself for a better wage, but that just didn't sound beneficial or smart at all. That was likely how the people who raised her wound up with so many children, and the children whom already had their own babies. Where Savia comes from, there is no "mom," or "dad," there is no loyalty if someone gets in a bind, it is everyone for themselves in the city- kill or be killed. If you're a Ryall, you may as well be feral to the common people. They are known and often avoided because of their tricks and cunning nature.

Even beyond the city, in their small colony in the woods, filled with their blood kin, there is no parents, or siblings, or close family. It is one large family and they live under the simple rule that everyone looks out for everyone. As wholesome as it may sound, and it may be more than some have had in the past, Savia wants so much more. Knowing the basics of Magic, the witty girl enrolled herself at the college after getting away with a few stollen goods to make herself up. She even changed her last name, as to not be discovered- and as payment- well she is still working that out, but one thing is for sure, she is going to be more than a Ryall.


Name: Laria Riedel
Pronunciation: Lah- ree - ah + Rye- del
Goes by: Laria
Social Class: Lady of house Riedel, eldest daughter of King Riedel
Age: 21

Being the third youngest child of the king, Laria had little to no hopes of taking over her kingdom one day. Sure, it was possible, but with both of her brother's being older than her, it was not likely to happen. Laria had a blissful childhood, loved by both of her parents, all of her siblings and the people of her realm. She is kind, generous, and a perfect lady. What she is not- is someone independent of her family's name. Her second to eldest brother had taken up the promise of a knight, and her younger sister had already begun her trade as an entrepreneur of goods and services for nobles. Laria thus far was just good with people.

Laria has a fondness for animals and had kept horses as a past time and considered pursuing her own trade and breeding business, but when it came the time a horse was old or injured, the girl could never bare it. Laria has a difficult relationship with death, one of her siblings had mysteriously passed away at a very young age and another one had been a close call at the hand of someone with magic. It was magic, however, that saved her sibling. Enchanted with the idea she too, could one day save the lives of those she loved and cherished, or perhaps made things easier for the people of her realm, Laria pled with her parents to allow her to study magic at the college.

Reluctant, her parents did agree to this, so long as she wrote on occasion and came home for a holiday or two until her studies had finished. Almost immediately, Laria was sent off with but three guards across many nations to attend the college and learn all she could about magic, and what magic could teach her about the world. Having been born a noble, or royal, or however you put it, the girl spent most of her journey trying to master the art of lying- at least for her identity's sake. Laria wanted to be normal, she didn't want special treatment and for once, she wanted to be free form the social rules and laws that normally confined her.

Unaware of most devious behaviors and intentions, Lady Laria can come off quite doe-eyed and too optimistic when it comes to others she meets. The young woman has the best of beliefs for most she meets and tends to become invested quickly in friendships, as she hadn't experienced any genuine ones back home.
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