Character(s) Liam’s Characters {WIP}

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Character(s) Liam’s Characters {WIP}

Liam Robin

Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Name: Adriano Tavares
Age: 25
Height: 5'10"
Language: Portuguese
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Hazel
Skin: Tan

Short bio: Little by little, more of the world was beginning to trust the dragons. Adriano Tavares's family were not amongst those who were willing to accept the dragons. For generations, their army had been among the strongest of those who opposed the dragons. Adriano was not ignorant of the rumors about him. That he was able to understand the dragons, and their battle plans. Though that was entirely ridiculous to him, he hadn't denied it. If anything, he thought belief in it could work in his favor.

Though now there was a call for peace. Too many men had died, and too few allies who shared the same view of the dragons. Though Adriano had no love for dragons, he knew that they couldn't remain at war much longer.
Name: Nate Motuz
Age: 29
Height: 6'0
Sexuality: Gay
Face claim:

Short bio: It had been months since Nate had seen or spoken to his family. Or anybody on the outside for that matter. He'd made sure not to leave a trace of where he was going when he left his apartment for the last time. Still, his thoughts of his old life were fleeting. They'd made it clear that they didn't want to see him, so he'd closed that chapter of his life.

It didn't matter. He'd found his place in Oasis. It was the last place he thought he would've ended up, but he'd been given everything he needed. It didn't hurt that he had become Tristan's right hand in such a short time, either.
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