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รข ส…ฮฑ ฯฯƒส…ฮนาฝ
Local time
Today 8:22 PM

Welcome to to my humble shop, my name is Koa and if you're anything like me then you'll like what you see here. Don't be shy, stay for a while~

What to expect from me:
I don't have a strict length I really prefer to flow as my partner does. (even though i tend to write 3-4 paras). If it so calls for MC to be on their own then the reply will be long but if my characters actions rely on your characters next ones then my reply will be short. I don't like a story where we seem to battle who can write the longer paragraph. Here is an example of a starter I've written recently:

"Tell me," Her voice was a spiraling curse that intoxicated it's victim, drew them in and led then to an untimely death. "Do you think I'm pretty?" It was a redundant question with the answer already known, yet she liked to see them flustered, not knowing what to do, fumbling under her touch, and desperate to please her.

"Y-yes,'re beautiful. You're a beauty darling." He wasn't a pretty man or even relatively good looking, but his pockets were heavy with gold and influence. He seemed to like to act as if he had himself under control and unbothered by a common woman like herself. Yet, she saw his hands twitch on the arms of the chair, his eyes struggled to stay on her face and always inevitably dipped down. She could tell he was mentally begging to touch her. The way the silk robe fell just enough to see skin that wasn't taboo and yet, also not something he was supposed to be seeing. The way she knew he could see the outline of her body, just barely, see the silk drag against her delicate skin. Any one man would wish it could be his hands instead.

She smiled. "How flattering." Fingers gloved in silk graced the edges of his face with their soft touch and tilted his chin up to make eye contact with the devious woman in his lap. Men were so weak. A few little touches and there he was falling under her control. A good little pig. She leaned in and placed one small soft kiss on his cheek as her blade found home lodged firmly in his well-fed gut. "But perhaps you should pay better attention next time" She whispered venomously.

She heard him gasp for air and groan in pain but she knew it would be over quickly, if he was lucky anyway. "Oh I wouldn't pull that out if I were you, sugar, then you'll really bleed to death. Leave it in and you might have the chance of surviving long enough for the police to get here." She was long gone from her previous seat inspecting the jewels he had so carelessly thrown about. Lamps adorned with dangling pearls, gold pouring out onto his dark oak desk and an ornate little jewelry box with more than a few pieces heavy with diamonds. She had to admit they were gorgeous, they would sell for a hefty price later.

"You bitch" His voice was weak but angry, typical of any man who had just been fooled. His poor ego had deflated like an old birthday balloon and now his pride would be raging.

"Don't feel bad. You aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last that's fallen for it" She finally turned to her latest victim with cold hazel eyes, but she could see he was already gone. Tsk. It was always the ones with their "holier than thou" attitude who died first.

"I'll make sure you didn't die for no reason." In her voice was the smallest hint of compassion. She didn't like killing people but she would do what needed to be done, and it wasn't as if these men didn't deserve it. You don't hoard as much wealth as this without stepping on the backs of more then a few people. She would admit her family was never one that got stepped on, but she wouldn't allow them to get there either.

The blade of her knife was almost clean and her small bag stuffed with all it could hold when she heard a small sound. Her head snapped up and she grinned. Hopefully her little witness had treasures as well, it had been quite a while since she scored two in one. "Hello there?" She called out in a sing-song tune, "I know you're there so there's no use in hiding, sugar." She walked forward slowly, her shoulders coming up and sliding the faux fur and silk robe up farther over her body. Slowly Lottie pulled her gun from where it was secured on her thigh "Don't make things harder on both of us now."

She paused at the doorway, and turned the corner quickly holding the gun out in front of her. When there was nobody there to ambush her she let out a small breath. Her victim was down the short hall looking out of the window. "I wish things could be different, believe me, sugar, I truly do," A small click from her gun resonated in the silent hall of the house "But what do they call it? Wrong place wrong time?" She didn't wait another moment to fire off three rounds, each hitting her target, making the body shake with the force and then fall to the ground.

She tucked her gun back and walked to the body "Hopefully, you weren't a waste of time. " She grunted, trying to get them over and begin to go through the pockets. Something was off though she could feel it. Maybe it was that blood didn't keep spilling out onto the pristine white carpeted floor or that the skin just seemed a little too lively. Or maybe his eyes which didn't hold the same glassy look at her victims tended to. Paranoia, is what she slapped over the instinct. There was no way anyone would survive those shots. She hummed satisfied as she pulled a gold ring from the pocket of them. It wasn't until she stood up she noticed the twitch, first a finger than an arm. Dead bodies do not move.

"What in the hell?" She stumbled backwards and grabbed out her gun to shoot what was supposed to be a dead body but they were up before she could pull the trigger. A small whimper escaped her as she shot off four more shots, none affecting them. "Who are you?"
click here to see this rp in Poe's Corner

I often find my self busy so there will be plenty of times you might have to wait a day or a few for a reply (and to be completely honest I might just forget to check this website) But if you're worried I might be here and have forgotten about you simply send a kind bump. Sometimes I also just get stuck or lose motivation so talking it out can help. If you bump be every four hours though it's a guaranteed drop.

