Both Needed Let's get Writing {6-8 writers}

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Both Needed Let's get Writing {6-8 writers}

Zemirah Aaronsohn

Sleeping Vampire
Local time
Today 10:23 AM
Kennewick, Washington
Hi there I would like to write a role play that will eventually turn into a work of fiction. It can be from these genres: Romance (a decent storyline must be in-depth before smut happens. Modern and Historical Fiction Romance work). This is the genre I am most comfortable with but I am open to write others. I do not have to be the MC. Well if you would like write with me please feel free to drop a comment or pm me.
Hello! I actually would love to look for a collaborative writing partner, I've never done it before, but I guess you could say I have done so "secretly" as I consider all of my RPs collaborative fiction writing (I take my experiences and place them in my own work of fiction).

I've a few questions first, before giving a certain to partnering with you. First being, do you have a plot in mind, or are you looking for anything someone else will suggest? Second, I would like to know you're writing style better, and more of your interests so we won't have any unpleasant clashing if we do partner for a story. What are some themes you would not like in your story? (simple turn offs, "no"s, things that make you uncomfortable, etc.). I'm actually a pretty dark writer, I like a lot of abuse, crime, and evil in my stories, but I'm willing to go vanilla to an extent if you're completely opposed to it.

Can you actually tell me some of the things you are into, smut-wise for the story? (not that this is the leading factor), what type of romances do you like? Do you like drama, or are you looking for easy romance? Are you willing to deal with complicated relationships, like infidelity, blackmail, abandonment or would you prefer something more star-crossed, where no partner is at fault for the rocky situations in their relationship, just the outside forces that's trying to pull them apart? If it would help, tell me some cliches you enjoy, like Romeo and Juliet, or Cinderella, etc.

I can actually give you a few plots, and develop the story in a way where we can both share the MC spot light (I'm really good at it, besides, I don't really like to be in the spotlight, so I'm more than willing to give your character most of the shine, anyways).

Lastly, can you tell me more of what you are into? Fantasy or Realism? Are you looking for something with magic/super powers or plain/realistic mortal abilities. Also, what would you rather be, a "hero" or a "villain", and I don't mean this as a generic superhero story, I mean would you rather play someone who is good and wholesome, or someone who is more evil and edgy?

If you have any questions of me, I'll be happy to reply, and if you would rather answer my questions in private, let me know with a PM. Let's see if we can get something going!
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