Any Like horror? (or really anything else?)

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Any Like horror? (or really anything else?)

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Today 4:10 PM
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Hi, I'm Johnny, I'm genderfluid and 18. I've been writing, or at least making an attempt at it, for 10 years now? But I've never roleplayed before, this is uncharted territory for me mostly. I like to write things that are very focused on characters and their relationships. I'm partial to horror and anything grotesque and horror adjacent, but I wouldn't be against any other genre, just ask me!
With my preference for horror, I'm very tolerant of gore and violence. I also love body horror, like a lot. Smut is something I might write later on, but not at the moment. I'm not confident writing fandoms due to figuring out characterization and being uncertain of it. I can do FxF, MxM, and NBxF, M, NB, just not MxF. I'm not limited to romantic relationships either.
I think I could match my partner's replies give or take a bit, but I will do at least one paragraph at the minimum. Currently I work during the week and my job is a lot of physical work, so it tires me out. I won't be able to reply every single day, but more than once a week is perfectly fine for me. I'm in EST, responses will probably come after 5pm in this timezone. I would also be open to chatting with my partner, about the story or whatever else. I'd really like that communication.

Vague ideas
  • Detective partners (possibly faced against a criminal they can't get a lead on with the tension building and personal threats from this unseen party. Conflict between them yet also being eachother's most trusted companion)
  • Human x ghost/supernatural entity (love a normal person and someone they can't really understand and the conflict when they come into contact. I WILL EAT THAT UP.)
  • On that last one, I present an actual plot. A boat at sea close to the Arctic rescues a man with no signs of where he came from, and he doesn't answer. One crew member is tasked with taking care of him and begins to realize that this man isn't entirely human, but at this point he already cares about the strange man since he spends the most time with him. Eventual MxM, and the strange guy's name is Karel
I can be fairly flexible, just PM me if interested. Feel free to bring up any of your own plots and ideas, let's work together! I'm just starting out, but I learn things pretty quickly
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