I love romance so every plot i do will have romance in it even if that is not the point of the plot. If you are not interested in romance, you won't find a plot here. I like to play strong female leads, but sometimes i will branch out and play softer more easily approachable characters (these characters will not be groomed to be that way, i find that disgusting and i won't rp it). I adore love-hate relationships, slow burns but also love at first sights (as long as it's not cringy). I enjoy little bits of slice of life mixed into my plots just to ground the rp, to me it makes the characters seem more believable and loveable. I write MxF, and FxF, i used to write MxM but i'm taking a break from that. I tend to be really laid back and i enjoy talking to plot or just talking in general so don't think i'll bite!

What I expect from you:
1. Please have some patience, I will probably have more than one rp going and not only do I get tired sometimes my muse for certain things just fades for a bit. Please just be honest with me about how you're feeling and i will do the same

2. If we make a plot together then it is our story, I don't like to carry the whole thing by myself. for example if your character only reacts to things my character did, but doesn't do anything else then I won't have anything to keep my replies coming.

3. Do not god mod.

4. Even if our replies have gotten to a short point from close interaction with characters I still expect detail.

5. I write on my phone so please excuse some typos and that not all of my "i"'s are capitalized. I promise I know basic grammar

6. If 2/3 of your response is just your characters thoughts then you're writing novella for no reason. Yes I love detail I adore detail but action is a must. Things have to happen so that I can keep replying. If you do this then the end result is that you get e because I get anxiety about matching your length.

I will italicize the half the the pairing i prefer if i have a preference and put stars by the ones I'd be most likely interested in doing.

Jazz Singer x Crime boss
Princess x Princess (from rival countries)
**Bully x Victim (in the future. Ex. Office setting)

I won't play canon characters but here are some fandoms i would be okay with building a world in:
-The 100
-Soul Eater
-Altered Carbon
-The Order

I do have a mini set of rules for plots. If you find one that interests you please message me as i'd like to keep my thread clean and i'd like the only comments to be me bumping it. If you do comment instead of messaging me I will not answer to avoid encouraging this to happen.

Hero Society

Two best friends born from elite families find themselves separated when they are forced to choose between being a hero of society or a villain. Little do they know in the future MC (who chose to become a hero) will be used to dismantle YC in an attempt to ensure they would never become too powerful. While this doesn't necessarily give off the feeling of a slice of life rp i'd like it to have weirdly slice of life qualities. For example instead of meeting in an epic battle maybe they meet that morning in a coffee shop on accident. Not only do these small unexpected qualities help form more natural relationships it keeps the story light and fun to write.

La Ville

In an age of crime MC runs a mafia, in order to keep her identity hidden and to ensure she is always respected by other rivals she uses YC as a cover up. But with their close interactions they quickly become closer than they should have which makes a problem when MC goes missing leaving YC with the choice to forget about her and take over her fortune or risk everything for the love of his life.

YC is an outcast not loyal to anyone or anything, running errands trying to make ends meet, but returning from running and errand for MC's rival she is captured and injured my MC's men. While in MC's care they grow closer than expected.

Say You'll Remember Me

When MC's spouse dies she spends months in utter despair she's not sure how to live without her other half, and she's on the verge of losing her job. Then she starts noticing strange things around the house which get more and more noticeable until one day she sees them again. I would like for them to try to pursues a relationship as neither of them are able to let go, even through the obstacles one big one bro g nobody else can see or hear YC.

The Maid
YC lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere and decides to hire some help (YC can have a spouse and kids or be completely alone your choice) Previously not believing in same sex relationships YC finds it weird when she genuinely begins to fall in love with the new maid who she's hired to help her keep up with things.

Kinks And Limits
If you attempt to include something I have in the "No" section you will get ignored, as adults we should all be able to read. As much as i enjoy some good smut it's not that good without story and it can actually get quite boring, so let's not make smut the focus of any plots!

-Ex. Babydoll, Babygirl and other more NSFW names
-Sexual Tension/Teasing
-Restraints (light bondage)
-Orgasm Denial
-Power Play
-Ex. Love bites/hickies, bruises on hips or breast's
-Open to a lot so if it's not in the NO list and you're not sure then feel free to ask!

(Also i wanted to clear up I don't count dubious consent as rape. As long as my character says yes, or clearly is okay with what's happening/encourages it to go on without being threatened it is okay

-Beastiality/ Necrophilia/ Underage Characters and settings

-Foot Fetish
-Fetishization of any LGBTQ characters
-Bathroom play (scat, pee, vomit)
-Fear play

-Blood Play
-Non-Sexual torture
-Hyper bodyparts /body mods

Last edited:
Bump! Craving the sample starter idea listed in Poe's corner! Also added some things โค๏ธ
Bump! ๐Ÿ’– Craving Once An Angel
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